Tarsakh 25

Tarsakh 24, 1370 Year of the Tankard Tarsakh 26, 1370

Tarsakh 25, 1370:
    High = 30, Low = 15
    No precipitation
    Wind gusting to 50 mph from the prevailing direction.

    7 people hired so far for the ship.  One has served on the Star
    Chaser before.

    The party goes to see Lin.  Nothing much on the General yet, but
    other sources are suggesting General is about.  Lin says that
    based on what he knows of the General, the incident with Semblina
    may be consistent with his methods.

    Give Lin 1000gp in gems for info hunting (party treasure).

    News is circulating of Semblina's dissapearance.  The family is
    offering a reward for her safe return.

    AFAL goes home and spends rest of day testing protection items:
      AC 4 Bracers from the smoke powder thief
      AC 5 Bracers from Arcturagana
      both rings +2

    (Darius buys +2 in exchange fro +1 for 7Kgp?)
    Brogan buys +1

    Tristan and Staric put 6 charges into the Ring of Missiles.


Tarsakh 24, 1370 Year of the Tankard Tarsakh 26, 1370

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