Nightal 3

Nightal 2, 1369 Year of the Gauntlet Nightal 4, 1369

Nightal 3, 1369:
    High = 40, Low = 20
    No precipitation
    Wind gusting to 8 mph from the sea.

    Steve cast Identify (7) with the following results:
        o The cloak recovered on the 1st was a Cloak of
          Elvenkind - it was assigned to Steve as a party item
        o The potion in a metal cage from the Hall of Mirrors was
          a Potion of Extra-Healing - it was assigned to Darius as a
          party item
        o He failed (again) to identify one of the
          potions from the Fanny Pack of Holding
        o The other one was a Potion of Skeleton (Undead) Control -
          assigned to Cassie as a party item
        o The following things were learned about the "Sproing" Ring:
            - an air envelope travels with the object thrown so that,
              for example, a thrown candle arrives lit
            - the wearer can cast Jump, as the spell, on himself
              or a person touched, by speeking the command word
            - the ring is inactive for 1 round after the Jump ability
              is used.

    The Bracers of Initiative, d8 were assigned to Narthan as a party
    item.  The "Sproing" Ring was assigned to Henkles as a party item.

    The party decided that the minotaurs were a little too challenging
    and that some men-at-arms ("hit points on the hoof", "red shirts",
    etc.) would be just the thing.  They headed off to Virgin's Square
    in the late afternoon to start recruiting.

    In Virgin's Square, the party met Blazidon One-Eye, a grizzled
    ex-adventurer who acted as a kind of matchmaker in the square,
    connecting employers with job seekers for a small fee.  He
    apparently knew Darius and acted surprised that Darius was allowed
    in Waterdeep again.  He also assumed that Darius was looking for
    employment and was mildly surprised but also mildly pleased to
    learn that Darius was hiring.  He was less pleased to learn that
    the job was Undermountain, but said he would get as many
    men-at-arms candidates as he could.  Commenting that for
    Undermountain, the candidates wouldn't be cheap.

    Dexter cast know alignment while they waited.

    It was late, so AFAL only met four people that night, all human:
    Yanreric Ogrefriend (LN) and Denkker Derask (CG), a pair of
    unskilled fighters with a magic morning star and short bow
    respectively, Gorkis Minmarria (LG), a minimally skilled heavy
    crossbow specialist, and Etiste Birdstalker (CG), a somewhat
    skilled (by Henkles standards) generalist who fought with scimitar
    or warhammer.  Despite her brusk manner, the party hired Etiste,
    as she was the most skilled of the candidates available.  She
    originally asked for 10gp/day and a 1/2-share of any profits.  The
    party negotiated her down to 8gp/day, reimbursement or replacement
    for damaged equipment (nonmagical only, she had a +1 sling) and a
    1/4-share of any treasure found on the foray into the dungeon.
    They advanced her 1gp because she was broke and asked her to show
    up at Fair Winds on the morning of the 5th.

    Yanreric and Denkker where broke but cute, so Ursula decided to
    get them to "help her study" for her Elegant Order entrance exams,
    in exchange for polishing her boots.  She took them off to some
    hotel, so as not to keep the rest of the party awake all night.

    Blazidon told them to return the next day at 10 when he would have
    more candidates lined up.

    A while after they got home, Elvis started howling and looking
    upstairs.  Dexter scanned the area for undead and detected two on
    the second floor and one out front near the carriage house.  Steve
    ran for the watch, Henkles rushed upstairs and Dexter and Narthan
    hurried to the front door to look for the undead in the yard.

    Moments after Henkles got upstairs, the party was suddenly unable
    to hear him.  Everyone immediately deduced that a Silence
    spell was in use.  Jan, Darius and Maanamere headed up after
    Henkles.  Henkles saw nothing when he got to the upstairs hallway,
    but found himself facing a hornless minotoxen skeleton moments
    later when its first attack dispelled the invisibility spell that
    was concealing it.  The skeleton was an iron reinforced one with
    climbing claws grafted onto its hands and feet, similar to the
    ones that attacked Steve and Stewart on Eleasias 16th.

    Henkles backed into his bedroom, which was nearby, so that he
    would have room to use his spiked ball and chain.  This meant that
    when Jan reached the top of the stairs, he was momentarilly alone
    when the second hornless minotox skeleton became visible and
    attacked him.

    Meanwhile, outside Dexter and Narthan were trying to get a look at
    the creature outside who appeared to be hiding in the shadows by
    the corner of the carriage house.  He shouted a warning to Steve,
    who was going past the front of the carriage house on his way down
    the road.  This caused a shadowy figure in a cloak to emerge from
    the shadows and head towards Dexter.  Dexter ducked back inside
    and the creature returned to the shadows, but then Dexter had
    second thoughts and headed back out to cast faerie fire on the
    creature.  He did so just in time to see that the creature was
    casting a spell of his own, then he and Narthan lost interest in
    the creature and wandered inside.

    Everyone made their way to the fight upstairs in the following few
    rounds.  The skeleton in the hall was giving Jan a pounding and no
    one with blunt weapons was close enough to hit it.  Narthan
    Faerie Fired it, Darius hit it with 12 Magic
    Missiles, Cassie tried Ray of Enfeeblement, and any number of
    sword and arrow blows hit it.  Eventually it went down, but not
    until it had taken over 100 points of damage (actual damage, after
    halving edged weapon damage)!  More people turned their attention
    to the first skeleton, which had badly wounded Henkles and vice
    versa.  They managed to finish it quickly.

    In the mean time, Darius, Dexter and Cassie rushed outside to deal
    with the creature by the carriage house, who's Sanctuary
    spell had worn off.  He cast a second Sanctuary spell, but
    not before Darius managed to catch it with a Maximillian's
    Stony Grasp, which had a greater duration, someone got off a
    few arrows and learned that it couldn't be hit with normal
    weapons, and an old man from the New Olamn Bard's College came
    down the road to complain about Elvis's continued howling.  The
    creature cast Protection from Good and presumably began
    preparing for when the Santuary would wear off when Dexter,
    who had cast Speak with Animals on his way out, sent his
    bear over.  The cave bear was unaffected by the Sanctuary
    and attacked.  When the creature struck back, draining 1 level
    from the bear, the Sanctuary effect was dispelled and
    everyone who could (since the fight upstairs had ended by then
    everyone was downstairs) started shooting magic arrows.  The
    creature died and collapsed into dust after draining the bear a
    second time.  The only remains were a robe, a cloak, some thin
    leather gloves and a strange amulet that later proved to be
        7000xp to everyone except Ursula for two skeletons and a 4th
            level cleric

    The watch, summoned by both Steve and the old man arrived on the
    scene a minute or two later and took everyones statements.  Dexter
    had Elvis follow the scent of the creatures and found that it led
    right back to the sea wall.  There were no ships moored in the
    area, but there was a rowboat tied up at the base of the cliff
    below them.  Darius jumped down (Feather Fall) to
    investigate the boat and found it empty except for the oars.  The
    name of the ship it came from had been scraped off of the rowboat.
    The Watch officers confiscated it as evidence but agreed that it
    would be returned to the party when the investigation concluded.

    After that, everyone went to bed.

Nightal 2, 1369 Year of the Gauntlet Nightal 4, 1369

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