Uktar 20

Uktar 15, 1369 Year of the Gauntlet Uktar 24, 1369

Uktar 20, 1369: (almost new moon)
    High = 60, Low = 40
    No precipitation
    Wind gusting to 7 mph from the prevailing direction.

    That night, AFAL went to the celebration of the Shining Sons
    return, which was held in the main hall of the Gentle Mermaid, a
    festhall and gambling house in North Ward.  The usual gambling
    tables had been moved aside for the night and ringed the room
    covered with plates of the Mermaid's usual assortment of canapes
    (crab rolls, smoked salmon and silverfin daggers, pickle and
    cheese skewers, olive or nut cups, and spicy sausage finger rolls)
    as well as a variety of special treats provided for the night
    (fruit tarts, honey pastries, small cups of custards and plum
    pudding, dried exotic fruits, and in honor of the adventurers,
    bowls of Feldyn Goadolfyn's legendary dragon soup.  The later
    dinner courses were prepared by the famous (according to Darius)
    chef Brazaun of Baldur's Gate, so a large crowd was present.  As
    each guest arrived, servants swiftly but serenely stepped in to
    take their winter coats and announce them to the hall.

    When Darius stepped into the room, he happily handed his coat and
    a card he had made up for the occasion over to a servant and
    steped in.  The servant announces him as "Darius, First Mage of,
    um, ah..." then faltered momentarilly at that point but finished
    "...the adventuring company A-F-A-L".  Later she explained to her
    superior that she was distracted by a strange faint voice that
    seemed to be shouting from far away, but also seemed to be coming
    from a pouch on the back of his obviously new, but simple, ring

    When Henkles steped into the hall, a servant steped up to take his
    overcoat and get his card so that he could be announced, but
    before she could, the following announcement rang out from the
    general area of his sporan:

        "Behold simple folk of leisure, you stand in the presence of a
        man of action!  You see before you Henkles of Iriaebor, slayer
        of untold trolls, minotaurs and other foul beasts; a bold
        destroyer of dangerous statuary; sole survivor of two great
        and renowned adventuring companies and working his way through
        a third; slayer of one of the seven spawn of the legendary
        demon penguin Hicktyclikclik; bearer of Balthazar, Hellspawn
        of Terror; this is a man to reckon with!  As you further
        your own simple lives, he acts not for himself, but for the
        greater glory of Hurk-Gar, the fallen gnollish champion, and
        the glorification of the heroic traditions of his people.
        While quietly amassing an arsenal that would bring any weapon
        seller to tears, this brave giant of a man, who can dance in a
        rain of piercers, charges repeatedly into battle against
        superior odds with a manic courage that impresses all who
        survive the sight.  Yes, take heart, ye of fancy trappings and
        hollow titles, for tonight you stand in the presence of true

    When the voice stoped, there was a strange, almost eerie silence
    in the hall for a moment, broken only by the sound of Narthan
    laughing helplessly in the corner.  The announcer looked frozen
    with horror.  There were two Watch Lieutenants, one City Guard
    captain and one Magistrate, Marthraren Urmbrusk, in the crowd.
    They all headed towards Henkles.  They were obviously a little
    annoyed at the speech and curious to know the cause.  They also
    wanted to question him on several details in the speech - the
    destruction of statuary and the thunder from Balthazar, Hellspawn
    of Terror in particular.  Henkles answered their questions as
    well as he could, but didn't have a very good answer for "How
    close to that sword do you have to be to make it thunder by
    mentioning it's name?".  They warned him about the City's noise
    ordnance, which he wasn't violating yet, but might be if
    unexplained thunder became common.  Eventually they all wandered
    back to the party.

    As the evening wore on, there were several cracks of unexplained
    thunder which got Henkles some unhappy looks from the city
    officials present.  Eventually, Henkles stowed both Ilgoth, Belt
    Dagger of Might and Balthazar, Hellspawn of Terror in the Fanny
    Pack of Holding with Urgoth, Belt Dagger of Doom.

