Uktar 24
Uktar 24, 1369:
High = 40, Low = 20
No precipitation
Wind gusting to 47 mph from the prevailing direction.
Cassie spent the day at Lord Melfew's Tower, copying spells.
Darius completed training for 6th level, rolling a 4 (+2) for hit
points and taking sling, arcanology and mental resistance
Dexter completed training for 5th level Ranger, rolling an 8 for
hit points and taking SMAUG and SMAUG proficiencies.
Henkles completed training for 6th level, rolling a 5 for hit
points and taking swimming and
big-honkin-spiked-ball-on-a-long-chain proficiencies.
Jan completed training for 6th level, rolling a 4 (2 rerolled to
5) for hit points and taking SMAUG and SMAUG proficiencies. He
then rolled his previously forgotten 5th hit die, rolling a 7
(rerolled 8).
Narthan completed training for 6th level, rolling a 6 (+2) for hit
points and taking (blacksmithing?) proficiency.
Steve completed training for 7th level, rolling a 4 (+1) for hit
Stewart completed training for 6th level thief, rolling an 8/2 for
hit points and filling an empty slot with Navigation proficiency.
Darius cast Fireball into the largest of the three
chardalyn from the NSoW and Snilloc's
Snowball Swarm into the other two.
Just after dinner, while the party was relaxing in the sitting
room, Gulkker came in and announced that a courier had arrived
with a message for them. He escorted a hooded figure into the
room, who handed over a note, engraved on a brass plate, with a
gloved hand. The party started to read the note:
"You have my chimes. You will leave them in the urn
by the grave of Mirin Bloodbrand in the City of the
Dead on the night of Uktar 25. You would deeply
regret not doing this."
...but before they were finished, the figure removed its hood,
revealing that it was an animated skeleton, and then pried open
its own jaw, which triggered an explosion. Most people in the
room were wounded; the most serious being Cassie, who was brought
to negative 7. Stewart exhausted all of his cure spells
immediately (although not on Cassie).