Hammer 28

Hammer 27, 1370 Year of the Tankard Hammer 29, 1370

Hammer 28, 1370:
    High = -5, Low = -20
    Moderate precipitation (2" snow) starting @ 9:00pm
    Wind gusting to 20 mph from the south.

    reach top of chimney @ 1:30

    recon - invis Darius & Stalker flying, Henkles on rope (footprints
    on top of head), 2 alert, burly orcs inside, apparatus generating
    light on top of gate & bringing it forward to eyes and mouth,
    regroup decide to talk to orcs instead, decide they need to circle
    to gate.

    travel to NE of lake

    That night, seven 15' White Wolves attack party and scatter them
    with their howl.  Darius scares them off with a Wall of
    Fire and the party regroups.

    AFAL & ST Travel Route
    Travel path and locations reached at days end for AFAL (purple) and the Silent Travelers (orange)
Hammer 27, 1370 Year of the Tankard Hammer 29, 1370

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