Alturiak 3

Alturiak 2, 1370 Year of the Tankard Alturiak 4, 1370

Alturiak 3, 1370: (nearly full moon)
    High = -15, Low = -30
    No precipitation
    Wind gusting to 15 mph from the prevailing direction.
    Partly cloudy.

    travel towards Silverymoon (3/4)

    6 more trolls that night.  Darius fireballs Henkles again.
    Henkles wounded to -4hp.
      8400xp to Darius, Denyae, Deringa, Dexter, Henkles, Oguch,
        Stalker, Staric and Steve for 5 Trolls

    Later that night, a patrol from Silverymoon comes by, questions
    orcs, offers escort party to Silverymoon.

Alturiak 2, 1370 Year of the Tankard Alturiak 4, 1370

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