Wizard Spells in Our Campaign That Aren't in the Compendium

=== Dragon #226 ===

Swami Spells

Cloud messenger
Level: 1
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell, based on a classical pane-gyric poem, can be cast only on a day with cloud cover: mist, rain, snow, and so on. The spell summons a small cloud to act as a messenger for the caster. The caster can impart a message of up to five minutes length to the cloud, which then hurries across the sky to the intended recipient. Its maximum Move is 96, though favorable gales might increase this. The cloud messenger must be told the location and general appearance of the recipient; it is incapable of asking for directions. It is not entirely substantial and so can go through tiny openings and survive heavy winds. It can carry objects weighing up to 10 pounds for delivery. When it reaches its recipient, it relates the entire message including whatever emo-tion it heard in the caster’s voice. The cloud messenger then returns to its caster; one may follow it to the caster’s location. The material components are fresh flow-ers and a bottle of rainwater.

Waking light of dawn
Level: 1
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature/level
Saving Throw: None
This spell causes sleeping creatures to awaken. If naturally asleep or affected by a sleep spell, the creatures awaken instantly. If under the influence of a more powerful enchantment, the creatures are given new saving throws against the effect, modified by +1 per four levels of the caster. If the creatures are suffering from a sleeping poison or disease (such as that from the tsetse fly), the spell works exactly as a slow poison on the affected creatures. The spell does not simulate the effects of a good night’s sleep, nor can it reduce the sleep neces- sary before memorization of spells. The material component is a lock which must be unlocked during casting.

Level: 3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
A mage can use this spell to distract all within hearing distance who are trying to do any sort of work other than combat. The material component of the spell is a flute. While the caster plays the flute (no proficiency necessary), those wishing to continue in their work must make a Wisdom check each round to concen-trate on their task at hand. Wisdom checks are at +4 if stopping work would result in imminent harm (failing to shore up a seawall during a monsoon, for example). Distracted persons cannot for-mulate strategies, instruct others, write, draw, or otherwise do complex work. However, the spell does not pacify those present, so they may attack the caster if they desire. If the caster stops playing the flute before the duration is over, the effect ends.

Skin of the fire tiger
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 rounds/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
When cast on the caster or another creature, this spell imbues the subject with glowing orange stripes across his skin. These stripes generate a deep inter-nal warmth that acts as a resist cold spell. While in effect, the subject’s skin is scald-ing hot to the touch, so anyone touching the subject’s open skin suffers 1d3 points of damage. If the subject uses an unarmed combat attack or is attacked by an unarmed foe, the damage is applied to the subject’s foe. The subject and his garments are unaffected by the scalding effect but are not otherwise protected from fire or heat. After the spell elapses, the subject will be incapacitated for one round due to shivering unless endure cold or resist cold is cast on him. The material component of the spell is a tiger-eye gem.

Serpent garland
Level: 4
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1 item
Saving Throw: Special
By casting this spell, the mage turns his ordinary scarf, necklace, or other neckwear into a poisonous snake. The snake appears to be the normal piece of clothing or jewelry until the caster desires it to attack. It strikes as a Warrior with a level equal to that of the caster. Its bite causes 1d2 points of damage, plus it also injects a poison if the victim does not make a saving throw vs. poison. The poi- son may be of the caster’s choosing: lethal (save or die), paralytic (save or be paralyzed for 4d4 turns), or soporific (save or fall into a coma for ld4 days). The snake may attack once per round, during which time it is revealed as a ser- pent. Reversing the sticks to snakes spell cancels this magic, and the snake is sub- ject to snake charms. When the duration elapses or the effect is dispelled, the gar- ment or jewelry returns to normal.

Mourning stone
Level: 4
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Up to 1 ton/level
Saving Throw: Special
This spell channels a person’s grief over loss of a loved one into stone. When cast upon a subject and an amount of stone, the spell pulls the grief from the subject’s heart and forces the stone to grieve instead. The subject gets a saving throw vs. magic to avoid the effects if he wants to retain his grief. When affected by the spell, the subject feels the weight of sorrow unburdened from his heart. The stone shows its grief by becoming pristine white and refracting light like a prism, never appearing exactly the same twice. Persons viewing the stone are awestruck and saddened for one round though not stopped from acting. Within 10’ of mourning stone, emotion, and other such spells and effects are cancelled. Stone enchanted by this spell can be used to erect buildings, in the manner of beautiful and enigmatic mausolea like the Taj Mahal.

Third eye
Level: 7
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a swirling spiral on the caster’s forehead which casts beams of annihilation. The third eye fires a ray which has the same attack roll as the mage. The beams must attack a target every round, living or otherwise. Creatures hit by the third eye’s ray must save vs. spell or be killed, while inani- mate objects must save vs. disintegration or break apart. While this spell is in effect, the caster may use no other spells or attacks. At the end of the spell, the caster must make a System Shock roll to avoid falling unconscious for 3d4 rounds.

Life illusion
Level: 8
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special
Similar to a maze spell, the life illusion spell creates a new mental world in which the subject can live. The illusionary life (maya) can include any manner of new persons, surroundings, and even new classes and abilities for the subject. The subject is allowed a saving throw vs. spells to avoid entering this new world, but if he fails, the subject retains only dream-like memories of his real life. Entire months or years can pass in this new life, though time passes much faster here than in the real world. No method of exit is allowed while in the illusory world, except the priest spell penetrate cosmic ignorance. The illusion seems real but may contain flaws and mispercep- tions based on the subjects lack of understanding of his new surroundings. Thus, the subject is allowed new saving throws vs. spells every so often based on his Wisdom score. If a saving throw is successful, the subject returns to reality with much of the memory of the illusory life, though no new abilities are retained. New saving throws are allowed on the following schedule:

Subject’s Wisdom
Time Between
Saving Throws
under 32d4 days
3 - 61d4+1 days
7-102d8 hours
11-141d8+1 hours
15-181d4 hours
19 and up1d4 turns
The material component is a sketch of the environment in which the subject will stay. If the sketch is marred or destroyed during the spell’s duration, the subject immediately returns to reality.

Level: 9
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 turns/level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 10d100 square miles
Saving Throw: None
This spell can only be cast in a climate which could have monsoons, such as a semi-tropical coastline. When cast, the spell conjures up the most powerful of wind and rainstorms to ravage the area. Winds come at hundreds of miles per hour, smashing boats and unstable struc- tures. Rain pounds the area, swamping piers and depressions. The spell causes siege damage as by a screw or drill on all structures and trees in the area of effect, and all unmoored ships must make sea- worthiness checks. (DUNGEON MASTER® Guide, pages 105 and 170). Creatures that cannot take adequate cover on high ground must save vs. paralyzation to avoid drowning. From the caster’s point of view, the most dangerous aspect of this spell is its range of zero. This means the caster must be amid the effect; if he is not protected, he is subject to the same effects as everyone else. The monsoon can be countered using a control weather spell, but the caster of that spell must roll greater than the monsoon creator’s Intelligence on a d20, with +1 added to the roll for each level that the control weather caster exceeds the level of the monsoon creator. Once the monsoon is unleashed, the caster has no control over it, and it may combine with existing weather conditions to have greater dura- tion and effect than anticipated.

Brahmin Spells

Sphere: All
Level: 1
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: Until ceased
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
This simple chant creates a deep clar- ity in the caster’s mind. All outside sounds and sights are blocked out, allow- ing the priest to regain spells or hit points at a 50% faster rate; however, the priest cannot focus on anything outside him- self. Anything that disrupts concentration, such as an attack on the priest or a con- scious action by him breaks the spell. Spells cast on the priest are affected by the om spell. The priest is immune to sleep and charm effects while chanting, and receives a +4 on all saving throws that allow Wisdom bonuses; however, the priest forfeits saving throw bonuses for Dexterity or anything else requiring- conscious thought. Magical healing is not affected by the spell’s increased healing rate.

Sanctify ghi
(Alteration) Reversible
Sphere: All
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 8 hours
Area of Effect: 2 ounces/level
Saving Throw: None
This augments the holy clarification of butter into a liquid substance called ghi. Cow or buffalo milk must be churned, boiled, and blessed to make holy ghi, which can be used on undead as holy water. When drunk, the holy ghi acts as a mild curative, healing 1d3 points of dam- age per ounce. The reverse of this spell, desecrate ghi, is used by evil priests to cre- ate a liquid butter version of unholy water, which harms paladins and Kshatriya. Either of these spells can be used to counter the other.

Karma sight
(Divination) Reversible
Sphere: Divination
Level: 2
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature/level
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell determines the number of karma points that a target creature has. (For rules on karma, see Legends & Lore, pages 124-126.) In creatures from soci- eties not based on India, it determines level or Hit Dice. Unless the creature is a willing target, it is allowed a saving throw vs. spells to avoid the revelation of its karma. This spell does not directly affect the mind of the target, so Wisdom bonuses and mind shielding do not help avoid the effect. The priest may examine multiple targets, but if a creature saves against the effect, it cannot be examined again during that casting of the spell. The reverse of the spell, karma musk, hides a subject’s karma for 24 hours, though any divine being can see through the mask.