    When Stewart arrived, he came in his full ceremonial Priest of
    Selune robes, which he kept on, and was announced as "Stewart,
    Priest of Selune".  He was on his best behavior all night, a good
    portion of which he spent keeping Mrap-M'rap from doing unsavory
    things in various punch bowls.  He mostly did this with threats of
    "fixing the cat".

    Ursula arrived dressed a little "cooler", wearing the equivalent
    of a distributed handkerchief.  She was immediately asked to dance
    by a rather attractive and rosy-cheeked gentleman, but while she
    was still asking how much money he had, they were joined by two
    ladies from the Elegant Order of Hostesses, Hosts and Escorts.
    The younger one leaned over the gentleman and asked "Brazaun,
    aren't you supposed to be preparing the feast?  Perhaps you'd like
    to show me the kitchen." They left together.  The older one
    introduced herself to Urusla as Salierna Longtresses, Guildmadam
    of the Elegant Order.  Salierna politely inquired if Ursula was
    familiar with the guild and if she might be interested in
    membership.  Ursula explained that she moved too often to make it
    worthwhile.  Salierna let the matter drop at that.

    A young lady asked Henkles to introduce her to Dagar, which
    Henkles reluctantly did.  Dagar seemed eager to talk with Henkles,
    but he excused himself for a moment to give the young lady a
    chance.  When Dagar caught up with Henkles, it turned out that he
    was trying to sell the the +1 Medium Shield because the Shining
    Sons parents were making the party pay for the reward and the cost
    of resurecting Gulthraask.  Henkles said that the party probably
    wasn't interested at this point.  Dagar indicated that he would
    probably put it up for auction.

    Ursula at one point found herself in conversation with a woman
    whom she discovered to be Dagar's sister, Marraba Jhansczil.  They
    were both civil through the conversation.  Marraba inqired where
    Ursula got her dagger (of Hurting), she said it was a gift.
    Marraba asked (somewhat circumspectly) what became of the Silent
    Travellers.  Ursula implied that they were wiped out.  As the
    conversation was breaking up, Henkles, who had been eavesdropping,
    interjected "Next time you send someone to kill us you'll have to
    do a better job." and ducked back into the crowd.  Marraba made no

    During the night, various members of the party also gathered the
    following information:
        o Dagars older brother, Arrikes Jhansczil was seen at the party
          wearing the Reverential Coronet, he seemed quite pleased with
          himself and was always seen in conversation with several heads
          of households or guildmasters.
        o Gulthraask Ammakyl was present, and alive, at the celebration.
          He was in a wheelchair, but given the number of pretty young
          things hovering around him to make sure he was all right,
          there was some doubt as to his actual need for the wheelchair.
        o Most of a dessicated beholder corpse had been discovered the
          day before in the Rat Hills (more or less the city dump) by a
          member of the sanitation guild.  He had been trying to sell it
          without a great deal of luck.
        o A ghost ship manned with dead sailors has been attacking
          merchant vesels up and down the Sword Coast.  The local Master
          Mariners' Guild has grown quite concerned and is trying to
          gather resources to deal with the problem.  So far they are
          getting no help from the Shipwright's Guild.
        o The war between whoever is smuggling smoke powder through the
          City and the Lords of Waterdeep has escalated. Some of the
          guilds and warehouse owners in the City, concerned about
          continuing property loss, have posted a 15,000gp reward for
          the capture of the smugglers or effective, provable
          destruction of their operation.  Henkles passed on to the
          guilds that the party had met with a smoke powder attack in
          Undermountain and learned that his was the first known report
          of smoke powder activity in Undermountain.

    Party collects reward and distributes 720gp to each.  Narthan
    repayed another 800gp for the ring, Henkles and Cassie 1000gp
    Lady Aulustriel resigns as High Mage of Silverymoon and becomes the
    first Overlady of Luruar, the Moonwoods-Delzoun Confederation.

Uktar 15, 1369 Year of the Gauntlet Uktar 24, 1369

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