Tarsakh Auction, Year of the Tankard

The Auction Poster

This poster was up around town for at least a few days before AFAL saw it on Tarsakh 16th.

Auction of Fantastical Items
to be held on the 21st of Tarsakh, in this, the Year of the Tankard.
Auction to be held at noon on the second story of the Stormsong Building, Cat's Alley near The Street of Bells.

The Stormsong Auction House, a well-known and respected presenter of some of the most unique items in Faerun, will be hosting an auction of a collection of enchanted items gathered from the most dangerous corners of the North by renowned brave adventuring companies.

Doors will open for viewing and bidder registration at 10:00. A 500gp bond is required of registered bidders.

Items to be auctioned will include:
Many articles of Enchanted armor, including a shield and armor enchanted for warmth as well as protection
Many Enchanted weapons, two of them intelligent
Potions of Longevity
Scrolls of Protection
Elixir of Youth
Nose Ring of Load Easement
A Hoe of Most Benificent Enchantment
Cubic Gate
Helm of Comprehending Languages and Reading Magic
Censer Controlling Air Elementals
Book of Vile Darkness
Rod of Rulership
Rod of Terror
Staff of the Serpent

The Catalog

The auction took place on Tarsakh 21st in the Year of the Tankard. Steve got a bidder number and the following listing of the lots:

Lots are listed in the order in which they are likely to be presented. The management reserves the right to make last-minute changes to lot order and/or opening price.
Lot NumberOpen Price Description
408180 Philtre of Lust
4083100 Potion of Sweet Water
4085100 Potion of Ventriloquism
2022240 Scroll (Priest) 2) Music of the Spheres
2021100 Sweet Water Potion
4078120 Potion of the Wizard Spell Enlarge
4087240 Scroll (Priest) Lighten Load
4080120 Philtre of Love
4077160 Potion of Claraudience
4093240 Scroll (Wizard) 2) Whirling Blade
4082160 Potion of the Wizard Spell Murdoch's Insect Ward
4088360 Scroll (Priest) 3)Inflict Moderate Wounds
4072200 A pint bottle enchanted to shatter if poison or a cursed potion is poured into it
4092360 Scroll (Wizard) Delay Death
4074200 10 doses of a powder which will increase the light from a flask of lamp oil by 20 feet
4094360 Scroll (Wizard) 1) Unseen Servant (3 copies)
4061560 +1 Dagger
3048200 Polymorph to Dung Beetle Potion
4096360 Scroll (Wizard) 1) Comprehend Languages (3 copies)
4075300 10 doses of a powder which when sprinkled across an area (10') will glow where it contacts magic, the color indicating type. Will aid later attempts to identify items by the user.
1011480 Scroll (Priest) 4) Defensive Harmony
4076300 Oil of Slipperiness
1013480 Scroll (Priest) 4) Rapport
4062560 +1 Dagger
1001600 Holy Symbol of Helm, enchanted to increase the effectiveness of turning the undead by 10%
1000720 6 sheaf arrows, +3
4071800 Amulet of Turning Resistance
4098800 Bastard Sword, +1
4089840 Scroll (Priest) Bless, Curse, Putrify Food, Focus
4099800 Scimitar, +1
4063560 +1 Dagger
4095960 Scroll (Wizard) 1) Levitate (4 copies)
40641000 +1 Footmans Pick
40681000 +1 Shield
40701000 +1 Studded Leather Armor
20251000 Eversmoking Bottle
20201000 Potion of Longevity
40691000 +1 Shield (needs new handle)
40841000 Potion of Undead Control (Skeleton)
10101000 Ring mail, +1
10041000 spear, +1, +2 vs reptiles
40791000 Potion of Longevitiy
30421000 Studded leather armor, +1
40651080 +1 Glaive
40671080 +1 Heavy Crossbow
40911080 Scroll (Priest) 2) Continual Darkness (3 copies)
10021200 battle axe, +1, +3 vs orcs
30491200 Decanter of Endless Water
40601600 +1 Banded Mail
10061600 Fauchard, +2
10151600 Longsword, +1 - The name “Horrific Deathreaver of Doom” has somehow been carved into the blade post-enchantment without diminishing it.
10141600 Murlynd's Spoon
10031600 Scimitar, +2
10051600 Short sword, +2
10092000 Plate mail, +1
20232000 Scroll of Protection from Plants
40902040 Scroll (Priest) Locate Animals or Plants (2 copies), Snake Charm, Summon Insects, Call Woodland Being, Animal Summoning III
10072200 Bastard Sword, "Delver", +1, +3 vs. regenerating creatures, Intelligent, Chaotic Neutral
30412400 Leather Armor, +2
20242500 Nose Ring of Load Easement
30432600 Studded Leather Armor, +2
10123000 Scroll (Priest)
  • 1) Faerie Fire (2 copies)
  • 2) Obscurement
  • 4) Protection from Lightning
  • 4) Weather Stasis
  • 6) Weather Summoning
  • 7) Control Weather
10084000 Brigandine Armor, +1, functions as a Ring of Warmth
20268000 Hoe, +5
20277000 Cubic Gate
40867500 Elixer of Youth
20288000 Scimitar, "Swift Slicer", +4, Intelligent, Chaotic Neutral
30406000 Helm of Comprehending Languages and Reading Magic
304516000 Book of Vile Darkness
304410000 Censer Controlling Air Elementals
409715000 Staff of the Serpent
30475000 Rod of Terror
304620000 Rod of Rulership

Results of the Auction

The full list of items and their final sale prices is available as an ODS spreadsheet here.

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