Steep soma-juice
Sphere: Protection
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: One week
Casting Time: 8 hours
Area of Effect: 2 ounces/level
Saving Throw: None
This spell is per Legends & Lore, page 132. It is primarily for those of Indian societies, though others could be allowed to use it or their deities could grant it if the Dungeon Master desires. When the priest brews and blesses the soma plant’s leaves, he creates a powerful magical juice. Those drinking at least one ounce a week receive two benefits: an increase of one point of Constitution and immunity to non-magical disease. These effects dis- sipate at the end of a week without soma-juice. The priests generally restrict the usage of the juice to nobles and priests.

That art thou
Sphere: Divination
Level: 3
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 30’ radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
By uttering the phrase “tat tvam asi” (“that art thou”), the caster’s senses become one with all beings and objects within a 30’ radius sphere centered on the caster. The caster sees and feels everything sensed by every person, cater pillar, tree, and rock in the area of effect. (A first-time caster will be surprised how much a rock feels.) The onrush of sensory information allows the caster to know of all beings and objects in the area, includ- ing hidden and invisible creatures, traps, and magic items. The caster does not sense thoughts or detect powers of crea- tures and objects contacted. Because the spell accesses thoughts, any being whose thoughts are masked cannot be spotted solely with this spell. While the spell is in effect, the caster may take no other action, including movement and speech. The caster may discontinue the effect at any time during the spell’s duration.

See all faces
Sphere: Divination
Level: 4
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell requires that an item belonging to the target be in the caster’s possession. When cast, an unwilling tar- get must make saving throw vs. spells or have all major aspects of his personality revealed to the caster. Thus, if the target is a mage, a rajah, a lothario, or a liar, the caster knows it. Note that the see all faces spell reveals only truly major aspects; if the aforementioned target also liked chocolate and raga music, this would not be revealed. Since this spell does not affect the mind, mind shielding and Wisdom bonuses are not effective defenses.

Pool of deeds
Sphere: Divination, Elemental (Water)
Level: 5
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 24 hours
Casting Time: 6 turns
Area of Effect: 1 pool
Saving Throw: None
The pool of deeds spell turns any pool of water, from as small as a birdbath to as large as a small lake, into a storyteller. The enchanted pool can recount the pub- licly known deeds of any one individual exactly as they happened. The subject may be living, dead, or even not yet born; the deeds may reflect the past, pre- sent, and even possible futures. The sur- face of the water reflects the images as if they were happening at the moment, and at the speed at which they occurred. The caster must know of the stories that he wants to reflect, but he need not know the details. If the caster wishes to reflect deeds that are not publicly known, he may try The subject makes a saving throw vs. spells to keep secrets unre- vealed; this roll is at the subjects level at the time of the revealed deeds.

The caster may create a pool of deeds that reflects his own future, but the images may leave out critical details to prevent tampering with the future. The caster should expect whatever appears to come true, regardless of his efforts to change it. The pool is activated by toss- ing in a handful of colored powder.

Conceal lifeforce
Sphere: Necromantic
Level: 5
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 day/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell hides a being’s lifeforce (shakti) from detection, preventing spells like karma sight and reincarnation sight from working on the creature. It can also be used for a much more dangerous pur- pose: to prevent the creature from being reincarnated, at least temporarily. By cast- ing conceal lifeforce on a creature within an hour of its death, the creature’s self (atman) is hidden from the divine agents who attend to reincarnation. During the spell’s duration, the character may be raised or resurrected. (This should be the only way raise dead or resurrection can be used on a character from an Indian- based culture or with an Indian-based PC kit more than a day after death; see Legends & Lore, page 126.) Using this spell for this purpose is a violation of the cos- mic order and may trigger divine wrath.

Reincarnation sight
Sphere: Divination, Necromantic
Level: 6
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell reveals the presence of a reincarnated character. Using a piece of clothing belonging to the original charac- ter, the priest may use this spell to dis- cover the reincarnation of that charac- ter’s name, appearance, and approxi- mate location. If found, a reincarnation has only vague memories of his past and will be unlikely to recognize any of his compatriots. The spell can cross planar barriers, but it cannot penetrate barriers like conceal lifeforce or amulets of life pro- tection.

A second use of this spell is to reveal to a person all of the memories of one of his reincarnations. The priest needs merely to touch the subject, and he knows all that his past life contained. Using the two uses of this spell in order can reacquaint old friends, at least in a superficial way. (Note that these spells allow a slain PC to rejoin the campaign with his memories intact, and perhaps his level and abilities. See the reincarna- tion table on page 126 of Legends&Lore.)

Penetrate cosmic ignorance
Sphere: Divination
Level: 7
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 10'/level radius
Saving Throw: Special
This dangerous spell is based on the age-old belief that the world is just illu- sion and that mortals may not compre- hend it. Penetrate cosmic ignorance allows a partial piercing of that veil. When cast, the spell reveals the divine hands behind every creature and object present. The caster learns of characters’ patron deities, consecrated spaces, holy relics, spell residue, and extra-planar creatures. It tells every character’s level, every magic item’s power, and every monster’s spe- cial abilities, among many other revela- tions. Wherever the hands of deities manipulate life — and they do so every- where — the priest will know it. Using this spell requires the caster to make a saving throw vs. breath weapon, modified only by Wisdom bonuses. If the character fails, he is driven insane by the revelation; if ever cured, he forgets everything he saw. In addition, using this spell wipes all other spells from the cast- er’s mind, and the character must rest a full night before learning new ones.

Call avatar
Sphere: All
Level: 7
Range: Unlimited
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6 turns
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This risky spell allows the priest to summon an avatar of his deity. The spell opens up a gate to another plane, and, though the avatar is compelled to come through the rift, it is not compelled to stay more than an instant. Even if it chooses to hear the requests of the priests, the avatar may or may not grant them. The avatar may also make demands on the priest as well, and the priest would do well to heed them. The avatar may stay as long as it likes, often at great expense to the caster. The spell requires a relic of the deity in question; when the avatar leaves, it takes the relic with it. Casting this spell ages the caster five years.

=== Dragon #227 ===

The higher-level spells can create an awesome display that would make any opponent think twice about tangling with the manipulator of such magic. Inventive players and DMs should be able to put a fireworks mage (a special-ist) to quite good use.

Dungeon Masters can make the use of firework spells more interesting and challenging by specifying particulars regarding their casting. For instance, in my campaign, spellcasters can dictate the color of the spell effects when casting spells by manipulating their choice of material components; otherwise the col-ors are random. (Specifying colors in material components adds considerably to their manufacturing value.) The fireworks spells noted below all draw their substance and energy from the quasi-elemental plane of Radiance. Creatures from the elemental plane of Fire suffer half damage from any physi-cal effects. Creatures from the quasi-ele-mental plane of Radiance or the positive energy plane suffer no damage. A subtle difference in the verbal com-ponent allows the mage to render all firework spells harmless. This difference is most often (90%) included in spell instructions; however, there is a 10% chance that the spell is set for either a harmful or non-harmful effect. If the spellcaster is unfamiliar with firework spells, he may not know the difference. This often has disastrous results. While less effective in daylight, fire-work spells can still be used if the caster properly color-cues the components. The DM should adjudicate the visual effects — while not the damage — depending upon the light conditions.

First level

Range: 90 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting time: 1
Area of Effect: 10’ radius
Saving throw: None
With this spell, the wizard creates small, firecracker-type explosions within the area of effect. One “string” of 10 fire- crackers is created per level of the caster. The strings appear 10 seconds after each other. The firecrackers appear in a 10’ radius and inflict 1 hp damage per string to all in the area. The firecrackers are loud and create quite a bit of acrid smoke that, unless dispersed by a strong wind, remains in the area for 1-3 rounds after the spell is finished. Any creatures in the area must successfully save vs. poison, or the smoke makes their eyes smart and water, giving them -1 on attack rolls. If the spell is used in a surprise situation, the party being surprised has a +4 penal-ty to the die roll.

The material component is several hairs from a black cat.

Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 rounds/level
Casting time: 1
Area of effect: Special
Saving throw: None
This spell creates a sparkler effect that can originate from any metal object. It creates an intensely bright light at the end of the object which throws off harm-less sparks in a 2’ radius. The sparkler does not harm the object upon which it is cast. The effect sheds light in a 10’ radius similar to torchlight. If the sparkler is touched to exposed flesh (including the caster’s), it inflicts 1 hp damage per level of the caster to a maximum of 10 hp. This causes the spell to end and the effect to go out. Dispel magic, darkness, and cold-generating magic does extin-guish this spell, but ordinary water does not. This spell can light a torch or tinder in 3 rounds, but it cannot directly light oil. Sparkler works normally underwater.

The material component is a tiny strip of magnesium, which is not consumed in the casting.

