Hammer 12

Hammer 11, 1370 Year of the Tankard Hammer 13, 1370

Hammer 12, 1370: (half moon, waning)
    High = 0, Low = -10
    Moderate precipitation (2" snow) starting @ 3:20pm
    Wind gusting to 50 mph from the prevailing direction.
    Partly cloudy most of the day.

    Excerpt from the notes for The Amazing Autiobiography of Jan of Halruaa, Sometimes called Misery Jones, Part I - The Humble Years a work in progress.

    2 hours after the sun is straight up there is a load bang and smoke over Waterdeep mountain. We make our way to the commotion and find a warehouse on fire. One corner burned incredibly hot. Other items burned were food and common goods. It was boring and there was no money it so we went home. The fire is controlled by the Watchful Order.

    Manamere bribes M'rap M'rap to catch the mouse he found last night under his bed while sensibly hiding from the cute it again. He has painted a sign saying "Do Not Di¿tirb" for his window. M'rap is drunk and yowls a lot. Still sings better than I do.


Hammer 11, 1370 Year of the Tankard Hammer 13, 1370

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