Ches 26

Ches 25, 1370 Year of the Tankard Ches 27, 1370

Ches 26, 1370: (half moon, waxing)
    High = 35, Low = 15
    Moderate precipitation (2" snow) starting @ 7:40pm
    Wind gusting to 10 mph from the sea.

    A package arrives at Fair Winds from Silverymoon for Henkles of
    Iriabor.  In it are a note and an inner box (pine).  The note
    reads "Thank you ever so much for helping me continue this
    research project.  I would be grateful if you would drop me a note
    or two about how it performs in the field."

    The box contains Silver Strike.  The hilt has been rewrapped and
    the oak backboard/"sheath" has been replaced, although close
    examination will reveal that the original attachment mechanism and
    nickel studs have been reused.  Silver Strike now glows white
    (radius 30') whenever not attached to its backboard.  It is also
    clearly magical, well beyond the Everbright enchantment
    that was on it before.

    Henkles sends mail to Morgath:


    Dear Morgoth,

    Thank you for the loan of Silver Strike. I will be testing it under field conditions shortly. If you don't hear from me again, you can assume it went...badly. How long should I test it for before returning it to you?

    Henkles of Iriaebor


    The party checked the smuggler's cave and confirmed that the
    Reverential Coronet of Extroversion and keg of smoke powder were
    still intact.

    The party spellcasters begin a study project on the Curst.

    Henkles and the mercs went in search of Five-Fingers
    Randybuck. They found her and hired her to watch the Yawning
    Portal for signs of the Silent Travellers (8gp/day, 5 days in
    advance).  During the expidition, Henkles got into a bar fight
    with two sailors.
        155xp to Henkles for Thud Mindamas and Migar Goblinsblood

Ches 25, 1370 Year of the Tankard Ches 27, 1370

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