Second level

Range: 180 feet + 30 feet/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 9 rounds + 2 rounds/level
Casting time: 5
Area of effect: Special
Saving throw: Neg.
This spell creates a flare of light that shoots up into the air from a brass tube into which the caster has inserted a tiny strip of magnesium. The magnesium is consumed in the spell; the tube is not. The ball of light is only 1” in diameter when shot but bursts with a 10’ radius upon attaining the desired range. The ball slowly drifts to the ground at 20’ per round. The flare continues to shed light in a spherical area whose diameter is equal to its maximum range throughout the spell duration regardless of its location. The brightness is equal in intensity to a light spell. Environmental light conditions affect the illuminatory effects of the flare, although the flare itself can be seen even in bright daylight. The flare is not hot and cannot set combustible objects on fire. It can be shot at any angle up, down, or across provided it can travel at least 90’. If the spell effect hits any object before traveling 90’, it automatically fails.

The flare can be fired at a living target and, if used in this manner, acts as a light spell.

Goblin Chaser
Range: 60 yards + 20 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 segment/level
Casting time: 2
Area of effect: Special
Saving throw: None
Goblin chaser sends a 3” diameter ball of light whistling along the ground in a direction indicated by the mage. The ball of light can travel either in a straight line (“shoot and forget”) or any course (“actively directed”) by the caster. The goblin chaser travels 100 yards per round. At the end of the spell’s duration, on impact, or sooner if so designated by the caster, the ball explodes with a brilliant flash of light inflicting 1 hp damage per level of the caster to any creature within a 5’ radius.

The ball must travel along a solid sur-face or it fails. As the ball travels, it emits a shrill, downward glissando whistle.

The material component is a silver-coated brass slide whistle worth at least 10 gp. The caster manipulates the whis-tle only for a brief moment, not for the entire casting time or duration of the spell. The whistle is not consumed in the casting.

Spark fountain
Range: 60 yards + 1 yard/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 rounds + 3 rounds/level
Casting time: 2
Area of effect: 20’ radius
Saving throw: None
With this spell, the caster creates a shower of brilliant, multi-colored sparks that shoot up in a fountain 8’ high. The fountain illuminates an area with a 20’ radius with the brightness of torchlight. Anyone in a 5’ radius centered on the base of the fountain suffers 2 hp damage per round from the falling sparks. If the fountain is restricted in height, say through a low ceiling, the sparks fall outward 1’ further for each 1’ of height it is restricted. It can be created only on a solid, nonliving surface at least the consistency of mud.

The material component is a small, silver-coated brass cone worth at least 10 gp. The cone is not consumed in the casting.

Third Level

Range: 120 yards + 20 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting time: 3
Area of effect: 20’ radius
Saving throw: None
This spell can be quite deadly if used against aerial creatures. With bakarapper, the caster creates a 1” ball of light that shoots into the sky much like a flare. Upon reaching the designated target point, however, the ball disappears. Six seconds later, the ball explodes into sev-eral balls of light (one per level of caster) that fly out in random directions from the center and then explode inward six seconds after that. The initial explosion causes no damage; the second explosion inflicts 2 hp damage per level of the cast-er to any creature within a 20’ radius from the initial explosion.

When casting the spell, the spellcaster can add a thunderclap sound that increases the casting time to 4. The thun-derclap deafens all in the area of effect causing them a penalty of 2 on die rolls. This spell must be cast so that the initial ball of light is fired at a minimum of a 45° angle from the horizontal plane. It can be triggered at any distance beyond 3”.

The material component is a hollow 3” silver ball worth at least 200 gp. The tube is not consumed in the casting.

Dragon Whirl
Range: 60 yards +10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting time: 3
Area of effect: 5’ radius
Saving throw: Half damage
This spell creates a 1’ diameter circle of whirling sparks at the caster’s feet. The whirl sheds light in a 10’ radius. It shoots out in an arc to a target point designated by the caster and explodes into a sphere with a 5’ radius and inflicts 2d4 hp dam-age. A successful save vs. spell halves the damage.

It acts like Melf’s minute meteors in that after the first whirl is created and sent out, subsequent whirls are created auto-matically each round thereafter. Each successive whirl is created and fired in the first few seconds of a melee round. The caster can fire the whirl and then cast another spell that round. The caster must designate a target each round or the spell stays in place, exploding at the end of the round. The spell can be discontin-ued by the caster before the duration expires naturally. The spell flies out at a rance of 1” per second.

The material component is a silver likeness of a dragon worth at least 250 gp. It is not consumed in the spell casting.

Roman Candle
Range: 120 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level
Casting time: 3
Area of effect: Special
Saving throw: None
The Roman candle spell fires small balls of light in a brightly colored array from a silver tube. The balls shoot out a rate of fire determined by the caster, but they cannot be fired faster than than one ball every 20 seconds nor slower than one per round. The caster can target each ball separately. The balls are shot as if missile weapons fired by a warrior of the same level as the caster (for exam-ple, Roman candle balls fired by a 10th-level mage have the THAC0 of a 10th-level warrior). Upon impact, each ball inflicts 1 hp damage for each level of the caster. If the ball misses, it travels to its range limit (unless it hits another object in the line of fire) and explodes, inflicting 1 hp damage on anyone within a 5’ radius.

The mage must continue to direct the silver tube or (unless the spell is discon-tinued by the caster) the balls go off in the direction the tube is facing until the spell expires. If cast at a rate of one per round, the caster can place the tube in a safe place (on the ground, in a belt, etc.) and cast another spell, much as with Melf’s minute meteors. It takes several seconds to place, and another few to recover the tube. At the one-per-round rate, the balls always shoot out in the first few seconds. The rate of fire cannot be changed once the spell is cast.

The material component is a 1” diameter tube of pure silver which is at least 6” long. It must be worth at least 150 gp in workmanship. It is not consumed in the spell casting.

Fourth Level

Special Effects
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting time: 1 round
Area of effect: Special
Saving throw: None
With this spell, the caster can shape the physical characteristics of his fire-work spells. This spell also effects any spell that can be bound by a display spell. Thus a wall of fog can be formed into a mountain shape, or a starburst can burst into a phalanx of spears. The caster “shapes” his fireworks spells as he casts them, adding half a round to the casting time of each individual spell.

Range: 180 yards + 20 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting time: 5
Area of effect: Sphere up to 800 yards in diameter
Saving throw: Half
Perhaps the most spectacular of the fireworks spells, starburst creates a huge aerial burst of colored sparks. Like bakarapper, it must be fired upward at least 45° angle from the horizontal. The initial effect is a 1’ diameter ball of light that explodes at a designated point and sends multicolored sparks outward in a brilliant display. Any creature caught in the area of effect suffers 2d4 hp damage, plus 1 hp damage per level of the caster. The initial ball of light must travel for at least 90’ or it fails, The spellcaster can add a thunderclap sound at the casting of the spell, increasing the casting time to 6. The thunderclap causes deafness to all in the area of effect, inflicting on them a 2 point penalty on die rolls.

The material component is a platinum tube of fine workmanship worth no less than 500 gp.

Seventh Level

Range: 300 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting time: Special
Area of effect: Special
Saving throw: None
This special spell binds several spells together into a single display or show. Display takes 1 round to cast for each spell that is bound. The caster must have all spells to be displayed memorized or immediately available on a scroll. The caster actually casts the spells during the casting of the display spell. This spell has the following effects:

The material component of this spell is a silver wand encrusted with gems, the whole of which is worth at least 1,500 gp. The wand is not consumed in the casting.

=== Dragon #228 ===

Far below Waterdeep, where the labyrinths of Undermountain twist and spiral ever downward, treasure waits. One band of adventurers, braving the dangerous tunnels, came back battered and shaken – recovering only a book before escaping with their lives. But such a treasure it was – an ancient snakeskin-bound spellbook written in elvish. Among the enchantments inside were spells to attract powerful familiars. These creatures, which bind themselves to the wizards who cast the spells, imbue their mentors with wondrous abilities.

Find Companion
Third Level
Range: 1 mile/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: Eight hours
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
This enchantment is similar to the first level spell find famil- iar; however, it brings to the caster an animal companion with enhanced abilities. The creature attracted benefits a wizard by conveying its sensory powers to its master, conversing with him, and serving as a guard, scout, or spy. A wizard can have only one animal companion at a time, though he also can have a normal familiar drawn by the first level spell. The animal companion enters into a magical bond with the wizard and will no longer age at the rate a similar normal ani-mal would. The animal lives as long as its wizard mentor–unless it is killed earlier by spells, phys-ical attacks, or neglect. In addition, like a familiar, the animal companion gains the saving throws of its wizard-mentor. The wizard gains an empathic link with the ani-mal and can issue it mental commands at a distance of up to 10 miles.

Because it is enhanced through the casting of the find com- panion spell, such an animal usually has more hit dice and a better Armor Class than a creature like it would normally pos-sess. Its hit points are improved also. In addition to rolling hit points based on the animal’s hit dice, a number of hit points are added equal to the caster’s level – to a maximum of 20. For example, a 7th-level wizard with a badger companion would add 7 hit points to the creature’s total. A 9th-level wizard would add 9.

