Who's Who in the Current Party


    h = human    ½ = halfling    ½e = probable half-elf    ½o = probable half-orc    ½g = probable half-ogre    me = moon elf    ge = gold elf    d = dwarf    g = gnome    l = gnomeling    p = pixie-faerie   

    m = male    f = female   


Ag (Bill) Human Male Thief Neutral Good
Equipment: Bracers of defense AC 6 or 5, Gloves of Mask, Shadowfang - magically dark longsword, +2 whip, picks & tools, many daggers, dark blue cloak
Characteristics: brown hair, blue eyes, 5'7", 128lbs., wise beyond his years
Notes: Joined party in Silverymoon, Alturiak 5th, in the Year of the Tankard.

Brogan Blackroot (Andrew) Hill Dwarf Male Warrior/Priest (Champion Kit) Lawful Good
Equipment: Granddad'd Dwarven Plate Mail, Blessed Wern of Wind - a custom weapon he's working on, Boots of Alacrity, Shield of Groovy Brightness Brogan Blackroot
Characteristics: Wears his hair short and his dark beard neat. Outfitted as a priest of Moradin and a warrior.
Notes: Brogan has been assigned by his superiors in the church of Moradin to keep an eye on AFAL while they complete a quest of some importance to several dwarven faiths. He joined the party on Tarsakh 1 in the Year of the Tankard

Brogan's body doesn't appear in mirrors at all, but when someone would be able to see his head, they instead see the moon. If they would be able to see his face straight on, they see a full moon; just the back of his head, a new moon; from the side, some measure of crescent or gibbous.

Brogan can't cross bridges in daylight. Underground and indoor bridges are not restricted. Also, Brogan is compelled to kiss anything he sees that is composed of silver unless it's on someone's person. If he fails either condition, he immediately loses all prepared spells.

Darius of Waterdeep (Ian) Human Male Wild Mage Chaotic Good
Equipment: Wizardly robe and hat, Sling, Urgoth Belt Dagger of Doom, Ioun Stone, Fanny Pack of Holding, Tenser's Throw Rug Darius of Waterdeep
Characteristics: Clever, quick, short dk-blond hair, reddish beard, grey eyes, 5'9½", 160lbs.
Notes: Some clerical spellcasting ability (lay priest of Mystra), blunt weapon restriction, a phobia of snakes, and tongue-tied around women. Darius is one of the founding party members.

Denyae Stavefall Human Female Fighter Neutral Good
Equipment: (+1?) Plate mail, Thunderbolt (unique bow), longsword, short sword, some magic sheaf arrows, Shield inscribed with Scroll of Summon Mystic Moose Denyae Stavefall
Characteristics: Stong, clever, very quick, very short, curly brown/dk blonde hair, grey eyes, 5'7", 137 lbs.
Notes: Rescued from minotaur labrynth by AFAL. Offered to work for party for a ¼-share of treasure for "a while" on Uktar 13, 1369. Hates minotaurs. Longbow specialist. Has earned the emnity of the vampire lord Dread William of the South Moors. Offered full party membership on Ches 21, 1370. (?)

Deringa Eagleshield Human(?) Female Rich Kid? Groupie? Chaotic Good
Equipment: expensive clothes, bracers, Dagger, Sling, nose ring, 14 earings (left ear) Deringa Eagleshield
Characteristics: Cute, clever, very quick, very short, short, bleached hair w/purple patch, blue eyes, 5'1", 102 lbs.
Notes: Childhood friend of Staric Ammakyl, overheard Staric & Dagar Jhansczil discussing the powers of the Reverential Coronet of Extroversion, it's effect on Dagar's brother Arrikes, and Arrikes's plot to take over Waterdeep. Staric couldn't wipe her memory like he did for Dagar, so she had to come along. She joined the party on Hammer 17, 1370.

Dexter Melaenarlir (Dina) ½Elf Male Ranger/Spec Pr - Selune Neutral Good
Equipment: +1 plate mail, +1 shield, Perditor Mortua, Moon's Hand Mace, +1 Scimitar, +1 Long Bow, some +1 flight arrows, Scroll of Cure Disease, Dexter Melaenarlir
Characteristics: Green cat's eyes, strong, wise, clever, white hair, 6', 195lbs.
Notes: Can know alignment and detect undead at will multiple times/day, alcoholic, phobia of undead. Dexter is one of the founding party members.

