Eleasias 16

Eleasias 15, 1369 Year of the Gauntlet Eleasias 17, 1369

Eleasias 16, 1369:

    Return to Silverymoon.

    In the early afternoon, AFAL was delivered out of the
    Igorson/Peterson office vault:
        1 Scroll of 
            3x Continual Darkness (unusable by Stewart) as cast 
            by a 12th level cleric
        1 Scroll of 
            1x Volume of Sweet Air as cast by a 12th level 

            2X flamewalk as cast by a 12th level 
        1 Scroll on mithril plate scroll holder  of
            Sanctify to Shar -- Stewart wanted to trash the scroll,
            AFAL decided to give it to the MoonKnights.  There was 
            no payment asked and none was offered except for the 
            scroll case (declined).  There has been a lot of quid 
            pro quo with the Silverymoon Moonknights (it is the 
            major temple) so AFAL should be getting a decent rep 
            at least within the temple.  
        1 Scroll of
            Map on one side, note to heirs on the other (on paper)

        1 Scroll of
            Letter in archachic dwarvish (underworld dialect).  
            Letter is as least as old as the time of troubles, 
            but is known to be at least 30 years old (When Dad
            stopped adventuring)  

    All loot was deferred and moved to the party treasure on the cart.

    That night after dinner, when the party dispersed to their rooms,
    Steve and Stewart were suddenly enveloped in magical silence and
    then attacked by skeletons.  The skeletons where of the same
    steel-reinforced, blackened variety that attacked the party
    outside the Tower of Loss on Flamerule 23rd.  They had been
    further fitted with climbing claws on hands and feet and were
    clinging invisibly to the ceiling before they attacked.  The first
    one jumped on Stewart and used its claws to keep him grappled and
    unable to turn them.  The second grappled Steve while the third
    attempted to get at his backpack.

    The silence spell extended into the adjacent rooms, which quickly
    got the attention of Henkles and Darius on one side and
    Narthandarkanas nha Kandar, a dwarven Battleforger of Tempus, on
    the other side.  Narthan's travelling companion was asleep and
    missed the whole thing.  The three of them rushed out into the
    corridor and as Darius yelled for Maanamere and Misery Jones,
    Henkles and then Narthan joined the fight.  Darius discovered that
    in a silence spell with no weapon proficiencies, there wasn't
    anything he could do in the fight, so he stood in a corner and
    watched.  Meanwhile, Stewart had done some good damage to his
    skeleton and Steve had found an innovative (and remarkably
    effective) way of attacking his by slamming into the wall.  The
    only real danger was the third skeleton, who was apparently
    digging through Steve's backpack for the magic chimes.

    The tide of battle turned pretty quickly after that, with Henkles
    and Narthan and, shortly thereafter, Maanamere and Misery Jones
    all pitching in to the fight.  All three skeletons were destroyed
    before the third on reached the chimes.

    Afterwards, Stewart took the skeletons apart piece by piece.  In
    the process, he discovered magical runes set in the underside of
    the iron plates.  The party looked for any sign of the mage sigils
    on the chimes, but didn't find them.  However, in the skullcaps of
    the skeletons they found a rune which they identified as the
    symbol of the Cult of the Dragon - a secret society of
    Dracolich worshippers.  The party thanked Narthan and chatted with
    him over beer.  They were very interested to learn about the
    Battleforger ability to identify magic weapons on sight.  Narthan
    provided some extra information about Sear and the party invited
    him and his companion to join them in their foray the next day.
        620xp for skeletons (to all but Dexter & [Kathy])
        50xp to Steve for slam dancing with skeletons.
        25xp to Stewart for finding runes.

Eleasias 15, 1369 Year of the Gauntlet Eleasias 17, 1369

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