Wizards can call upon these creatures to perform various tasks and missions and can rely upon their innate magical abil-ities. Smarter than a natural creature, companions easily can carry out basic orders and can understand when their masters are in danger. All animal companions initially have a Neutral alignment. Through association with the wizard, however, the companion assumes the same alignment as its master.

If the companion is separated from its wizard mentor by more than 50 miles, the wizard loses one hit point a day until he dies (at which time the companion also dies) or until the companion returns to within the 50-mile radius. These improved familiars gain the saving throws of their wizard-masters.

If the companion is killed, the wizard must successfully roll an immediate system shock check or lose two levels of experi-ence. If the check is successful, the wizard loses one level of experience.

Companions vary in power and abilities, and the type of companion gained is random. Roll 1d20 and consult the following chart:

3Winged serpent13Stag
7Talking owl17Horse
9Vulture19Brown bear

Badger: HD 2+1; AC 3; THAC0 19; #AT 3; Dmg l–3/1–3/1–4; MV 9, burrow 6; SZ S A sturdy burrowing animal with thick hair, a badger is a loyal and fierce com-panion. A wizard who has this animal as a companion develops a patch of white hair at the top of his head, just as a bad-ger has a patch of white hair on the top of its head. Some wizards cover up this patch so others will not learn about the presence of a badger companion.

A badger companion, once a day, can add 15 bonus hit points to its wizard-master and confer to its master an AC of 3. The Armor Class benefit does not apply if the wizard already has an AC of 3 or better. This is done at the wizard’s request or if the badger senses its master is in serious danger. The added hit points and Armor Class remain for six turns (one hour). The badger does not lose any of its hit points, nor does its Armor Class worsen in the process.

Bat: HD 1+2; AC 7; THAC0 20; #AT 1; DMG 1–3; MV 1; FI 24 (B); SZ T A bat companion is small and has a wingspan of 6”–1’. Bats come in shades of gray, brown, and black, and their wiz-ard companions’ hair quickly matches the hue of the bats’ leathery wings. A bat companion is loathe to be about during the day – unless in an underground set-ting. During the daylight, its movement rate is cut in half. At night, because of its sonar, it has the equivalent of infravision to 120’ and can ignore the effects of fog and magical darkness. Once an evening, it allows its wizard-master to fly with a movement rate of 12 (B), and to trans-form himself into a bat with a flying rate of 24 (B). These abilities last for 1d6 +2 turns (30 to 80 minutes).

Brown bear: HD 5+5; AC 5; THAC0 15; #AT 3; Dmg 1–6/1–6/1–8; SA hug; MV 12; S L An aggressive hunter that stands 9’ tall, a bear companion gifts its master with the hunting proficiency at a score of 18. This companion animal has such keen senses that three times a day he can detect illusions within a 30’ radius. This information can be readily passed to its wizard-master. A wizard with this com-panion grows long, thick, shaggy hair.

Cheetah: HD 4; AC 4; THAC0 16; #AT 3; Dmg 1–3/1–3/1–8; SA rear claws 1–3 each; SD surprised only on a 1; MV 15, sprint 45; SZ M A sand-colored cat that stands 4’–4˝’ tall, the cheetah is a skilled hunter that can naturally camouflage itself. It is surprised only on a 1. Unless springing to the attack, it has a 90% chance to go unseen in woodland set-tings, an 80% chance in farmlands or plains, and a 70% chance in shadowy buildings or underground areas. The cheetah possesses the following non-weapon proficiencies: hunting (15), track-ing (16), and survival (16). When its wiz-ard- master is within 30’ of it in an out-door setting, the effect is as if the wizard was wearing a cloak of elvenkind. Further, while the wizard is within 10’ of the cat, he is surprised only on a 1. The wizard companion develops cat’s-eyes.

Cooshee: HD 4+3; AC: 4; THAC0 16; #AT 3; Dmg 1–4/1–4/2–8; MV 15, sprint 45; SZ M Recognized as an elven dog, the cooshee only barks to warn its wizard-master of danger. A cooshee companion can puss without truce at will, as per the 1st level priest spell, and allows its wiz-ard to do the same once a day. In addi-tion, the dog has infravision to 90’ can detect secret or concealed doors on a 1–2 on a six-sided die, can move silently in any woodland setting, and has the tracking nonweapon proficiency at a score of 18. A cooshee companion has a very magical nature, and once a day it can identify wizards within a 60’ radius. A wizard who has this animal for a com-panion has brown patches on his back.

Falcon: HD 2; AC 4; THAC0 19; #AT 3; Dmg 1–3/1–3/1–3; MV 1, fly 36 (B); SZ S Small, maneuverable birds of prey, falcons form fast bonds with their mas-ters. Like the falcon, the wizard gains a taste for raw meat and periodically has an urge to hunt for his dinner. A falcon companion, once a day, allows its mas-ter to cast a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level spell through it. For example, a wizard with a falcon flying high overhead could cast a magic missile or a web at a foe that would otherwise be out of the wizard’s range.

Fox: HD 2; AC 6; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1–6; MV 15; SZ S A member of the dog family, foxes are noted for their bushy tails and large erect ears. A wizard who gains a fox companion also gains a slight point to his ears, making others suspect that there is a hint of elvish blood in his lin- eage. Elves gain an even more pro-nounced point to their ears. Especially clever and quick, foxes bestow improved movement, so that the wizard has a maximum normal movement rate of 15.

Three times a day a fox companion is able to dimension door into trees and bushes, similar to the way a dryad can dimension door into an oak tree. The fox can stay in a tree or bush as long as it or its wizard-master desires. Once a day the fox can confer one of its dimension door uses to its master. However, the wizard can stay inside a tree for only up to eight hours. At the end of that time, the wizard finds himself expelled from the tree.

Horse: HD 4+4; AC 6; THAC0 16; #AT 2; Dmg 1–8/1–8; MV 15, gallop 30; SZ L A companion horse is large and mus-cular, an impressive mount that is tremendously loyal to its master. It can travel long distances without tiring, and it can fend for itself, feeding on plants and grasses – even locating food for its master, if necessary.

Twice a day, at its master’s request, a companion horse can determine how many spells remain in a designated wiz-ard’s memory. However, it cannot deter-mine the levels or kinds of spells. A wiz-ard with this companion comes to favor apples, oats, and sugar.

Iguana: HD 2; AC 6; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1–4; MV 9, climb 6; SZ S A large herbivorous green lizard with a dorsal crest, an iguana companion per-haps best serves as a guard for its wizard master or his home and treasures. A wiz-ard who attracts this animal through the find companion spell quickly loses an appetite for meat. Like his iguana com-panion, the wizard now prefers fruits and vegetables.

Once a day, an iguana can be com-manded to guard an object or individual. If the object or individual is threatened, the iguana changes form to defend its charge. It retains this new form for 3d4 turns (30 minutes to two hours): HD 6; AC 0; THAC0 13; #AT 1; Dmg 4–16; MV 18, climb 12; S M. In addition, once a day the iguana can cast a strength spell upon its master. The spell grants the wizard 1d4 additional points of Strength, which lasts six turns (one hour).

Monkey: HD 2+1; AC 7; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1–3; MV 9, climb 9; SZ S A small primate with a long tail, a monkey is fiercely loyal to its master. The wizard with this companion prefers to eat fruits, nuts, and the occasional insect. The wizard gains the ability to climb trees at 90% and to climb walls at 50%.

Twice a day, the monkey can call upon an innate jump ability, as per the spell, with each session lasting 10 rounds and allowing him to travel much farther than would normally be possible. Also twice a day, the monkey grants to its master the ability to speak with mon-keys, as per the speak with animals spell. Each use of this ability lasts 1 turn.

Otter: HD 2; AC 4; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1–3; MV 12, swim 18; SZ S Having webbed and clawed feet and dark brown fur, an otter companion is a fast and agile swimmer that gifts its mas-ter with the swimming proficiency at a score of 18 and a swimming movement rate of 12. A wizard with such a compan-ion has no desire to eat red meat. He prefers fish above all other foods – raw or cooked – and goes out of his way to dine on freshwater fish.

Twice a day, an otter companion can breathe water as if it were air for up to four hours at a time. If it desires, or if the wizard requests it, the otter can bestow one of those water-breathing uses upon its master.

Raccoon: HD 2; AC 8; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1–4; MV 9, swim 9; SZ S A small, flesh-eating mammal with a bushy, ringed tail, the raccoon bestows on its wizard master a 40% chance to climb walls and an 80% chance to climb trees. Like his animal friend, the wizard prefers to eat meat – and only eats veg-etables or fruit when there is no meat available. The raccoon is a timid animal and only ventures into dangerous terrain when commanded.

Raccoons see well in darkness, and once a day – at its master’s request – it can grant the wizard infravision to 60’. This ability lasts 1d4 hours. If its master already possesses infravision, the rac-coon increases its master’s infravision range by 25% during this time.

Rat: HD 2; AC 6; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1–3; MV 15, swim 6; SZ T A small gnawing mammal with white, brown, or black fur, a rat serves as an excellent spy. A wizard with this creature as his animal companion quickly learns that his hair matches the color of his companion rat.

