Hammer 20

Hammer 19, 1370 Year of the Tankard Hammer 21, 1370

Hammer 20, 1370: (new moon)
    High = 10, Low = 0
    Moderate precipitation (2" snow) starting @ 5:40am
    Wind gusting to 42 mph from the west
    Partly cloudy most of the day.

    wake to find fluffy ran off

    ursula & maanamere on DRG

    party sets ambush at far end of forest

    invis Stalker skis out to where they should be, not there

    invis darius goes up on rug (although ursula is better at getting
    it up) spots ST approaching through woods, warns party, dexter
    casts prayer

    party opens w/phantasmal fireball, snilloc's & entangle on ST &
    horses, take out several (incl priestess) immediately, melee
    ensues, stalker sneaking up spots F/T sneaking other way,
    backstabs.  Boradub spots MU, attacks w/Henkles & Moogh.  Kades
    Thadestidesgar & Alril Elarorrieth surrender.  Thief tries
    backstab on phantasmal hill giant, loses concealment, eventually
    surrenders to Henkles.  Marrin Rhaunrenardon tries to surrender
    but Boradub finishes him off - nobody tries hard to stop him.
        7145xp to Darius, Denyae, Deringa, Dexter, Henkles, Moogh,
            Stalker, Staric, Steve and Ursula for beating the Silent
            Travellers again (Ursula gets credit for Boradub).
            Shouldn't there be depreciation on that or something?

    Loot, Magical:
        Long Sword
        Dagger of Hurting
        Heavy crossbow
        Composite short bow
        Light crossbow
        24 +1 sheaf arrows (recognized from shop in Nesme)
        6 Sleep Gas (M) from Aurora's
        Glim Gauntlet, identical to the one AFAL has
        Enchanted Chardalyn (from MU/Th)
        Plate Mail, ½ef
        Travelling Spell Book:
            1) Magic Missile    1) Color Spray  1) Charm Person
            1) Unseen Servant   1) Mending      1) Detect Illusion
            2) Snilloc's SS     2) Invisibility 2) Detect Poison

    Loot, Mundane:
        2 Morning Stars               2 Full Plate, hm
        2 Dagger                      Plate mail, hm
        Sickle                        Leather, hm
        3 Spears                      Scale Mail, hf
        Scimitar                      2 Shields, Medium
        Khopesh                       Field Plate, gf
        Bastard Sword                 Banded Mail, hf
        3 Long Swords                 Splint Mail, ef
        2 Hand or throwing axes
        5 Bows, Short                 112sp
        Sling & 19 bullets            87ep
        Composite short bow           44gp
        Staff sling w/20 bullets      27 Toals
        Composite long bow            17pp

        Heavy War Horses (7): Int 1; AL N; AC 7; MV 15"; HD 3+3;
            hp 17, 22, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26

        2 mercs: Kades Thadestidesgar (hm), Alril Elarorrieth (em)
            2gp/day each

    interogate thief (Relask Radon)
        - patron is Marraba Jhansczil
        - Silent Travellers started as fighters & thieves
        - character of party changed when added Marraba Minarmas (MU/Th) and
          Mirima Thadodarin who brought patronage with them
        - Marraba J. mostly deals through Marraba M. & Mirima
        - Marraba J. wanted AFAL eliminated and daggers back
        - Party sometimes received orders in field via Marraba M.
        - Reporting in always via conventional means

    travel to just past intersection

    AFAL & ST Travel Route
    Travel path and locations reached at days end for AFAL (purple) and the Silent Travelers (orange)
Hammer 19, 1370 Year of the Tankard Hammer 21, 1370

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