Hammer 16
Hammer 16, 1370:
High = 0, Low = -10
Moderate precipitation (2" snow) starting @ 9:10am
Wind gusting to 50 mph from the prevailing direction.
Partly cloudy most of the day.
party stuck due to moderate snow
Early in the evening Henkles & Denyae see Silent Travellers riding
in with 5 new members (prob. mercenaries). They run inside and
warn everyone while the S.T. are putting their horses in the
Sleeping Dragon's stables.
tip inkeeper 40gp, each barmaid & cook 1gp to keep quiet, hide in rooms,
know alignment on women@arms:
1/2 Elven woman, CHA 18, Neutral
Gnomish woman, CHA 10, Lawful Evil
Human woman, CHA 12, Neutral
Human man, CHA 14, Chaotic Evil
Elven woman, CHA 15, Neutral Evil
later, barmaid reports S.T. are specifically looking for them and
offering 5gp (10gp, 5 from Dar), reports back later that they
bought new horses to replace lame ones. no heat that night
dexter & jan to stables
1gp & promise of 5 for intel to stablehands
charm mammal on largest non-lame sitrav horse fails