Hammer 17

Hammer 16, 1370 Year of the Tankard Hammer 18, 1370

Hammer 17, 1370:
    High = 10, Low = 0
    Moderate precipitation (2" snow) starting @ 11:10am
    Wind gusting to 36 mph from the prevailing direction.
    Partly cloudy most of the day.

    sitrav ride out at dawn

    another gold each to stablehands
    10 gp ea to other 4 barmaids, half ea. from Darius, Dexter

    party rides hard thru snow to get to Amphail

    encounter 1 guard patrol bearing altered Jhanczil arms


    arriving in Amphail ask guard bearing new arms where Ammakyl
    estate is, ride around town to get there.  at estate, everyone
    confused by note, meet w/Luth Ammakyl who thought Starric away on
    mission, very upset & suspicious, tells party to wait there &
    starts slowly surrounding w/troops, they bail.

    back @ Amphail, hide in cheapest inn (Hagala's Manyturets) bribe
    inkeep to not let S.T. know they are there (~20gp).  Send Jan,
    Darius and Stalker to Mother Gothal's to gather intel.  Steve
    tries to listen from stairs, Denyae, invisble, guards corridor.
    Steve hears guards that may have asked about them.  Two strangers
    aproach door, Maanamere sees attractive woman through peephole &
    open, other turns out to be Staric.

    Staric was watching all inns for them, never expected them to go
    to estate, now family tipped off.  Amphail being searched for AFAL
    and Staric now.  Arrikes Jhansczil apparently assembling alliance
    of noble families to take over ("take back") Waterdeep using
    Reverential Coronet of Extroversion.  Anybody who sees him joins
    the plot, attempts to warn Lords have been intercepted ended
    fatally (& messilly).  Dagar and Staric were affected until he
    put on Helm of Beefy Will.  Dagar left Helm w/Staric, Staric used
    Forget & Suggestion (from scroll) to make Dagar forget &
    think Helm in Waterdeep.  Sent for AFAL.  Wants them to separate
    Arrikes from Coronet.
        300xp to Jan for thinking of Wind Chimes of Dusk plus recent
        300xp to Darius, Dexter, Henkles, Maanamere & Steve for filling
            in the Helm of Beefy Will part of the formula (with

    Party decides to bail that night, send Jan & Stalker back to
    Mother Gothal's to arrange for strongbox to be collected & stored.
    On way out, notice gnomish merc from S.T. downstairs, hot
    ½-elf merc at mother Gothal's.  Rest of party preps for
    ride, 2mp to dexter, 1 to darius & 1 to jan to cover bribes &
    storage @ festhall

    Dexter casts Know Alignment to check stable hands, meets &
    converses w/evil horse.  Spots CE aura at door, Denyae, then
    Maanamere, then Dexter give chase, Maanamere sees someone running
    toward Stag-Horned Flagon, shoots before Dexter reminds about
    Denyae, hits runner, then Denyae tackles.  Apparently not
    witnessed in snow.  Bring back to barn, question with ESP.
    S.T. knew when the party left Waterdeep and were specifically
    pursuing them, he (Amach Denderrin) doesn't know how or why.
    Thought they had missed them or lost trail until everyone else
    started looking for them too.  Dexter offers bribe, Darius (w/ESP)
    says not to bother.  Tie him tight, blindfold & bribe stablehands
    to not notice him until morning.  Leave in stall w/evil horse as
    afterthought.  Darius catches stray thought of "Oooh, candy!"
        175xp to Darius, Denyae, Dexter, Henkles, Jan, Maanamere & Steve
            for Amach Denderrin

    On way out of town, Darius insists on stopping at (& waking
    up) Ammakyl Flowers and Foods so he can purchase every packed
    lunch they have ready and 60 days worth of oats for horses at an
    inflated price.

    Party rides through large chunk of night & gets 1 mile out of town
    (past MOST farms & stables) before hiding for night.

    AFAL & ST Travel Route
    Travel path and locations reached at days end for AFAL (purple) and the Silent Travelers (orange)
Hammer 16, 1370 Year of the Tankard Hammer 18, 1370

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