Mirtul 25, 1370 | Year of the Tankard | Mirtul 27, 1370 |
Mirtul 26, 1370: High = 40, Low = 20 Light precipitation (1/2" rain) starting @ 6:10am Wind gusting to 10 mph from the north. Cloudy. Star Chaser sails out before dawn. Ag, Denyae, Maanamere and Steve start training (to 8th Thief, 7th Fighter, 7th Ranger & 9th Bard) to finish evening of Kythorn 5. strong favorable wind = 216 miles/day Arrive Luskan harbor ~11:30pm (low tide). High tide ~5am next morning.
Mirtul 25, 1370 | Year of the Tankard | Mirtul 27, 1370 |