Ches 7

Ches 6, 1370 Year of the Tankard Ches 8, 1370

Ches 7, 1370:
    High = 0, Low = -10
    Trace precipitation (up to 1/8" rain or 1/2" snow) starting @ 1:20pm
    Wind gusting to 28 mph from the prevailing direction.

    The party spent the day travelling the rest of the way back to the
    gate by the route they had come by.

    In midafternoon the party spotted a large (over 7 feet) robed and
    cloaked figure watching them from uphill.  Dexter was sent on the
    flying carpet to approach within 300' to get a better look, but
    when Henkles also started advancing, the stranger cast Melf's
    Acid Arrow at Dexter (lasted 4 rounds, 19hp damage).  Dexter
    backed off but Henkles charged.  The stranger cast one spell at
    Henkles, which failed, before Henkles listened to the shouts of
    his comrades and also backed off.  The stranger then flew
    backwards away from them until it dissapeared over a ridge.

    Around dusk the party reached the gate and, after a short
    discussion, activated it for travel to G'Skorgogh Hur-Bahgtru (the
    Orc Village).  Oscho Skurgorg nuk'Bahgtru, the high priest, was
    satisfied with the salt and vinegar and quite pleased with the
    flying dog the party brought him as a gift.  He seemed pleased
    with Oguch's performance as well.
      12,000xp to party for completing 1st gate forray

    Chief K'Gorna-Nughk was willing to house the non-elvish party
    members for the night.  Those of elvish descent (Ag, Deringa,
    Dexter, Maanamere, Steve, Tristan) had to sleep outside.  They
    experimented with the tent and discovered that it looked like a
    2-person tent on the outside, but had room for 8 internally and
    also functioned as a Ring of Warmth.

    Darius spent the evening fending off the advances of a member of
    the chief's harem and was too tired to look at spell books.

Ches 6, 1370 Year of the Tankard Ches 8, 1370

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