Tarsakh 14

Tarsakh 13, 1370 Year of the Tankard Tarsakh 15, 1370

Tarsakh 14, 1370:
    High = 40, Low = 20
    No precipitation
    Wind gusting to 6 mph from the prevailing direction.

    Before dawn, someone went out and asked Gorask if he had any word
    on the priest who chased the 5 child vampires, but he said that he
    hadn't been expecting word that night, as the vampire priests's
    orders were to go elsewhere for backup if a lair was found.  The
    party offered to help with the lair if it wasn't dealt with before

    Steve learns Enlarge/Reduce.

    The current story running about town:
    Flying Snake Seen in Sea Ward
    Waterdeep -- Chanszra Ahlmhaund, a wealthy widow of the Street of Whispers, says she looked out of a high window at dimmergloam* yestereve, and saw a snake flying past: "As long as my coach horse! Black, mottled green -- with eyes like green flames! Nasty, 'twas, and looking for someone specific, too, I swear to the gods!" The Street of Whispers is known for courtesans, soothsayers, and dabblers in minor magics. The Watch confirms several licenses for enspelled pets and guardian beasts are held by area dwellers, but none describes a wingéd snake. However, at least two noble families with nearby mansions, Estelmer and Zun, have "sarser licenses" (named for the long-ago clerk who devised them, and often called "allcloak licenses" because they cover all nonprohibited beasts a property owner may wish to import, trade in, or keep). Anyone seeing the snake is asked to alert the Watch. *When bright sunset is gone from city spires but not the sky, many Waterdhavians pause to enjoy this last, soft daylight.
    © Ed Greenwood

    Interviews for 1370-04-14:
        Humarmir, Grand-Niece of Durerd Rhaunlirin  1st Mate         df, CG, CHA Remarkable, Charmed by Arcturagana
        Muderrdir, Niece of Throtifoin Nehrdeslitac Boatswain's Mate df, CE, CHA Good
        Squinty Ralidrinfeet                        Gunner           2f, NG, CHA Good
        Biff Kathartoes                             Boatswain        2f, LN, CHA Remarkable
        Dhelimarva GreenStork                       Gunner           hf, LN, CHA Good
        Rhaunach                                    Boatswain        hm, NE, CHA Good
        Denphokos "Bruises" Amdakker                Cook             hm, NG, CHA Okay, Charmed by Arcturagana

    Invited to ship: Humarmir, Biff, Squinty, Bruises
    Both charms Dispelled, 1st by Darius, 2nd by Steve

    When Gorask arrived that night, the party asked what had happened
    with the vampire priest and vampire kids.  Gorask told them that
    the children split into two groups.  The group that the priest
    followed eventually went to a lair in the sewers with 5 vampire
    children, all of whom were subsequently eliminated.  There was
    also an unoccupied coffin, which they presumed was Arcturagana's
    and which they destroyed.  The party offered to perform future
    lair clean-ups themselves.

Tarsakh 13, 1370 Year of the Tankard Tarsakh 15, 1370

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