Tarsakh 11

Tarsakh 10, 1370 Year of the Tankard Tarsakh 12, 1370

Tarsakh 11, 1370:
    High = 40, Low = 20
    Heavy precipitation (2" sleet and rain)
    Wind gusting to 10 mph from the sea.

    Gulkker reports a note on the doorstep in the morning for "Captain
    Menlil".  It's on fine white paper and adressed in an elegant
    hand.  It's sealed in blood red wax with a swan seal.  Inside it's
    perfumed and reads "We can have more time for stories if you sleep
    on the ship.  Sorry we can only talk that way. -- A."

    No one shows up for a tour of the Star Chaser that morning, but
    Gomer is there to ask when and where to report for duty (and for a
    small advance on his pay).  Gomer is transfered back to fair winds
    to participate in future interviews.

    Party holds some bidding on magic items:
      * Henkles buys Ioun Stone (+1 protection) for 6000gp
                buys Scarf of Warmth for 8000gp
      * Jan buys the Bracers of Initiative, d8 for 8000gp
      * Dexter buys the Mace, +2, +4 vs. negative energy and level
        draining creatures for 5000gp

    More candidates show up to interview for positions on the ship.
    After they realized that one of them was the head chef of the Jade
    Jug Inn, Dexter and Phack (the Shaman in the Ring of Kobold
    Summoning) both cast Detect Charm, and Dexter used his Know
    Alignment ability:
        Dherhe            1st Mate         hf, LG, CHA Okay
        Gorros Goddancer  Boatswain        hm, CG, CHA Good, Charmed
        Dhemas            Boatswain's Mate hm, LE, CHA Good
        Mizae             Navigator        hf, LN, CHA Poor, Charmed
        Dareth Oakstature Head Chef        hm, CN, CHA Remarkable, Charmed
    After two Dispell Magic spells, the party was able to
    eliminate all of the charms.  After talking with everyone, Gorros
    and Mizae were invited to tour the ship the next morning.

    Darreth had become intrigued by Rarchnarorg's cooking techniques
    and spent some time chatting with him in the kitchen.

    An invisible gargoyle was stationed in the sewer junction
    Arcturagana had fled to for the night.

    Some distribution of loot took place. 

Tarsakh 10, 1370 Year of the Tankard Tarsakh 12, 1370

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