Uktar 15
Uktar 15, 1369:
High = 40, Low = 20
No precipitation
Wind gusting to 40 mph from the prevailing direction.
Darius, Dexter, Henkles, Jan, Narthan, Steve and Stewart begin
training, to be completed the evening of the 24th.
In the late morning, a wagon arrived from Guildmaster Slissin,
bearing the reward for rescuing Eyae Reldescap:
6 cases Zzar,
1 case Wyvern Whisky (VGN-153),
1 case Elverquisst,
3 bottles Tethyrian Distilled Dragonsblood
100gp were distributed to each party member and the drinks were
placed in the cellar. There was also a note from the Guildmaster
to the effect that Eyae had described the unique features of the
minotaur chieftains horns, and there was a now matching reward for
said horns.
Maanamere had the emerald he got with his share made into earings
for Mika.
Stewart commisioned a lock for the wine cellar and got into a
heated argument with Cassie about it.