Perditor Mortua

© 2000 Alderac Entertainment Group, presented under the OGL,
I've misplaced my copy, so the text here comes from (link now broken apparently).

This +1/+2 vs. undead mithril maul is embossed with sigils on the head that translate to "Destroyer of the Dead". The maul is only usuable by a non-evil character who can turn undead. No other character can pick it up or use it. As it's wielder gains power, so does the maul. Any undead killed by the maul burst into flames, never to rise again. Additionally, the wielder may cast detect undead 2/day as a 7th-level cleric. At 10th-level, the maul is considered +3 vs. undead, and the wielder may also cast invisibility to undead 1/day as a 7th-level cleric. Finally, at 15th-level, the maul is +4 vs. undead and the wielder is immune to level loss due to energy draining attacks from undead.

The wrappings on the handle are from mummy wrappings, and the loop of hair tied to the handle was from a necromancer. the process of creating this weapon has been lost to the ages. Caster Level: 7th.