Once a day, the rat can assume gaseous form for one hour. If the rat does not assume gaseous form at all during the course of a day, it can instead confer upon its master the ability to turn gaseous. This request must be made by the wizard.

Snake: HD 3+1; AC 5; THAC0 18; #AT 2; Dmg 1–3 (bite)/1–3 (constrict); MV 9; SZ S A 5’–6’ long constrictor, the snake causes its wizard-master’s tongue to thin slightly and to fork. The wizard gains a permanent +2 bonus to saving throws vs. snake poison.

Twice a day, the snake can transform itself into a wooden staff. Each transfor-mation lasts up to two hours. If used as a weapon, the staff inflicts 1d6 hp dam-age. The staff has the snake’s Armor Class and can withstand the snake’s hit points in damage before it – and the snake – are destroyed. Once a day the wizard can meld form with the snake, though not while it is a staff. During the meld, the snake assumes the wizard’s hit points and movement rate. The wizard cannot cast spells while melded with the snake. The meld lasts 1d4 +4 turns (50–80 minutes), with the wizard being able to break the meld earlier.

Spider: HD 1; AC 7; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1–2; MV 12, web 9; SZ T The smallest of animal companions, the spider is roughly 2”–3” across. Attracting this creature through the find companion spell causes the wizard’s eyes to become black and glossy. Those look-ing closely at him see the faint outline of a spider in the center of his pupils. A spi-der is small enough to slip into most places unseen, acting as an excellent information-gatherer for its master.

Three times a day the spider can con-fer upon the wizard the spider climbing ability, as per the spell. The duration of each use is 1–3 turns (10–30 minutes), and the wizard must communicate his desire for the ability. In addition, the wiz-ard gains a +2 to his saving throws if a web spell is cast in his vicinity.

Stag: HD 4+2; AC 6; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg1–8; MV24; SZ M As tall as a horse, though lacking some of the bulk, the stag is an elegant-looking companion. It can be used as a mount by an unarmored wizard-master. Three times a day, at its master’s request, a stag can determine the alignment of a designated individual who is within 60 yards. The wizard with this companion grows twin nubs on the top of his head, roughly where antlers would be on a stag’s head.

Talking owl: HD 3+2; AC 2; THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1–4/1–4/1–2; MV 1 fly 36 (B); SZ S A diminutive bird of prey with a large head and a small hooked bill, the owl can fly at any time of the day, though it is clear the bird prefers to be about in the evenings. Its master soon feels more at ease when the sun sets, and he acquires a taste for small rodents. A talking owl speaks the language of its master, plus six additional tongues.

The bird can detect good at will six times a day. However, if it forgoes any of the uses of that ability in a day, it can transfer them to its wizard-companion. For example, if a talking owl decided not to use its detect good ability during the course of a day, it could grant its master six uses of the detect good spell. The owl is immune to the following spells: cause fear, charm person, command, friends, hyp- notism, forget, hold person, ray of enfeeble- ment, scare, and fear.

Vulture: HD 2+1; AC 5; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; MV 3, fly 27 (E); SZ M Scavengers with bodies roughly 2’ long and wingspans of up to 7’, vultures are far from the most attractive of animal companions. They have greasy-looking blue and black feathers over their bodies, save for their heads, which are bald and pink-skinned. A wizard with such a com-panion also is bald. Because vultures have a knack for finding dead creatures, three times a day they can detect undead: within a 120’ radius. They suffer only half-damage from physical attacks of undead creatures, and they ignore the following effects caused by undead aging, level draining, fear, mummy rot, and paralyzation. A vulture bestows upon its companion the ability to ignore one aging or one level-draining attack per day. For example, a wizard with a vulture companion would ignore the first attack from a vampire that would normally cause a loss of two experience levels. However, a second attack by the undead would result in the level drain.

Winged serpent: HD 4+4; AC 5; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 14; MV 12, fly 18 (B); SZ L Colorful snakes with hues of green, blue, purple, yellow, and orange, these companions are 8’–10’ long and have wingspans of 10’–15’. The bite of a winged serpent is venomous, inflicting 1–4 hp damage the first round and 2–8 hp damage the following two rounds, save vs. poison for half damage. Three times a day the serpent can use a breath weapon, which consists of a cloud of dancing sparks 10’ in diameter. All those within the cloud suffer 2–16 hp damage, save for one-half, and the sparks ignite exposed flammable materials. The ser-pents are especially vulnerable to fire-based attacks, suffering a –2 saving throw. If they fail their saving throw against a fire attack, its wings are inciner-ated. The serpents cannot use their breath weapon while wingless. The ser-pents are immune to all electrical attacks, and they are able to regenerate their wings in 1–3 days. If they tuck their wings in close to their bodies they can spider climb at will. Once per day the ser-pent can transfer its breath weapon to its master. The wizard with this companion must spend 100 gp a month on special fruits and nuts for the winged serpent. After a few months in the company of this creature, the wizard’s diet starts to mirror the serpent’s.

Dmg 2–5; MV 38; SZ S Wolf: HD 4; AC 6; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Standing between 3’–4’ high at the shoulder, this companion confers upon its wizard-master a permanent +1 bonus to saving throws vs. charm attacks. The wolf also enjoys this benefit. In addition, twice a day the animal can turn itself into a worg with these statistics: HD 5; AC 5; THAC0 16; #AT 1; Dmg 2–8; MV 18; SZ M (4’–7’). The form lasts 2d4 turns.

When in the presence of its wolf com-panion, the wizard is able to speak with wolves, as a speak with animal spell. A wizard with a wolf companion becomes almost exclusively a meat eater.

Find Minion
Sixth Level
Range: 1 mile/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 12 hours
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
This enchantment is similar to the first level spell find familiar and the third level spell find companion; however it brings to the caster a minion with powerful abili-ties. The creature attracted benefits a wiz-ard by conveying its sensory powers to its master, conversing with him, and serv-ing as a guard, scout, or spy. A wizard can have only one minion at a time, though he also can have a normal familiar drawn by the 1st-level spell and a com-panion drawn by the third level spell. The minion enters into a magical bond with the wizard and no longer ages at the rate a similar normal animal would. The ani-mal will live as long as the wizard unless it is killed earlier by spells, physical attacks, or neglect. In addition, like a familiar or companion, the minion gains the saving throws of its wizard-mentor. The wizard gains an empathic link with the minion and can issue it mental com-mands at a distance of up to 30 miles. In addition to rolling hit points based on a minion’s hit dice, a number of hit points are added based on the wizard’s level, to a maximum of 20 bonus hit points. For example, a 12th-level wizard with an owl-bear minion would add 12 hit points to the creature’s total. A 16th-level wizard would add 16.

Wizards can call upon these creatures to perform various tasks and missions and can rely upon their special abilities. Minions easily carry out basic orders and understand when their masters are in danger. If the minion is separated from the wizard by more than 100 miles, the wizard loses one hit point a day until the wizard dies (at which time the minion also dies) or until the minion returns to within the 100-mile radius. If the minion is killed, the wizard must successfully roll an immediate system shock check or loose two points of Intelligence. If the check is successful, the wizard loses one point of Intelligence. Minions vary in power and abilities, and those attracted by the spell are determined randomly. More information on each minion can be found in the Monstrous MANUAL™ tome. Roll 1d12 and consult the following table.

1Owl bear
2Elven Cat
3Blink Dog
7Displacer Beast

Blink Dog: HD 4; AC 5; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1–6; MV 12; SZ M A blink dog minion looks like a stocky mutt or mongrel, making their kind diffi-cult to distinguish or recognize as special. A wizard with this minion has unkempt, shaggy hair. Blink dogs have their own complex language of barks and yelps, which their masters can understand. These creatures have an innate ability to blink, with no possibility of ending up inside something solid. Roughly 75% of the time they are able to attack targets from the rear because of this ability. Twice a day, a blink dog minion grants to its wizard master the ability to blink, as per the spell for six rounds.

Displacer Beast: HD 6; AC 4; THAC0 15; #AT 2; Dmg 2–8/2–8; MV 15; SZ L Looking like a puma with two tenta-cles, a displacer beast minion causes its master to have jet-black hair. This crea-ture retains its lawful evil alignment, no matter the alignment of its master – who it faithfully serves. Such a minion can: displace itself, allowing it to appear about 3’ from its actual location; make all saving throws as if it were a 12th-level fighter; cause attacking opponents to suffer a –2 penalty. A displacer beast grants to lawful neutral and lawful evil wizard-masters the ability to displace themselves 1’–2’ from where they are actually standing for up to one hour a day. This ability acts effectively as a cloak of displacement, which is listed in the DUNGEON MASTER® Guide.

