Ches 28

Ches 27, 1370 Year of the Tankard Ches 29, 1370

Ches 28, 1370:
    High = 25, Low = 10
    Heavy precipitation (4" snow) starting @ 5:10pm
    Wind gusting to 24 mph from the north.

    The party researches the Star Chaser and the curse, not learning
    much on their own.  They send Dexter to talk to the Church of
    Selune about it.  Some priests at the church agree to look into

    From their research, the spellcasters believe that reducing the
    Curst to dust and then casting Remove Curse on them might
    be worth a try.

    Visit from Arcturagana.

Ches 27, 1370 Year of the Tankard Ches 29, 1370

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