Henkles of Iriaebor (Jay) Human(?) Male Fighter Lawful Neutral
Equipment: +1 Plate mail, +1 Ring of Prot., Ring of Projection, Silver Strike(+2/+4 vs level draining or negative energy creatures) unique short sword, Balthazar, Hellspawn of Terror (+1 Sh Swd), Ghost-infested short sword, Darts, Orcish War Darts, Darts of Human Slaying, Darts of Giant Hurting, Ilgoth Belt Dagger of Might, +2/+4 vs. stone creatures Spiked Ball on Chain ("Wife"), Necklace of Light and Darkness
Characteristics: Very strong and fast, brown hair & eyes, 6'2", 220lbs.
Notes: Unwilling to use potions, cannot attract followers at high levels, claims gnomish ancestry which gives him magic-related saving throw bonuses and +1 to hit with short swords. He's short sword specialist with a side order of crazy. He bought the ghost-infested short sword on Hammer 1, 1370 from a seller in the Market. He had his first nightmare about it three days later, and a second two days later, and a third on the 13th. Henkles is one of the founding party members.

Maanamere Palendril (Rickland) Moon Elf Male Ranger Neutral Good
Equipment: +1 Full Plate Mail, +1/+3 vs cold Ring of Prot., +1 Bastard Sword, Binky (unique magic axe), bow, +1 flight arrow
Characteristics: Very strong, somewhat dim but wise, quick, very attractive, 6'0", 150lbs. Maanamere has silver hair and eyes. His hair is shoulder length and generally worn loose. When adventuring though, he keeps it tied back so as to not cause an obstruction. He has exceptionally good posture and is in great shape.
Notes: Fear of heights. Lacks the typical ranger two-handed fighting bonus, but Binky compensates. Originally from the Coldwood. Can cast some spells from the Conjuration/Summoning school. He joined the party after being rescued on Kython 10, 1369.

Mrap-M'rap Tressym Male Cat Chaotic Neutral
Equipment: Light purple rock in right eye socket. Mrap-M'rap
Characteristics: A silver tabby - a common British cat with tortoise-shell blotches of light and dark gray instead of stripes. His left ear is half missing, except for a little scrap of flesh that sort of dangles off of the remaining half. Running along the right side of his face are three parallel scars (probably claw induced, but it was a big claw) that run through where his right eye used to be. In the place of his eye is what looks like a pale purpleish stone, like something you'd find in a riverbed and keep for about an hour because it was pretty. Pale purple doesn't go with his fur. Speaking of it's fur, big patches are missing, exposing red, flaking skin. His right front paw is missing, and it obviously healed without medical attention. His remaining eye is a bloodshot yellow. It smells faintly of piss and beer. If tressym can be judged by wingless cat standards, this one probably counts as old and scrawny. He joined the party on Kythorn 29, 1369.
Notes: Drinks an amazing amount of booze.

Staric Ammakyl Human Male Bard Neutral Good
Equipment: bracers, longsword, longbow, lute, dagger, recorder Staric Ammakyl
Characteristics: Handsome, quick and athletic, short brown/dk blonde hair, brown eyes, 5'9", 174 lbs.
Notes: The least annoying member of The Shining Sons, Staric was with Dagar Jhansczil when they accidentally used the Helm of Beefy Will to dispell the charms they were under from The Reverential Coronet of Extroversion, which Dagar's brother Arrikes was using in a plot to take over Waterdeep. By mutual agreement, Staric used a scroll to wipe Dagar's memory of the discovery and contacted A.F.A.L. for help. When A.F.A.L. arrived in Amphail, he joined up with them as they fled the village on Hammer 17, 1370.

Stephen "Steve" of Neverwinter (Fred) ½ Elf Male Bard Neutral Good
Equipment: Green Dragon hide armor, Ring of Water Walking, Gargoyle Ring, Cloak of Elvenkind, +1/+2 vs lawful Longsword, trident, javelins, +1 light crossbow, lyre, Staff of Phantasmal Firebals
Characteristics: Personable, 5'5", 121lbs.
Notes: Lacks the usual ½elf bonus vs. sleep or for secret doors. Steve joined the party somewhere before Mirtul 2, 1369--the exact date is not captured in the party log.

Tristan (Alex) ½ Elf Male Spec Pr - Tempus (BattleForge) / Wizard Neutral Good
Equipment: +1 plate mail, +1 shield, "Moogh's sword"
Characteristics: Not known at this time.
Notes: Originally Gail's character, now being played by Alex. Tristan joined the party on Alturiak 5, 1370.

Disadvantages: Tongue-tied, Compulsive Honesty, Deep Sleeper, Klutzy

Ursula la Bim (Sue) Human Female Specialty Mage(Houri) Neutral Good
Equipment: alluring clothing, +2 Ring of Protection, Ring of Warmth, +2 Dagger, Dagger of Hurting, Wand of Small Fires, Horn of Bubbles, Ursula
Characteristics: Attractive, long brown hair, 5'9", 130lbs., badly scarred leg
Notes: Currently spends a lot of time hanging around Fair Winds. Ursula joined the party on Uktar 8, 1369.

