Ches 23

Ches 22, 1370 Year of the Tankard Ches 24, 1370
Ches 23, 1370:
    High = 40, Low = 20
    Heavy precipitation (4" snow) starting @ 10:40pm
    Darkly overcast.

    Darius casts Identify (at 7th level, effective level 8):
        - bracers from Silent Travellers are Bracers of Defense,
          AC 5 or 6 (2 rolls)
            carried by Ag for now
        - plate mail from Silent Travelers is Plate Mail, +1
          (2 rolls)
            carried by Tristan for now
        - ceramic doodad from Netherese mage's lab is a piece of
          laboratory equipment.  When placed in a flask and the
          flask is tapped twice with any wand or glass rod, it
          begins spinning, tapping twice more makes it spin faster.
          Tapping the opposite side of the flask thrice slows and
          stops it. (3 rolls and both Alternate Reality spells)
        - The cooking set from the Netherese mage consists of a
          frying pan, pot with lid, and small kettle which all fit
          together for travel.  Each has a command word to bring
          it to medium heat (takes about a minute), another command
          word to bring it to high heat (another minute) and a
          third command word to stop it (cools normally).  The
          command words were all written on the bottoms of the
          items and fairly obvious.  Darius worked all of this out
          by experimentation and then used his last roll to confirm
          that there was nothing more to learn.

    Tristan identifies the remaining weapons and armor (all from the
    Silent Travelers):
      - Dagger +1          
      - Whip +2            
      - Light crossbow, +1, carried by Steve for now
      - Glaive 1, +1
      - +1 Banded Mail
      - +1 shield, carried by Tristan for now

    The party also ran across a rusty hand axe that they had found in
    Undermountain on Uktar 8th and left in the umbrella stand by the
    front door by mistake.  Tristan looked at that and said that
    whatever enchantment may be on it, it wasn't a magic weapon.

    Steve's research revealed that a Shameful Tome of Dishonarable
    Attacks will give a thief who studies it for 10 days a +2 to
    backstab rolls.  Anyone else who reads it will have bad things
    happen to them.

    While the rest of the party was travelling around town they
    spotted a gnome they had never seen before following them.  He was
    3'3", 80ish pounds, short black hair, bearded, with green eyes.
    He was dressed and armed as a fighter - scale mail and a
    broadsword.  After rounding a corner, the armored party members
    continued on while the rest waited and confronted him as he came
    around the corner.  He pretended that he hadn't been following
    them and headed off.  The party sent Mrap-M'rap to follow him.

    Later that day the party kept their appointment with Ethraren
    Gulphogar at Skundelrunskuntunrun & Gulphogar - Independant
    Brokers.  They had received two conflicting appraisals for the
    Wind Chimes, one for 500gp, one for 10,000gp (Mr. Gulphogar's last
    offer).  The party continued bargaining from there and settled on a
    price of 15,000gp.  Their payment took the form of a letter of
    credit from First International Bank of Waterdeep, where several
    party members already had accounts.  The party proceeded to the
    bank and converted it to a party bank account.

    Of the items the party was selling, Maanamere personally bought
    the two gold chains, platinum necklace and silver candlesticks
    from Roghero's tower in Westendt.

    After concluding the sale of nonmagical loot, the party had
    10168.765gp from sold goods.  This was combined with the
    previously mentioned 340.81gp worth of cash and 6661gp worth of
    gems.  The household expenses Gulkker had mentioned where paid
    from the total, along with various wages.  Dexter also purchased a
    pint of fresh berries for Goodberry spells with party
    funds.  800gp each were shared out to Ag Darius Denyae Dexter
    Steve Tristan Ursula.  A 400gp share was given to Staric and
    another 400gp to Deringa.  The remaining 317gp were added to the
    party bank account.

    Late that evening, Mrap-M'rap limps home with a broken leg and two
    broken wings.  He reports that he suddenly fell asleep mid-flight
    while following the gnome.

    That night Henkles dreams of a flash of light and looking out from
    behind a pillar to see that the rest of AFAL have turned into
    nine-fingered zombies - they chase him through Undermountain and
    he wakes up.

Ches 22, 1370 Year of the Tankard Ches 24, 1370

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