Kythorn 10

Kythorn 9, 1370 Year of the Tankard Kythorn 11, 1370

Kythorn 10, 1370:
    High = 70, Low = 50
    No precipitation
    Wind gusting to 6 mph from the prevailing direction.

    The next morning, the party gets their chance to pay for Detect
    Magic and Detect Lie and is eager to be questioned about their
    side of the story.  Oddly, the local constabulary seems less
    interested than they did the night before.  Eventually the party
    is released and Safoin and Throlmo, who were less talkative around
    the Detect Lie spell are not (although fines/bribes seem a more
    likely outcome than jail for them).  While collecting their things
    and heading out, the party picks up enough snatches of information
    to suggest that the Sea Vault leadership left in the early morning
    hours, taking their promise of large bribes for the Coronet with

    Session ends with:
      * Dexter off in the wilderness alone.
      * Steve and Ag with Omagni's caravan, heading towards a possible
        rendevous with the Sea Vault.
      * Henkles, Darius, Denyae, Maanamere, and Tristan standing outside
        of the courthouse in Fireshear with rumbling bellies.
      * Mrap-M'rap hopefully about to rejoin the caravan.
      * Staric lost at sea
      * Brogan and Ursula (remember Ursula?  This is a song about - no
        never mind that) on DRG.


Start of 2018-12-29 Game

    Dexter flew through the night to where the trail meets the road
    from Hundlestone to Luskan and then found a copse of trees to hide
    in about .7 miles to the North.  He dug a shallow pit and curled
    up in it under his cloak after setting a Wyvern Watch.  He spent
    the day sleeping and hanging out.  His only encounter was with a
    curious deer just after dusk in the evening.

    At the Caravan, Mrap-M'rap came flying in as people were breaking
    camp acting agitated and got Steve and Ag's attention.  Then he
    proceeded to scratch a picture in the dirt.  Steve and Ag were
    agreed that there was a spider, probably giant, in the picture
    with a possible rider - or a drider.  At any rate, they wrote out
    a warning about a possible giant spider aon the trail between the
    caravan and Fireshear and Steve summoned a gargoyle to find the
    rest of the party and let them know.

    In Fireshear, the party bought breakfast and then riding horses
    and rode out of town again.  They got about a mile out of town
    before they met the gargoyle and read the note.  Maanamere checked
    the trail and discovered that there did seem to be giant spider
    tracks on top of the tracks from the guards who brought the party
    back to Fireshear.

    Steve relayed this to Ag and Mrap-M'rap, but Mrap-M'rap couldn't
    believe that the gargoyle had failed to spot the spider in broad
    daylight and flew off to look for himself.

    The caravan arrives in a small fishing village and spends an hour
    or two trading with the locals.

    On the trail, Darius's horse gets spooked by giant centipedes, but
    no one is hurt and they ride around the centipedes and continue.
    A while later they meet up with Mrap-M'rap and find a place where
    the spider trail goes off the path a bit just before where the
    caravan camped for the night.  They follow the spider trail but it
    stops abruptly.  There are three boot prints where it stopped.
    Mrap-M'rap explains to Darius that the spider was ridden by a
    skinny dwarf with a pistol crossbow and a warhammer.

    The party continued and the caravan did likewise.  Eventually the
    horses caught up to the mules a few miles west of the Iceflow
    river.  Scouting ahead confirmed that the Sea Vault was anchored
    in the mouth of the river and there were about 20 dwarven marines
    with the ferryman.

    The party decided to head upstream and see if the Sea Vault had
    sent a boat to guard further up so they could steal it.  About
    that time, the marines started heading towards the party, even
    though they were fully out of sight.  When the party started
    moving, the marines turned to keep heading towards them.

    The party had about the same movement rate as the marines, so they
    were able to stay ahead of them.  Omagni cast Wyvern Watch behind
    them, which paralied the lead dwarf.  A Dispel Magic attempt was
    made by a dwarven cleric wearing a silver circlet with a few of
    the gems missing, but it failed.  Another dwarf was apparently
    left behind to watch the paralyed one.  In the mean time Henkles
    tried shooting at the dwarves, but missed.