Party Marching Order

Note that missing characters simply create gaps in the marching order, except for Maanamere, whose lack may cause one of the other well armored characters to take up the rear guard spot. Also note that the bear, mule and cart are seldom used in Undermountain, Mrap Mrap often stays home, and the chance of the bear, mule and cart fitting down a narrow corridor is low.

10 Foot Corridor
AgHenkles (w Mrap Mrap)
Bear (or Elvis)
Denyae (on carpet)
Ursula's Dogs

Narrow Corridor
Henkles (and Mrap Mrap)
Bear (or Elvis)

Former Party Members

Alril Elarorrieth Moon Elf Male Fighter Neutral Evil
Equipment: Field plate, partisan, composite short bow, dagger, +2 magic short sword Alril Elarorrieth
Characteristics: Shoulder-length, curly black hair, blue eyes, chiseled, 5'1", 112 lbs. High, Stuttering voice.
Notes: Mercenary formerly employed by Silent Travellers. Elected to change sides instead of being eaten by a giant on Hammer 20, 1370. Currently employed by AFAL for 2gp/day. Probably temporary given his alignment.

Currently assigned to guard Fair Winds

Altilitac Mithar Human Male Fighter, man-at-arms Lawful Neutral
Equipment: +1 Splint Mail, shield Broad sword (Sp), Long bow, +1 Battle axe, Hand or throwing axe
Characteristics: Strong, quick, calm, pleasant, long red hair, blue eyes, 6'2", 180 lbs.
Notes: asked for 10gp/day + expenses + ½-share, hired for 17gp + expenses + ¼-share

Hired on Nightal 4, 1369. Left the party on Nightal 6 1369 after the completion of the minotaur adventures.

Barnabus (Jonathan) Dwarf Male Cleric Unknown
Equipment: Long Forgotten.
Characteristics: Cranky and hard to put up with.
Notes: Joined the party sometime before Mirtul 4, 1369. Last mentioned in the party log on Mirtul 26, 1369.

Cassiopeia (Kathy) Human Female Specialty Mage(Enchantress) Neutral Good
Equipment: Darts, Glim Gauntlet, Ring of Magic Missiles, Dagger, +2, +0 vs Wizards, -3 vs. Enchanters, Ring of Protection, +1
Characteristics: Wise, attractive, mid-length brown hair & brown eyes, freckles, 5'3", 110lbs., wears natural or neutral colors, nervous smile
Notes: Joined the party sometime before Eleasias 18, 1369. Cassie traveled to Baldur's Gate with Narthan on Nightal 26, 1369 because they didn't want to deal with the vampires any more.

Chusnog Orc Male Fighter Lawful Evil
Equipment: black and red full plate, red cloak, morning star, 2 throwing axes Chusnog
Characteristics: oily black hair, red eyes, many battle scars, large and heavy-set, cloven hooves, rarely speaks (doesn't speak Common)
Notes: Chusnog is one of the personal bodyguards of Oscho Skurgorg nuk'Bahgtru, High Priest of Bahgtru. Skurgorg assigned him to accompany AFAL when they used a gate in the temple of Bahgtru in the village of G'Skorgogh Hur-Bahgtru. He is acting as Oguch's bodyguard for the duration.

Chusnog and Oguch joined the party on the Midwinter Festival, 1370. Chusnog and Oguch returned to their village on Ches 7, 1370.

Devlin (Kathy) Unknown Specialty Mage (Monitor) Unknown
Equipment: Lost in the depths of time
Characteristics: Forgotten
Notes: Joined the party on Kythorn 23, 1369. Last mentioned in the party log on Eleasias 13, 1369.

Etiste Birdstalker Human Female Fighter, woman-at-arms Chaotic Good
Equipment: Banded Mail, shield, Scimitar, +1 Sling w/bullets, Warhammer, Light crossbow, Dagger
Characteristics: Strong, unattractive/unpleasant, short black hair, 5'3", 136lbs
Notes: Hired (Nightal 3, 1369) for 8gp/day + equipment replacement (non-magical) + ¼-share of any treasure found on foray. Told to be at Fair Winds 1 hour past sunrise, 12/5.

Left the party on Nightal 6, 1369 after the minotaur adventure.

Falco (Tim?) Unknown Fighter?/Priest? Unknown
Equipment: Lost in the depths of time
Characteristics: Forgotten

Nobody knows when he joined the party. Last mentioned in the party log on Flamerule 4, 1369.

