Tarsakh 22
Tarsakh 22, 1370:
High = 35, Low = 15
Light precipitation (up to 1" sleet) starting @ 1:50pm
Wind gusting to 37 mph from the prevailing direction.
The party got a note from Staros that morning explaining that the
situation had changed and that he and his associates now found it
more practical to adopt a hands-off approach to AFAL's situation.
Before leaving, the party checked on Arcturagana and found that
she had managed to get a coffin into the basement somehow.
The party met with some representatives of the guilds who said
that the body had confirmed that he was one of the smoke powder
smugglers and that they were using gates, one of which "had to be
used at the right time" to move the smoke powder into the city.
They said that the party had not stopped the smuggling ring, but
gave them 1000gp for valuable information and hoped that they
would continue to pursue the rest of the reward.
The party went to see Lin and explained the situation. They learned:
* The General is real and real dangerous.
* The general was a brilliant general with a reputation for
ruthlessness when he was alive, then he got worse.
* He can walk in the sun, at least for brief periods.
* He always fights with his favorite weapons - a magic
morningstar and magic bow.
* Lin thinks the party is nuts for leaving Arcturagana alive in
their house.
Lin gives the party a few nice stakes.
The party decides to be terrible hosts toward Arcturagana. On the
way back home, Henkles stops and buys 10 flasks of holy water.
When they return, the party heads into the house to kill
Arcturagana, but some of them start to change their minds and
others are struggling to avoid it. Even those who are normally
resistant (elves, Dexter) seem to be succumbing. Steve is
unaffected, apparently because he has a gargoyle to help him, and
rushes into the basement while Maanamere (not yet affected) holds
everyone off somehow. Steve rushes into the basement and throws
open the coffin. Arcturagana is lying there wearing the
Reverential Coronet of Extroversion. Steve stakes her very
quickly. Then uses her sword to cut off her head. The coronet
looks quite comfy, but he resists the urge to try it on.
By that point the rest of the party was recovered and holy water
was brought down to finish Arcturagana off.
15000xp to Ag, Denyae, Dexter, Henkles, Maanamere, Staric,
Steve, and Tristan for killing a houseguest in her sleep.
Looting Arcturagana's remains produced the following:
Longsword, +1, +3 v. trolls
Dagger, +2, +3 v L
3 magic rings
magic amulet
magic bracers
magic boots
3cp, 8sp, 21gp, 3 Toals, 25 Harbor Moons, and 25mp
A note about this development was sent to Starros.
The party helped Mrs. A. perform a vampire banishing ceremony on
the house.