    A while later the party found an area with a lot of large
    boulders, so they set up an ambush there.  When the dwarves got to
    the boulders, two Rockbursts were the signal to start the
    festivities and much fighting ensued.  In the end, many party
    members took damage, with Maanamere taking the most, and most of
    the dwarves were killed.  The dwarf cleric with the circlet
    (nicknamed "Weeble") escaped, as did the two who stayed behind.
    One dwarf Harigni "Stoner" of the Sea Vault was felled by a
    Weighty Chest spell from Brogan and was captured despite trying to
    crawl away invisibly.  Doc (Leftenant Tuverrir, Granddaughter of
    Murmain Nehrdudithun) was found to be unconscious at 0 HP and was
    also captured.
      21,845xp to Ag, Brogan, Darius, Denyae, Henkles, Maanamere, Omagni,
        Steve, and Tristan for the Battle of Iceflow Ford

    A boat was seen to be leaving the Sea Vault and heading upstream
    towards the paty's location.  Nevertheless, they stayed to loot
    the fallen:
      The Dead:
        "Modwarf" Moderf of The Sea Vault - df
            Studded Leather, +1, +2 in daylight
            Long sword
            Hand crossbow
            Scroll (C) 3) Abbathor's Greed
            4gp 12ep 17sp
        Sargent "Max" Thrarardoin, Great-Granddaughter of Tudesgno Starask - df
            Battle axe
            Heavy crossbow
            Javelin +2
            1 500gp Euclase, 18 10gp Goldlines, 7ep
        Sargent "Wabbit" Turdir, Great-Grandson of Ovoin Reldekis - dm
            +2 Brigandine
            Battle axe
            Heavy crossbow
            1 500gp letters of credit, 4 100gp Angel's Skins, 9 10gp Wonderstones, 4 Toals
        "Cover" Duarrdin, Granddaughter of Dofin Dhephorakos - df
            Sling w/bullets, +2
            Battle axe
            Heavy crossbow
            2 100gp Jargoons, 7 Toals, 33sp
        Orur of the Sea Vault - dm
            Broad sword, +1
            Battle axe
            Heavy crossbow
            2 potions 
            1 50gp Witherite, 5pp
        Halmain, Nephew of Durdain Raardothrakker - dm
            Battle axe, +1
            Heavy crossbow
            1 50gp Hypersthene, 7 Toals, 17sp, 8cp
        Sargent "Grumpy" Turmir, Grand-Nephew of Fordir Aldeskker - dm
            +1 Brigandine
            Long sword, +1
            Battle axe
            Heavy crossbow
            Scroll of Protection - Breath Weapons, Non-dragon
            Magic Ring
            4 100gp Jargoons, 5 10gp Chrysocollas
        "Bashful" Thirdir, Great-Grandson of Tumn Arkadrin - dm
            +1 Brigandine
            Battle axe
            Heavy crossbow
            Magic Ring
            3 Crossbow Bolts +2
            3 100gp Ulvaens, 4 10gp Varscites
        Leftenant "Hover" Dursu, Nephew of Thormi Eremarask - dm
            +2 Brigandine
            Warhammer, +2
            Club, +1
            Battle axe
            Heavy crossbow
            Scroll of Protection - Demons
            4 Crossbow Bolts +2
            Magic Ring
            1 1000gp letters of credit, 10 10gp Corstals, 20sp
        Sargent "Merl" Muri of the Sea Vault - dm
            Battle axe, +1
            Heavy crossbow
            4 potions
            Magic Ring
            1 1000gp Moonbar, 6 100gp Angel's Skins, 7gp
        Sargent "Gundrin" Tursar, Nephew of Turur Rativerach - dm
            Composite short bow, +1
            Bastard sword, +1
            Spear, +1
            Battle axe
            2 potions
            Magic Ring
            1 500gp Sphene, 4 100gp Jades
        Satignin, Niece of Duverri Markker - df
            Footman's flail, +1
            Battle axe
            Heavy crossbow
            2 potions
            1 100gp Laeral's Tear, 8 Toals, 39sp
        "Hopeless" Hophorir of the Sea Vault - df
            Morning star, +1
            Battle axe
            Heavy crossbow
            2 potions
            1 50gp Clelophane, 7pp, 4gp, 6sp
        "Daffy" Dofar, Son of Thordi Valdaticap - dm
            Battle axe
            Heavy crossbow
            Scroll of Protection - Gas
            Scroll of Protection - Poison
            1 100gp Tourmaline, 4 10gp Turquoises, 7gp
        Staff Sargent "Sarcasm" Dodirsin of the Sea Vault - df
            +3 Brigandine
            Broad sword, +2
            Heavy crossbow
            3 Crossbow Bolts +2
            4 100gp Brandeens, 6pp, 5ep