Dragonne: HD 9; AC 6 flying, 2 ground; THAC0 11; #AT; Dmg 1–8/1–8/ 3–18; MV 15, fly 9 (E); SZ M A dragonne companion resembles a lion with long, feathery eyebrows and large, webbed wings. A wizard-master also gains overlong, feathery eyebrows. Three times a day this minion can emit a terrible roar that causes weakness in creatures within 120’ of it unless they make a successful saving throw vs. para-lyzation. Any creature within 30’ of the roar is deafened for 2–12 rounds, and all those hearing the roar suffer –1 on attack rolls. A dragonne’s master is immune to the effects of the roar. A dragonne minion is more powerful than its brethren. While they can fly for 1–3 turns at a time, the minion can fly for 2–8 turns.

Elven Cat: HD 3+6; AC 4; THAC0 17; #AT 3; Dmg 1–2/1–2/1–3; MV 18, swim 9; SZ T Looking like a normal house cat, often with gray or brown fur and black stripes, these minions have their own language and also understand the elvish tongue. Unlike other cats, they love water, and they are frequently found swimming or playing in streams and puddles when not performing a task or mission These minions are surprised only on a 1; impose a –5 to opponents’ surprise roll; enjoy a 99.9% chance to move silently and a 90% chance to hide in wilderness areas; and can leap 20’ with ease. Further, they have limited ESP, can use enlarge and trip once a day, and can employ reduce and tree twice a day– at the 9th level of ability. Enlarge doubles the minion’s Hit Dice and damage; tree allows it to assume the shape of a tree limb. Once a day, they confer to their master the ability to use the enlarge or tree spell. This does not count against a wizard’s spell allotment, though it pre-vents the minion from using the chosen ability that day. A wizard with an elven cat as a minion develops a taste for swimming and playing in the water.

Griffon: HD 7; AC 3; THAC0 13; #AT 3; Dmg 1–4/1–4/2–16; MV 12, fly 30 (C, D mounted); SZ L Ferocious avians that look like the meld of a lion and a giant eagle, these minions, which can serve as mounts, are prized and powerful. A wizard with this minion either has his hair turn a golden brown, or his skin (50% chance for either.) Further, a wizard feels compelled to provide the minion at least one horse, Pony or donkey each week. In exchange, the griffon grants its wizard-master the ability to once a week control horses, as per the animal control potion. The wizard can influence the emotions and drives of 1d4+4 horses for 1d4+4 turns (10 to 80 minutes).

Hippogriff: HD 3+3; AC 5; THAC0 17; #AT 3; Dmg 1–6/1–6/1–10; MV 18, fly 36 (C, D mounted); SZ L This monstrous hybrid of an eagle and a horse is one of the more prized minions. It will readily lay down its life for its wizard-master. Because of the bond established, the wizard cannot eat until he is certain his hippogriff is sated– even if that means offering the animal his food. Once a day it can change its form to that of a light riding horse, a shape it can hold for 3d6 turns (30 min-utes to three hours), and twice a day it can assume the form of a regular-sized eagle, a shape it can hold for 2d4 turns (20–80 minutes). The hippogriff gifts the wizard with the ability to speak with horses and to speak with eagles each once a day, as per the speak with animals spell.

Owlbear: HD 5+2; AC 5; THAC0 15; #AT 3; Dmg 1–6/1–6/2–12; SA hug; MV 12; SZ L Appearing as a cross between a giant owl and a bear, these minions weigh in excess of 1,000 pounds and are often aggressive and vicious. A minion owl-bear will not fight to the death unless it is commanded to do so by its wizard-master or unless its master is in serious danger. Though these minions prefer heavily-wooded forests, they usually stay at their masters’ sides – no matter where he travels. Unlike other owlbears, these minions do not lay eggs. However, like their brethren, they hibernate in the win-ter – provided they and their wizard-masters live in lands that have such cli-mates. A wizard with this minion devel-ops a small crest of yellow-brown hair at the top of his head, mirroring the owl-bear’s crest. A minion owl bear possess-es one special ability: once a day, for 2d4+4 turns (one to two hours), it can assume the form of a giant owl or a brown bear. It retains its normal hit points and Armor Class during the trans-formation.

Pegasus: HD 4; AC 6; THAC0 17; #AT 3; Dmg 1–8/1–8/1–3; MV 24, fly 48 (C, D mounted); SZ L A formidable winged steed, a minion Pegasus can be found in hues of white, gray, tan, and dark brown. Such a minion can understand most human common tongues. A Pegasus remains chaotic good, and over the course of a few months; its wizard-master’s alignment changes to chaotic good. A Pegasus min-ion can attack an opponent with its rear hooves, inflicting 2–12 hp damage; dive from 50’ or higher at +2 to attack, with its front hooves inflicting double damage; and detect evil and detect good in a 60- yard range at will. The Pegasus’ wizard-master is granted the ability to cast detect evil and detect good each once a day. A wizard with a Pegasus minion is only able to eat fruit, grass, and other plants.

Peryton: HD 4; AC 7; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 4–16; MV 12, fly 21 (C); SZ M A peryton minion looks like a giant dark green eagle with a blue-black stag’s head, obsidian antlers, and red-orange eyes. Typically an evil creature, this min-ion’s alignment quickly changes to match that of its wizard-master. In return, its master’s eyes become orange-red. Such a minion gains +2 on all attack rolls, is immune to nonmagical weapons, and can plunge from several hundred feet at a target for an additional +2 attack bonus. A wizard with a peryton minion gains an immunity to nonmagi-cal weapons once a day for 1d6 turns (10 minutes to one hour).

Pseudodragon: HD 2; AC 2; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1–3; SA poison sting; MV 6, fly 24 (B); SZ T Resembling a miniature red dragon, a pseudodragon minion is +4 on attack rolls. Its poison is quite potent – all those who fail a saving throw against it fall into a state of catalepsy that lasts 1–6 days. The creature’s chameleon-like power enables it to blend with a forest back-ground, giving it an 80% chance to be effectively invisible. A pseudodragon has infravision to 60’, can see invisible crea-tures and objects, and has a 35% magic resistance.

Once a day, a pseudodragon minion will grant to its wizard master infravision of 60’ for 3d4 turns (30 minutes to two hours) and the ability to see invisible objects and creatures for 1d4 turns (10–40 minutes). These abilities are grant-ed when the wizard requests them. A wiz-ard with this minion will grow a circular band of red scales about his wrists or ankles (50% chance for either location).

Umberhulk: HD 8+8; AC 2; THAC0 11; #AT 3; Dmg 3–12/3–12/1–10; MV 6, bur-row 1–6; SZ L An umberhulk retains its chaotic evil alignment, even though it will obey its wizard-master, who can be of any align-ment. Wizards with these minions have eyes that look like blackened circles. A powerful subterranean creature, the umberhulk prefers to remain in dark confines, where it has a greater chance to surprise opponents. Like other umber-hulks, a minion can easily bite through hide or bone, cause opponents under-ground or in dark chambers to suffer a –5 penalty to surprise rolls; burrow; dig through stone; cause cave-ins; and cause confusion per the spell – if a victim looks into its eyes. This minion has infravision to 90’ and grants an evilly-aligned wizard-master the same infravi-sion ability. If the wizard is evil and is an elf or half-elf, his infravision range is increased to 180’.

Unicorn: HD 4+4; AC 2; THAC0 15; #AT 3; Dmg 1–6/1–6/1–12; MV 2; SZ L A unicorn minion retains its chaotic good alignment, no matter the align-ment of its wizard-master and will unerr-ingly serve a master of any alignment. Such minions can sense an enemy up to 240 yards away, cause opponents to suf-fer –6 on their surprise rolls, gain a +2 bonus to hit, charge an opponent with its horn for 3–36 points of damage, and teleport themselves and their wizard-master once a day up to 360 yards away. These minions can never be charmed or held by spells, they are immune to death spells, and they make saving throws as if they were 11th level wizards. A unicorn minion will gift to a goodly-aligned wizard-master a perma-nent immunity to charm person or hold person spells – the choice is the wizard’s Because of the wizard’s close ties to its minion, his hair becomes stark white, matching the hair color of the unicorn.

=== Dragon #238 ===

Spell Echo
Level: 1
Components: S
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1
Duration: 1-2 rounds
Save: None
Area of Effect: Special
This spell creates a silent illusory scene that depicts the operation (unleashing) of a previously-launched magic. The duration and size of the scene varies according to the nature of that previous spell’s effect, but it always includes its caster (or magical item acti-vator) if he was present at the time of the original magic taking effect, and any creatures in the immediate vicinity who were affected by the spell.

Any amount of time can elapse between the original spell and the cast-ing of the echo, but the caster of the echo must occupy some part of the precise area of effect of the original spell, or the spot in which its caster or activator stood at the time, or the spell fails with-out effect. If multiple spells have taken effect in the area or have been cast from the spot chosen by the echo-caster, the caster is made aware of the race of the caster or activator of each, the school or sphere of each magic, and the approxi-mate time, and must choose to display just one of the previous magics from that information. Multiple spell echo spells can be cast in the same spot to “sort through” multiple previous enchantments, without affecting the “recalls.” This spell works only in Realmspace.

A spell echo is purely an illusion, but it is known to be a true illusion, not suscepti-ble to alteration by any known magic — and therefore acceptable as evidence of who did what to whom in the past.

