Midwinter Festival, 1370 | Year of the Tankard | Alturiak 2, 1370 |
Alturiak 1, 1370: High = -15, Low = -30 Moderate precipitation (up to 3/4" rain or 2" snow) starting @ 5:20pm Wind gusting to 15 mph from the north. Clear sky most of the day. Jan & mercenaries begin trip to escort thief & horses back to Waterdeep. The mercenaries are apparently remaining in party employ for now and guarding Fair Winds. travel towards Silverymoon (1/4) watches: 1: Steve, Darius, Staric 7-11 2: Henkles, Deringa, Stalker, Chusnog 11-3 3: Denyae, Dexter, Steve, Oguch 3-7
Midwinter Festival, 1370 | Year of the Tankard | Alturiak 2, 1370 |