Uktar 10
Uktar 10, 1369:
High = 40, Low = 20
No precipitation
Wind gusting to 7 mph from the prevailing direction.
The party priests cast continual light on four buttons.
Narthan wrestles w/Gomsha.
Steve identifies the words scratcherd on the side of the metal
wand as the numbers 2 and 5 in the language of fire elementals.
Dexter casts goodberry 2 more times, 54 goodberries on hand.
Cassie (5) cast identify with the following results:
o Cloak from metal web no longer magical
o Metal wand uses 1 chg for Sidewinder I
o Metal wand uses 2 chg for Skipping Betty
o Metal wand uses 2 chg for Fire Tele
o Metal wand has moderate charges
Darius (5) cast identify (at 8th level, no mat. comp.) with the
following results:
o Metal wand uses 2 chg for Sidewinder II
o Metal wand uses 1 chg for Fireball Barrage
o Metal wand uses 1 chg for Pyrotechnics, and the command
word for this effect is the fire elemental word for 1
o Metal wand uses 2 chg for Flaming Sphere
o Failed to learn more about metal wand
o Ring Of Kobold Summoning, no more kobolds
o Ring from Lich is +1 Protection
o That ring is also +4 vs. attacks from somebody named
Andarol Gutreaver
The wand was declared a party item and given to Ursula for the
time being.