Flamerule 4
Flamerule 4, 1369:
Despite all the distractions, the party completes its first week of
training. New hit points were rolled for all new levels, those
reached and those now being trained for:
Dexter R - max, P - 6
Falco F - max, P - 8
Henkles 7
Moogh 3
Steve 4
Stewart 5 & 5
Having gone up in level, the spellcasters are again able to attempt
identify spells. Steve learns that Binky was wielded by a gnome
fighter named Blingenlingle Klenbendlglee Ungergedar who walked
through a curtain of darkness and died in a deep pit on the other
side before failing a roll on Binky. He then failed a roll on
Silver Strike. Buffy finishes the job of identifying Silver Strike -
it is a nonmagical shortsword of high quality (speed 2) that was
meant to be enchanted by Morgath the Unstable. Morgath managed to
prepare it with an everbrite (rustproofing) enchantment before it
was stolen from him. It has no other properties. She then learns
that Binky has a minor bonus to hit when used in ones primary hand
or thrown before failing a roll. Darius managed to learn that Binky
was created to be a companion to a weapon named "Foereaver" before
he also failed a roll. He then tried, and failed, to learn anything
about the "Sproing" ring.