Kythorn 13
Kythorn 13, 1370:
High = 70, Low = 50 (N from ILO)
No precipitation
Wind gusting to 11 mph from the prevailing direction.
12 miles into their journey, the party noticed a trio of islands
floating through the clouds overhead. They also noticed someone
falling off the islands and being pursued by two wyverns.
Eventually he landed near the party and the wyverns were
2800xp to Maanamere, Denyae, Omagni&Co., Steve, Mrap-M'rap,
Henkles, Tristan, Darius and Dexter for 2 wyverns and not
The falling person is human, male, and at -7hp and dropping.
Dexter and Omagni get him positive. Someone detects his alignment
as NG. Then Henkles starts going through his stuff. He has a
wand and is clutching a giant feather. When Henkles touches it
with the Glim Gauntlet, it sets off the feather and everyone gets
levitated back to the main island. Falling guy is conscious
enough to explain that his name is Hugo and his mistress died and
the islands are now falling apart.
Start of 2019-11-29 Game