Nightal 6
Nightal 6, 1369: (just past full moon)
High = 50, Low = 30
No precipitation
Training began for Altilitac (4th level Fighter), Cassie (6th,
Enchantress), Denyae (4th, Fighter), Etiste (4th, Fighter),
Holmain (4th, Fighter), Maanamere (6th, Ranger) and Ursula (6th,
Houri). Marcae elected to defer training for a few days so that
spells could be exchanged between the party spell books and his
own. Darius decided to add his personal 1st level spell book
to the party pool of shared spells.
The promised reward arrived from Guildmaster Razaar Slissin by
wagon early in the morning:
6 cases Zzar,
1 case Wyvern Whisky (VGN-153),
1 case Elverquisst,
3 bottles Tethyrian Distilled Dragonsblood
The cash was distributed as follows. 1/4 share (23gp) each to
Denyae and Stalker, 3/8 share (34.5gp) to Marcae, and full shares
(91.9gp) to Cassie, Darius, Dexter, Henkles, Jan, Maanamere,
Moogh, Narthan, Steve and Ursula. (All character sheets updated.)
Steve cast Identify (at 7th level) with the following
o Failed roll for the ring w/orcish runes
o Failed roll for potion w/elephant head rune
o Identified potion w/feather rune as Avian Control
o Identified potion w/heart rune as Elixir of Health
o Identified potion w/mouth rune as a Philter of Stammering
and Stuttering
o Learned that the ring that had previously been determined
to repel gargoyles, could also be used to summon one or two
gargoyles to serve the wearer.
o Learned that each use of the ring would do 2-7hp damage to
the wearer.
Darius cast Identify (at 5th level) with the following
o Failed roll for the ring w/orcish runes
o Identified potion w/elephant rune as Growth
o Learned that once 6 gargoyles had been summoned from the
Gargoyle Ring and not allowed to return (killed) the ring
would crumple into rust.
o Failed a roll for the Gargoyle Ring
o One unused slot
Cassie cast Identify (at 5th level) with the following
o Learned that reciting the orcish prayer on the newer ring
would cause it to burn a rune into the back of the wearer's
o Failed a roll for the orcish ring
o gargoyle ring - 25hp & loyal line
o failed for ring
o One unused slot
In order to facilitate treasure distribution, Stalker agreed to
try out the orcish ring to see if it's value could be determined.
He put it on and recited the prayer and the orcish rune for
"stick" appeared on the back of his hand. He then tried saying
"stick" in orcish, and a stick, suitable for use as a club,
appeared in his hand. The party went outside and Henkles sparred
with Stalker for a few minutes. They learned that it was not
magical, but it was an "ideal stick" in that it was perfectly
balanced for Stalker, giving him a +1 to hit when using it as a
club. After that, Stalker tried throwing it at Henkles; it flew
like a stick. Stalker then said "stick" again and got a new
stick, which he also threw at Henkles. He repeated this process
for about 5 or 10 minutes, generating a good pile of firewood in
the process.
Treasure was then dealt with:
o The human hide was laid to rest with a brief ceremony.
o The black dragon hide was made into two pairs of boots for Jan
and Dexter
o The cash (of course), claymores, longbow, coral, carnelians,
amber, gold ring, halberd, melted gold mail, growth and avian
control potions, and remaining hides were converted to cash
(some by being sold to party members).
o The Philter of Stammering and Stuttering was set aside to be
sold to Xylianthaxarlin on
the 12th and cash was withdrawn from the party treasury to
cover its value in the mean time for treasure distribution.
o The Elixer of Health was purchased from the party treasury
for 2000gp. Darius offered to carry it in the fanny pack.
o Chief Hrongornk's predecessor's horns were mounted on the
o Steve bought the Green Dragon Hide Armor (AC 3) for 1800gp.
o Stalker bought the Ring of Stick for 500gp
o Grandakl's ogre-sized plate mail was given to Fluffy
o The bundle of items stashed in the labrynth on Uktar 12th
was sold for 22 Harbor Moons, 15 Toals and 25gp which went
into party treasure
After that, it was possible to assign a value of 700.3gp to a full
share and 175gp to a quarter-share. Altilitac Mithar, and Etiste
Birdstalker were paid their respective shares and bid the party
farewell. Everyone else collected their appropriate share.
Darius gave Moogh 100gp of his share, as Moogh had no cash share.
Later in the evening Henkles and Ursula went into the City to
start asking around about the thief. A group of teenagers in the
tunnel tried to make trouble, but they ignored them.
Denyae, with assistance from Darius, drew the Queen of Swords
from the Deck of Wondrous Transformations. This reduced her
future (beyond 3rd level) hit dice to d8s, restricted her from
using potions, oils or scrolls, gave her the opportunity to
specialize in additional weapons and gave her a magic resistance
of 2% per level.
Maanamere spent the night visiting with his girlfriend, Mika.