Tarsakh 1

Ches 30, 1370 Year of the Tankard Tarsakh 2, 1370

Tarsakh 1, 1370:
    High = 25, Low = 10
    Light precipitation (1" snow) starting @ 10:40am
    Wind gusting to 16 mph from the north.
    Clear sky most of the day.

    Those in the party who could spent the day casting Identify
    spells mostly on items collected the previous day:

    Darius casts Identify (7th level, casting as 8th level)
      roll 1: The ring from Marrin is weak protection.
      roll 2: That ring is +1, nothing more to learn.
      roll 3: The ring from Marraba is weak protection.
      roll 4: Failed a roll for Marraba's ring.
      roll 5: Earnartra's ring is Fire Resistance.
      roll 6: Earnartra's other ring is weak protection.
      roll 7: Failed a roll for Earnartra's ring
      roll 8: The staff from Mirima is a Staff of the Serpent (variety
              and command word still unknown).
    Staric casts Identify (at 6th level)
      roll 1: Failed roll for the fly statue from Relask.
      roll 2: Learned that with Earnartra's wand, 1-3 charges may be
              expended at once.
      roll 3: With Earnartra's wand, after saving vs damage, the victim
              must also save vs. wands to avoid being stunned 1-4 rounds
              from the pain
      roll 4: The command word for Earnartra's wand is bugger (as
              pronounced in France).
      roll 5: Failed a roll for the wand.
      roll 6: Gurugh's longsword gives a 10% bonus to wearer's Hide in
    Steve casts Identify (at 7th level)
      roll 1: Marraba's ring gives a moderate saving throw bonus.
      roll 2: No more to find out about Marraba's ring.
      roll 3: Earnartra's ring: nothing more to learn.
      roll 4: Earnartra's wand does 3d4 damage per charge spent to the
              primary target.
      roll 5: Failed on the wand.
      roll 6: Fly statue command word is sugar, turns into giant fly
              that you can ride.
      roll 7: Failed roll on the staff of the serpent.
    Tristan casts Identify (at 5th level)
      roll 1: failed on the long sword
      roll 2: the staff's command word is the droven word for snake
      roll 3: failed on one of the potions
      roll 4: Potion is oil of slipperyness
      roll 5: failed on the hand axe

    Early in the morning, Fair Winds received four visitors from the
    House of the Moon (Church of Selune).  They were Yanros Amvermon
     a high-priest, Amren Arrikos and Rhaundon Bloodsong,
    his assistants , and Brogan Blackroot, a hill dwarf
    (played by Andrew) Champion of Moradin who has been assigned to
    act as a liason between the faiths of Moradin and Selune in the
    matter of keeping an eye on the party.  The party learned the
    following things from them:

      Regarding the Coronet: The Reverential Coronet of Extroversion
      was a creation of the Dwarven god Abbathor, who made it in an
      attempt to woo (and secretly gain control of) Deep Duerra, the
      Goddess of the Duergar.  The ruse was unsuccessful and lead to
      strife between the two faiths that still persists.  It is an
      article of faith with the clergy of both gods that they should
      seek to gain control of the Coronet.  A ceremony to destroy the
      Coronet has been devised, which will have to be performed at a
      special forge reached via Citadel Adbar, but see below.

      Regarding the Star Chaser: The real curse on the Star Chaser is
      just that anyone who dies on board is animated as a zombie
      crewmember.  The clergy of the House of the Moon believe they
      can remove the curse from the ship by means of a ceremony that
      will involve surrounding the ship at five points and chanting a
      spell for about an hour.  In order for this to happen, the party
      has to protect them from any attacks from the ship.  They will
      meet AFAL on the docks at sunset on the 4th (full moon) to go
      out and perform the ceremony.

      Regarding another, related task: In exchange for lifting the
      curse, the House of the Moon expects AFAL to destroy the Coronet
      ASAP.  In order to perform the ceremony, they will first need to
      obtain a large quantity (at least 100 lbs.) of Green Corstal, an
      otherwise unexceptional semi-precious stone which may prove
      difficult to obtain in such large quantity.  The nearest source
      that might have enough of it are the mines on the Ice Peak, an
      island off the Sword Coast, east of the Spine of the World.
      There are some old abandoned mines on the southwest slope of the
      peak which should still have a considerable quantity of the
      stone available.  The party needs to obtain a suitable amount of
      green corstal and bring it to the High Priest of the temple of
      Moradin in Citadel Adbar so that preparations for the
      destruction ceremony can be made.

    After meeting with the priests, those who could add but not cast
    Identify did some loot conversion/distribution:

    This makes a total of 212gp and 12sp for each of Ag, Tristan,
    Darius, Maanamere, Dexter, Denyae, and Steve, 106gp and 6sp each
    for Staric and Deringa, and 109gp and 12sp for Henkles

    Dexter buys the Ebony Fly with cash, to be distributed to party.

    Healing happens.

    In the early afternoon, some folks from the Northern Mights
    stopped by to let Captain Maanamere know that they had booked
    passage on another ship and wouldn't be needing the Star Chaser.

Ches 30, 1370 Year of the Tankard Tarsakh 2, 1370

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