Scourge of Stars
(Alteration, Evocation)
Level: 3
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 6
Duration: 12 rounds
Save: None
Area of Effect: Special
This spell brings into being a weight-less whip extending from an appendage of the caster. It need not be grasped by the wizard (who can hold other items in a hand that it may extend from), but it does preclude other spellcasting on the part of its caster that requires somatic and mate- rial components. The whip appears as a band of shadow dotted with thousands of tiny, twinkling motes of light, and it strikes silently. It can’t be grasped or snagged on things, and its reach is the length of the casters appendage plus 10’.

A scourge of stars strikes with, a THAC0 6 points, better than that of its caster, and it deals 2d4 hp damage per round. Any damage it inflicts is bestowed on its caster as extra or healing hit points (any excess hit points vanish when the scourge does, but until then, all damage suffered by the caster is taken first from these extra points). The scourge may strike only once in a round, can never harm its caster, and has no tangible existence (i.e., it can’t be tied to any- thing, or be cut by an opponent, or used to entangle a weapon).

The material component of a scourge of stars is a string of nine diamonds or other clear, colorless faceted gemstones of any type and value. The gems must be pierced and have a single, continu- ous chain or cord running through each stone to link all of them. Other gems and adornments may be present, but all, are consumed in the spellcasting.

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 300 yards
Casting Time: 2
Duration: 2 rounds
Save: ˝
Area of Effect: Special
This spell brings into being one fiery dagger per level of its caster. These look like 4”-long knives whose blades are wavering tongues of flame and which flicker into existence around the casters head and shoulders. They can’t harm the caster who creates them or cause harm to any non-living material (they can’t ignite wood, cloth, paper, or any- thing else) but are deadly to living and undead targets.

These firedarts fly at targets chosen by the caster. They must be visible to the caster as spellcasting begins, but they need not be so after; the firedarts follow and seek them, at MV Fly 20 (A), THAC0 4, two attacks allowed (the second only if the first misses). Contact with any magical barrier or spell effect, or passing out of spell range, causes a firedart to vanish instantly and harmlessly. A firedart that misses on both its attack attempts fizzles out and vanishes, harmlessly, wasted. One that strikes deals 1d4 hp piercing damage and is quenched, its magic expended. The tar- get is allowed a saving throw vs. spell, and if (and only if) that save fails, the dart also inflicts 1d4+1 hp fire damage.

A caster can elect to hurl each firedart at a different target, or group them in attacks against various targets, or even “save” some to attack on the second round of the spell. All of the firedarts van- ish when they miss or hit, or if they haven’t been fired when the spell expires (the firedart spell ends instantly if the caster casts another spell during that second round). Decisions about the tar- gets of firedarts saved until the second round need not be made until that sec- ond round, but the targets are still limited to creatures visible to the caster when the spell is first cast.

A common use of this spell is to strike out at a group of warriors attacking the caster, saving some firedarts to send against warriors who are still attacking after the first “wave” of firedarts have struck.

The material components of a firedart spell are a fragment of flint and a feather. The feathers may be of any size and from any source.

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: Special
Casting Time: 7
Duration: 8 rounds
Area of Effect: One weapon
Save None
This spell allows its caster to transform any weapon (any object that one being can lift and wield, that has in the past been used to cause damage to a living or undead creature, whether it is a rock or a garden stake or a broadsword) into any weapon of his choice.

The “new” weapon must be a copy of an item the caster has personally seen before. Its size, appearance, composition and construction (e.g., silver-coated, non-ferrous, or specific to a left- or right-handed user) conform to the turnblade-casters desires, but the new weapon has no magical properties beyond having +3 bonuses on all attack and dam-age rolls. Its base damage is that of the weapon-form chosen, regardless of size. For damage purposes, treat all weapons not easily classified as a standard weapon type as either a quarterstaff or a club, depending on rough overall size.

This spell is most commonly used to transform a dagger into a long sword +3 or a two-handed sword, or to turn a dagger into an axe when the latter weapon is needed as a tool (i.e., to chop through a door to freedom). The weapon can be wielded by anyone (even against the caster, or in defiance of the caster’s wishes) and — even if the caster deliberately chooses to forego the magical bonuses the spell affords — is considered a +3 magical weapon for purposes of determining what creatures it can hit.

A turnblade spell can’t be ended before the weapon it affects has existed in its transformed state for eight full rounds. The weapon affected is the material component of the spell — and it is consumed by the magic, vanishing forever when the spell expires.

(Alteration, Necromancy)
Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: 30 yards
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Special
Save: Special
Area of Effect: One creature
This spell forces its target (who must be visible to the caster when casting begins) back into previous body shapes the target has assumed. If it is cast on a creature that has never changed its shape, the spell is wasted. Purely illusion-ary disguises, and minor changes to the nature of a targets body such as in growing and aging do not count as “changes in shape.”

The backshift spell forces its target back into the last three body shapes it has assumed that weren’t the targets own. If the target has taken fewer than three shapes since birth, the spell dis-plays all forms it has taken. The target creature appears into these shapes in reverse chronological order (that is, the most recently-taken form first) for one round each. If there are fewer than three shapes available, the spell cycles through them, never including the form the creature was using when first struck by the backshift.

There is no saving throw against this initial part of the backshift, and this spell can force creatures into shapes not adapted for survival in the current sur-roundings (such as aquatic forms, on dry land). Target activities, such as spell-casting and weapon use, may be ham-pered or aided by the forms taken (dropping weapons is common), but the backshift spell itself doesn’t prohibit them.

At the end of the third round, the vic-tim of a backshift is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. If the save succeeds, the spell ends, and the creature is instantly returned to the form it had at first con-tact with the spell.

If the save fails, the caster of the spell can freely choose any one of the four forms (the initial one and the three forced “returns”) as the target creature’s new form. As the magic expires, it puts the target creature into the chosen form. This change is permanent unless altered by later magics, though the chosen form isn’t the creature’s “true” form, a simple dispel magic causes the creature to revert to its true form.

Once a backshift has been cast, its caster is free to undertake other activi-ties during later rounds (while its victim is undergoing the spell effects). The death of the caster frees the target from the backshift immediately, but move-ment out of spell range does not.

The material components of a back- shift are a strand of spiderweb, a whole, raw egg and a fragment of shell from an egg that has hatched. Both the whole egg and the shell fragment may come from any egg-laying creature, and they need not both be from the same indi-vidual or even species.

This spell was originally developed to unmask individuals who employed shape-changing magics to conceal their identities when they openly carried out crimes. For safety reasons, a backshift spell is usually memorized by at least one senior participant prior to any “twenty transformations” game.

Mystra’s Unraveling
(Alteration, Enchantment)
Level: 9
Components: V, S
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None
Area of Effect: 30’ radius
This spell instantly destroys all spells and enchantments linked to, focused on, or held within items. Imprisoned beings are set free, magically-preserved items are exposed to all the aging they’ve been protected from, and so on. Magical items automatically lose their powers, and barriers and wards connected to doors, anchor points, or other solid things collapse. Items connected to other planes lose those connections; if the link- ages are to non-living items, those items are yanked fully into the plane wherein the unraveling is cast. All portions of a large item are affected if any part of it is within range of the unraveling.

This magic has no effect on magical items touched by the caster during cast-ing or carried on the caster’s person. It also leaves untouched spell effects not attached to an item, including those that originated in magical item discharges. An unraveling reveals the multiple pow-ers of artifacts (to the mind of its caster only) in precise and fine detail, but it doesn’t affect or harm them — beyond the fact that its touch won’t activate an artifact, regardless of the artifacts nor-mal conditions for activation.

Alternatively, an unraveling can be cast with a different incantation word. In such cases, it leaves magical items and artifacts completely untouched, and it works only against enchantments. It can affect such magics regardless of their age and origin, even if they are quies-cent, awaiting later activation, within an area or a being. Such an unraveling suc-cessfully destroys multiple linked enchantments without triggering their magics, penetrates all known barriers (including prismatic effects and antimagic shells), and is roughly the equivalent of four dispel magic spells.

Spells From FR11: Dwarves Deep

These spells were originally all clerical spells specific to the Dwarven Clerics in Dwarves Deep. However some of them have made the crossover to Wizard spells in the A.F.A.L. campaign. They are presented here. Priest and Wizard spell levels and casting times are the same unless otherwise noted.

Hurl Rock
Sphere: Combat
Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: 10 yards/level
Casting Time: 2
Duration: 1 round
Save: None
Area of Effect: One rock (see below)

This spell allows the caster to suddenly and violently use telekinesis on a loose rock, using it as a missile. Only stone can be used, either natural stone or petrified objects. The stone must be loose; it cannot be a block that is part of a wall, or a piece of a rock face or ceiling. The rocky projectile leaps from its resting position to attack with the caster's THAC0. The "range" of this spell refers to the distance between the caster and the potential stone missile. The projectile can leap up to 45 feet vertically and up to 45 feet horizontally. Determine where missiles land using the "Grenade-Like Missile Effects" table in the DMG.