      The Captured:
        "Stoner" Harigni of the Sea Vault - df, captured with Weighty Chest
            +1 Brigandine
            Battle axe
            Heavy crossbow
            Scroll of Protection - Lycanthropes
            2 Magic Rings
            1 50gp Dioptase, 4 10gp Tiger Eye Agates, 4gp, 5sp
        Leftenant "Doc" Tuverrir, Granddaughter of Murmain Nehrdudithun - df, brought to 0 HP
            +3 Brigandine
            Club, +2
            Battle axe
            Heavy crossbow
            Scroll of Protection - Lycanthropes
            3 Crossbow Bolts +2
            1 1000gp Ravenar, 15 10gp Oolites


Start of 2019-05-04 Game
    Present at start: Darius, Mrap-M'rap, Henkles, Steve

    The party used a spyglass to watch a small boat from the Sea Vault
    - the Brandeen (10 rowers, 4 armored others) - approach the
    fleeing dwarves on the shore.  The party moved further from shore
    and up river while the dwarves had a brief powow on shore and then
    all returned to the Sea Vault.

    A while later, the party spotted a second boat from the Sea Vault
    - the Amethyst - patrolling further up river.  Around that time
    they also saw the Brandeen returning from the Sea Vault.  The
    gargoyle and Mrap-M'rap head out to try dropping rocks on the
    boats, but are set apon by 8 eagles.  

    Omagni & Denyae come off DRG.

    They retreat while the eagles try to swarm them and Henkles
    provides some covering fire.  Henkles loses two +2 crossbow bolts
    and Mrap-M'rap sustains heavy damage but makes it back to the
    party.  7 eagles are slain or consumed by carnivorous river squid.
    Darius cures some of the damage to Mrap-M'rap.
      1225xp to Darius, Denyae, Henkles, Omagni and Steve for feeding the squid

    Henkles demonstrates his impressive range with a few pot-shots at
    the crews of the Amthyst and Brandeen.  They move off to near the
    opposite shore.  The party moves further from the river and
    further inland (about .4 miles).

    The two boats were eventually joined by a third further upriver -
    Laeral's Tears.  The gargoyle drops a rock through the hull of
    Laeral's Tears but the crew compensates.  After some apparent
    discussion, all three boats discharged passengers - 13 of them on
    the near shore.  Those 13 dwarves started marching resolutely
    towards the party.

    Omagni sends the rest of the caravan on ahead and stays behind
    with Ameewle Ordermarrethfeet, a female halfling with some minor
    thief abilities, Althun Trollstature a male human fighter from
    Calimsham, and Amnge RedShade a female human fighter from

    Tristan comes off DRG and is handed the spyglass to learn what he
    can about the approaching dwarves while the gargoyle adds a second
    hole to Laeral's Tears and Henkles shoots the first dwarf for 8hp
    and AFAL assigns nicknames to the dwarves for convenience:
  1. "Pincushion" (female): nonmagical brigandine, +3 warhammer (Cleric?)
  2. "Alfred" (female): FD +3 studded leather, +2 shield, nonmagic warhammer, +1 short bow (Fighter/Thief?)
  3. "Beeble" (male): Nonmagic full plate, shield, +3 warhammer (Cleric?)
  4. "Charles" (male): +1 brigandine, battle axe, heavy crossbow (Fighter?)
  5. "Dweezle" (male): Studded leather, shield, +1 long sword, magic knife? (Fighter/Thief?)
  6. "Ernest" (female): +1 full plate, +1 shield, +2 footman’s flail, magical warhammer, Crossbow of Speed (Fighter/Cleric?)
  7. "Floyd" (male): Brigandine, +1 battleaxe, +1 short sword, +1 warhammer, (Fighter?)
  8. "George" (male): +1 brigandine, +1 heavy crossbow, nonmagic melee weapons (Fighter?)
  9. "Min" (male): +2 Brigandine, +1 scimitar (Fighter?)
  10. "Henry" (male): Field plate ,shield, +1 belaying pin (Cleric?)
  11. "Ivana" (female): Field plate, shield, +4/+5 vs orcs warhammer. (Cleric?)
  12. "Jhormi" (male): +1 brigandine, +1 footman’s pick (Fighter?)
  13. "Tuf" (male): +2 brigandine, magical sling, 2 +2 javelins. (Fighter?)

