Kythorn 16

Kythorn 15, 1369 Year of the Gauntlet Kythorn 17, 1369
Kythorn 16, 1369: (half moon, waning)

    Party wipes out the Were-Caves:  AFAL entered the cave the
    rat-pixies came from and encountered them again.  Frak was knocked
    below 0 by rat-pixies, causing concern about lycanthropy.  The
    party worked their way into a wide, low chamber filled with garbage
    and fought off some rats and possible wererats.  They searched the
    chamber and found some coins, potions and scrolls.
    They pursued the wererats through a maze of small twisty passages,
    killing some giant rats and huge centipedes along the way.  They
    got nailed by several traps and found Silver Strike thrown in a
    Eventually they made their way to the wererats lair and managed to
    kill them along with the last pixie-rat.  Stewart and Steve were
    wounded by wererats.  Thalion was charmed by a wererat, but Buffy
    charmed him to counter it.  They collected some treasure there,
    including Binky and a holy symbol of Shar, which Stewart paid for
    and destroyed. After that they returned to the chamber where they
    first fought the rats & wererats and followed the last remaining
    They were attacked by many giant rats and one bull-sized rat, which
    wounded Stewart and Falco before retreating.  They pursued it to
    where the passage dead-ended in a shaft going up.  Steve and
    Stewart climbed up the shaft (easy climb) but while they were
    securing a rope a huge wererat arm came through the opening to the
    next chamber and swung at them with a black broadsword it was using
    as a short sword.  In the mean time, Falco tried to climb up the
    shaft and hurt himself.
    Once the rope was secure, Falco came up, followed by Henkles.  Steve
    climbed onto the opposite wall to make room.  Then Darius levitated
    up and Moogh came up the rope, forcing Stewart to cast Aid on
    Henkles and then try to move out of the way onto the wall.  Stewart
    failed his climb walls and hurt himself.  They continued fighting
    the arm.  Darius tried a Reckless Dweomer, but only turned himself
    invisible. Finally, Dexter climbed up the rope and cast Faerie Fire
    on the arm (& attached beast) and they wounded it enough to cause
    the arm to pull back.  Not before Henkles was wounded, however.
    They rushed into the next chamber as fast as they could.  There
    they found that they had cornered a wererat/hill giant cross.  The
    party hit him with everything they had and eventually killed him,
    even though he changed shape yet again to regain hit points.  There
    they found a copper flask labelled with a warrior, some currency,
    and of course, Sear.  Steve identified Sear as having belonged to
    two famous troll-hunters about 50 years ago.  Stewart identified
    Sear's sheath as troll-hide.  They wrapped Sear up and gave it to
    Henkles to carry. 

    The party left the dungeon and voted to return to civilization in
    the hopes of getting any possible lycanthropy cured.
    400xp for roleplay to Kathy for Thalion the Susceptible
    100xp to Stewart for buying Shar holy symbol to destroy

    Total Monster XP: 7530
    Story XP: 3012
    Total XP: 10524
    50xp ea. For ian, ross & rick - Maanamere contest

    Treasure Collected from Cvs:
        26 Toals
        3 Gond Bells
        2 20gp Iron Throne trade bars
        11 eclipsed moons
        fine gold chain worth 5gp - bought for 10gp by Henkles to give
            to Buffy 
        Jet disk pendant (Shar) worth 25gp - bought for 50gp by Stewart
            to Destroy
        Delusion (Flying) P. marked w/wings
        Heroism P. marked w/sword
        Ventril P. marked w/mouth
        1 Potion of 3d8 extra HP in copper flask w/warrior etched in
        S (MU) 3) Slow
        S (C) 2) Lighten Load
        S P-Magic
        S P-Petri
        Silver Strike (Henkles wearing, has used)
        Binky (carried out in Falco's backpack)
        Sear (Henkles wearing, has used)

    Fires extinguished in Sundabar.
    Frik and Frak got saving throws.  Both failed.

Kythorn 15, 1369 Year of the Gauntlet Kythorn 17, 1369

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