The caster can move up to 2 cubic feet/level. Rocks that are too large will be felt as such; the caster can choose another rock in the same round, but if it is also too large, the spell is wasted.

At times it will be important to know what damage the missile itself sustains after being hurled; for instance, if it is a fragile, valuable object, or, say, a petrified companion. The missile itself suffers 2d4 points of damage from its use in this spell and double that if it falls more than 50 feet in the process. This shatters the missile if it is brought to zero hit points. Assume rocky missiles to have an average hp total of 6 per 2 cubic feet, so that a rock of the maximum size that a 3rd level caster can move (6 cubic feet) will have 18 hp.

Rocky missiles that shatter spray shrapnel; all creatures within 10 feet of the landing site of a missile must save vs. spell or suffer 1d4+1 points of damage.

Any item struck by the missile or its shrapnel (see above) must save vs. "crushing blow". A being struck by the missile is hurt as follows:

Rock Volume
(in cubic feet)
> 104d12

The reverse of this spell, rock shield, allows the caster to deflect rocky missiles of all types and from all sources. The shield remains in effect for one round/level, infallible against all missiles whose edges contain or are made of stone. Once cast, it does not require continued concentration or further action. The deflections are in directions uncontrollable by the user of the shield. Use the "Grenade-Like Missile Effects" table, noting that deflections may hit companions of the shield-user.

The material components of this spell are a suitable rock to serve as the projectile, a tiny pebble, held in the caster's hand and not consumed in the casting. The reverse of the spell requires two small pebbles and a translucent piece of glass, mica, ice, crystal, or a gem.

Sphere: Combat
Level: 2
Components: V, S
Range: 10 yards/level
Casting Time: 2
Duration: 1 round
Save: Special
Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot/level

This spell allows the caster to cause a boulder or rockpile to suddenly explode, propelling jagged shards in all directions. If the desired spell focus is larger than the volume the caster can effect, only part of it will fly about.

Shrapnel endangers all beings within 20 feet of the spell focus. Beings within 10 feet must save vs. spell for half damage. Beings between 10 and 20 feet distant who save successfully are allowed a second saving throw. If both rolls are successful, they avoid all damage (due to luck, dodging, and cover). If only one roll is successful, they take half damage. The presence of cover or armor does not automatically lessen damage due to the unpredictability of ricochets, bounces, and the like.

The shrapnel does a base damage of 1d4+1 points per level of the caster (i.e. 1d4+1 points per cubic foot of rock). In rare cases, the explosion will remove enough rock to cause an avalanche or cave-in, but such results can rarely be deliberately caused with this spell.

(Alteration, Evocation)
Sphere: Combat
Level: 3
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 3
Duration: Special
Save: None
Area of Effect: Secial

This spell allows the caster to unleash beams of power from glowstones, or make normal stone (in a surface area of up to one square foot per level of the caster) radiate a continual light radiance, for 1 turn/level.

Lesser Guardian Hammer
Sphere: Guardian
Level: 3
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch (of area to be guarded)
Casting Time: 3
Duration: Special
Save: None
Area of Effect: Special

A lesser guardian hammer, is an invisible, hammer-shaped field of force that appears when a guarded door, lock, threshold, or area is disturbed (even years after the spell was cast). When activated, it charges through the air to strike the living thing nearest to the disturbed guardian area, or any being in the area (if there is more than one, determine target randomly).

Spells Found in Undermountain

Whirling Blade
Level: 2
Components: V, S
Range: 0
Casting Time: 2
Duration: 1 round/level
Save: None
Area of Effect: Special

This spell creates a shimmering, translucent silvery blade of force equal in dimensions and damage to a long sword. It orbits one of the casters hands and strikes once per round as a magical weapon ( +1 to attack and damage rolls).

The blade is weightless, and passes through metallic things as though they did not exist, without affecting them.

Metal armor is discounted when determining armor class against blade attacks; i.e. targets receive dexterity and magical bonuses, but not metal shield and mail protection. Beings wearing leather armor have a base armor class of 8, studded leather also counting as AC 8 against blade attacks; creatures with naturally tough hides or natural armor plating have their usual armor classes!

A whirling blade also passes through the body of its caster without harm - the caster is never imperilled by his own weapon. The blade cannot break, but is destroyed instantly by contact with a wall of force, anti-magic shell, or dispel magic spell.

A whirling blade emits a continuous, high-pitched shrieking noise - vibrations of magical force that cannot be magically silenced - and therefore cannot be used with any measure of stealth. Note that the caster can hold or carry normal weapons and other inorganic objects in the hand wielding the whirling blade without hampering its functioning, unless the carried objects are so large as to obstruct the casters view of foes, or so heavy (10 pounds or more) as to hamper or significantly slow arm movement. This magical weapon exists for the duration given or until the caster concentrates on casting another spell, whereupon it vanishes. Wielding and actively using a weapon also disrupts the spell, canceling its effects prematurely.

Energy Transformation
Level: 6
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 4 rounds
Duration: Permanent
Save: None
Area of Effect: 40' radius sphere

This complex spell creates a permanent, undetectable magical field. It absorbs magical discharges, such as spell effects and item functions, and uses them to power (that is, to extend the duration of) an existing magical spell or protection, with which the energy transformation is linked. The casting of the transformation must name this existing magic it is powering, and must also outline any desired limits on the absorption area of the transformation, within the limits of the area of effect given above. The spell field does not affect any magical items or weapons unless they are using a spell-like effect when they contact the field; in such cases, the energy transformation field absorbs the spell effect but has no further effect on the item or weapon.

The field absorbs spells cast through its area of effect, and it absorbs spells of all types that come in contact with the field save abjuration and conjuration/summoning spells. Any external magical effects on weapons or items will be slightly hampered by the field; for example, glowing weapons or a continual light cast on a torch will visibly dim and flicker while passing through an energy transformation field.

An example of the use of this spell would be a field around an icon, using spell energy to recharge a magical item within the icon itself. Only a Mordenkainens disjunction, limited wish or wish spell will destroy a single such field - a dispel magic will be absorbed by it, without having effect.

The material components of this spell include no less than three permanent magic items (which are consumed in the casting), three drops of the casters blood, the eye of any living creature, and a powdered diamond of not less than 5,000 gp value.

The Curse of Forgetfulness
(Enchantment/Charm) Reversible
Level: 7
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 2
Duration: Permanent
Save: None
Area of Effect: One creature

By means of this spell, a wizard bestows a special curse on another wizard which destroys the ability to comprehend certain spells. Lost spells cannot be memorized or even cast from a scroll; the mind of the victim of this curse simply cannot understand and enact them.

Spells known to a victim are lost at random, beginning with spells currently memorized. One spell is lost instantly, and an additional spell is lost every ten days thereafter, until the victim forever loses all spell casting ability. A remove curse will not affect this special curse; a heal, limited wish or stronger spell is necessary.

The reverse of this spell, bestow remembrance, reverses the effects of a curse of forgetfulness or a forget spell, Note that a successful to hit roll is required to confer either version of this spell upon an unwilling being.

Other Spells

Unseelie Servant
Level: 2
Components: V, S, (M)
Range: 0
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Duration: 12 hours + 3 hours/level
Save: None
Area of Effect: 60' radius

The unseelie servant is similar to the unseen servant in that it conjures a type of magical automaton to perform simple taskes for the caster. Like the unseen servant, the unseelie servant can perform simple tasks like cleaning and fetching small objects but cannot fight. Unlike the unseen servant, the unseelie servant is visible and has a distinct form. It appears as an eight-inch, androgynous winged humanoid composed of magical darkness. The unseelie servant can walk at a speed of 6 or fly at 15 (MC B). It can fly with objects up to one pound, walk with up to three pounds, or drag an object of up to 6 pounds. If it moves more than 40 feet + 5 ft./level away from the caster, the servant is dispelled - it will follow commands that have this result.

When it is not actively engaged in some task for its caster, the unseelie servant will sit on the caster's left shoulder and amuse itself. It cannot be discouraged from this behavior except by giving it another task to perform. If there is something else on the caster's left shoulder (ex. a parrot) the unseelie servant will sit on top of it. When sitting, the unseelie servant can rest on the point of a needle without harm. Otherwise, it is AC 3, has 6hp, and uses the item saving throw table. The unseelie servant avoids contact with the skin of living creatures other than the caster's left shoulder when not commanded otherwise and takes 1hp of damage per round from such contact. Those who have managed to touch one say it feels slick and cold. The unseelie servant is utterly silent. It is said that even grabbing it and smacking it against a bell until it is destroyed produces no sound.

When commanding the unseelie servant, the caster must address it by name in the caster's native tongue. When Unseelie Servant is first cast, the caster must choose a name for the servant. For unknown reasons, this name must be at least three syllables, start with K or Q, contain at least 1 X and end in Y (ex. "Kisgixy", "Quaxaty", "Kaxexixoxuxy". Likewise, if the caster conjures more than one unseelie servant at a time, each needs its own name. If the servant is destroyed by damage, a new name must be chosen at the next casting. The material component, a piece of jet of at least 20gp value, is only needed when a new servant is being named.

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