Tarsakh 18, 1370 | Year of the Tankard | Tarsakh 20, 1370 |
Tarsakh 19, 1370 (new moon): High = 50, Low = 30 No precipitation Wind gusting to 16 mph from the prevailing direction. Overcast. Darius posts a notice at the Magists & Protectors guildhall about needing a Disintegrate caster. The latest news running around:
Waterdeep -- Andruthra Thorn of the Watch will confirm only that they recovered "the corpse of an unknown man" from the notorious dead-end alley this morn, but several local residents and tradesfolk (notably Haunzro Thlam, of Thlam's Fresh Loaves of Immar Street, who was making early deliveries of his famous morningfeast buns) confirm that the "stabbed and cut open" man -- naked but for a pair of boots -- had one unusual feature: his body sported a ratlike, hairless tail more than a foot long!
The Watch took the remains to Farwatch Tower for examination, displaying only the face to interested persons, but the murdered man is as yet unidentified. Watchful Order mages were seen at work in the alley.
Located north of Delzorin Street in North Ward, Trollskull Alley was for years a favorite spot for duels and trysts, and local Watch patrols scour it regularly.
Interviews for 1370-04-19: Dekamon Snowsblood Apprentice Navigator hm, CG, CHA Okay, Charmed by Arcturagana Lireirlir Eleirial 2nd Mate 2em, NG, CHA Okay Arder Amkatac Cook hm, N, CHA Amazing Brogan casts Dispel Magic on Dekamon twice. The second time is successful. Arder is invited to tour the ship the next morning.
Tarsakh 18, 1370 | Year of the Tankard | Tarsakh 20, 1370 |