    The party takes advantage of their greater movement rate to
    maintain distance from the advancing dwarves, but they are set
    upon by various summoned animals:
      715xp to Althun, Ameewle, Amnge, Darius, Denyae, Henkles,
        Omagni, Steve, and Tristan for most of the small local fauna

    While that was happening, the dwarves took advantage of the
    distraction and sprinted closer, getting to a distance of 540yards.

    The party notices one of the dwarves turning invisible and then a
    giant owl is flying at them.  The gargoyle attempts to intercept
    as it attempts to drop a rock on the party.  The owl takes enough
    damage to force it to land, but it turns into a normal owl and
    flies away.

    Mrap-M'rap reports an invisible dwarf (Min) flying towards the
    party.  Min fires on Denyae, becoming visible (and missing).
    Henkles returns fire before Mrap-M'rap can report that the real
    invisible guy is still invisible and flying closer to the party.
    When he closes to within 180 yards, he drinks a potion and becomes
    visible.  (The party doesn't know why at this point, although the
    players know it was Human Control, as several of them had to save
    and Denyae failed.)


Start of 2019-06-15 Game

    Present: Henkles, Brogan, Maanamere, Steve, Mrap, Denyae, Tristan, Omagni&Co.

    Min is about 180 yards away.  Min gets shot and Denyae reveals her
    charmed status by shouting "Don't shoot my friend!".  Tristan uses
    a wand to negate all charms.  Gargoyle grapples Min, which allows
    people to keep shooting him even though he turns invisible.
    Gargoyle takes enough damage to get unsummoned while Min takes
    lots more.

    At this point 6 moose with 2 dwarves mounted on each come charging
    towards the party.  General melee ensues.  When the smoke clears
    Ernest has surrendered, the moose have mostly fled (1 dead) and
    the other attacking dwarves are dead.
      14,520xp to Althun, Ameewle, Amnge, Brogan, Darius, Denyae, Henkles,
        Maanamere, Omagni, Steve, and Tristan for the Second Battle of


Start of 2019-07-20 Game

    Present: Maanamere, Brogan, Denyae, Omagni&Co., Steve, Mrap, Henkles, Tristan

    "Ernest" (Thukarmo of the Sea Vault) was interogated and tied up.
    The party learned that the leader of the Sea Vault - "Dermoan of
    the Sea Vault" - had some means of tracking the party but Ernest
    had no idea what.
    Meanwhile, looting of the latest group of dwarves (including
    Ernest) happened.  The loot list is in Google Docs.

    Members of the caravan were called back and some treasure was distributed:

    After some discussion a plan to capture the three boats is formed
    and executed.  Amnge kindly loans her Type C Bag of Tricks to
    Darius who uses it to throw a tiger and an ostrich into the mix.
    All three boats are captured and the sailors surrender.  Weeble
    fails to escape using poly self.

    The boats are put to work ferrying the caravan across the river.
    The Octel approaches from the Sea Vault but backs out of range
    when signaled to surrender.  Meanwhile, Mrap-M'rap reports an
    invisible dwarf "tumbling" through the sky towards them.  A
    gargoyle is sent to intercept and it becomes clear that this is a
    levitating dwarf being propelled by a Dust Devil.  The dust devil
    is eliminated and the dwarf then resorts to getting a river squid
    to tow it across the water.  Many hit points are lost on both
    sides before the dwarf, Thiphof, surrenders.

    The party takes her stuff:

    Bandaging happens. Thiphof does not know how the party is being tracked.

    Once the caravan is across, Thiphof and the sailors are released,
    with each sailor getting 1gp for their troubles.

    The party continues down the road and leaves Doc, Ernest and
    Stoner tied up beside the road after half a mile.

    Eventually, Weeble the seagull/Dermoan of the Sea Vault turns back
    to dwarf form and gets looted (+1 studded, +1 shield, +3 staff
    sling, +3 warhammer, Magical circlet [which he refers to as "Get
    Stuffed"], potion, 1000gp LoC Bank of Calimshan, 12 x 10gp
    Webstone, 5ep, 5cp).  Dermoan will only explain that the Circlet
    is Church Property and the party Had Better Give It Back.

    The party travels another 4 miles and makes camp, Dermoan is
    securely tied up, especially after using a Command spell in an
    escape attempt.

    Dexter spent the evening chilling out under his cloak and cast
    Wyvern Watch and went to sleep at dawn the next morning.

Kythorn 9, 1370 Year of the Tankard Kythorn 11, 1370

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