Hahrvee (Ross) Unknown Ranger Unknown Good?
Equipment: Lost in the depths of time
Characteristics: Forgotten
Notes: Joined the party on Kythorn 23, 1369. Last mentioned in the party log on Eleasias 12, 1369.

Holmain, Nephew of Harso Valtac Dwarf Male Fighter, dwarf-at-arms Lawful Neutral
Equipment: Scale Mail, shield Footman's pick (Sp), +1 Composite short bow, Long sword, Battle axe
Characteristics: Strong, quick, shoulder-length black hair, brown eyes, 4'1", 159 lbs.
Notes: Was aware of the reward being offered by the brewmaster from the start. Hired on Nightal 4, 1369 for 27gp, a bottle of zzar and a 1 bottle or flagon beer per day.

Left the party on Nightal 6, 1369 after the minotaur adventure.

Kades Thadestidesgar Human Male Fighter Chaotic Neutral
Equipment: Banded mail, long bow, battle axe, knife, bastard sword Kades Thadestidesgar
Characteristics: Shoulder-length, curly brown/dk blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'11", 180 lbs. Deep, accented voice.
Notes: Mercenary formerly employed by Silent Travellers. Elected to change sides instead of being eaten by a giant on Hammer 20, 1370. Currently employed by AFAL for 2gp/day. Probably temporary given his alignment.

Currently assigned to guard Fair Winds

Marcae Trapper (Mike) Human Male "Battle Mage" Neutral
Equipment: Staff Sling, +1 Flame Blade Rapier (possibly other non-weapon powers)
Characteristics: Clever, quick, long, curly blonde hair, brown eyes, 6'3", 195 lbs.
Notes: Silverymoon native, worked for city guards during Demon War, looking to do some traditional adventuring

Has joined the party on Nightal 4, 1369 for the time being for a full share of treasure with a guaranteed minimum of 85gp. He is also entitled to a 3/8-share of the reward for killing the minotaur chieftain.

Left the party on Nightal 9, 1369 because he didn't want to be near Denyae.

Misery Jones/Jan (Iain) Human Male Fighter Neutral
Equipment: +2/+3/+4 by opponent size (M/L/H) Purple chain mail, long sword, main gauche, short composite bow, whip
Characteristics: Very strong and quick, clever and attractive, ???No appearance!
Notes: Joined the party sometime before Eleasias 16, 1369. Jan left the party under mysterious circumstances somewhere after Alturiak 6, 1370.

Narthandarkanas nha Kandar (Ross) Dwarf Male Spec Pr - Tempus (BattleForge) Chaotic Neutral
Equipment: +2 Shield, +1 Ring of Protection, Dagger of Hurting, some assorted magic arrows, d8 Bracers of Initiative
Characteristics: Strong, very clever, nimble, 4'5", 149lbs.
Notes: Joined the party on Eleasias 16, 1369. Narthan and Cassie decided they'd had too much of vampires and left for Baldurs Gate on Nightal 26 1369.

Oguch Orc Male Priest of Bahgtru Lawful Evil
Equipment: high collar black robe, holy symbol, spiked gauntlet of Bahgtru, Morning Star, Sling w/bullets,
Characteristics: part of nose & left tusk missing, peircing black eyes, constantly looks suspicious, keeps hair shaved off, suspicious, obsequious
Notes: Oguch is a high-ranking priest of Bahgtru, the orc god of strength, loyalty, and stupidity. He was assigned by his High Priest to accompany the party when they used a gate in the temple of Bahgtru in the village of G'Skorgogh Hur-Bahgtru. He is presumably tasked with keeping an eye on the party and perhaps has other, unknown tasks as well.

Joined the party on Midwinter Festival, 1370. He and Chusnog returned to their village on Ches 7 1370.

Oguch of Bahgtru

Son of Moogh #44 (Suzanne) Human Male Fighter Neutral
Equipment: 2-h-sword, splint mail, magic privy stick, bag of dead animals, mule, ogre
Characteristics: Very handsome, blonde, 6'8".
Notes: Married to Bambi of Moogh (nee Bambino), who is currently at their appartment in Silverymoon. Bambi is pregnant and due on Alturiak 10th.

Joined the party in the distant depths of time (Founding Member? Nobody remembers). Moog left the party to spend more time with his family. His last entry in the experience log is around Hammer 24th, 1370.

Stalker Jarvis ½ Orc Male "Ranger" Neutral
Equipment: +1/+3 vs fire Studded Leather Armor, Longsword, +2 Hand Axe, +1 Long Bow
Characteristics: Extremely strong, very quick, somewhat dim, very long black hair, brown eyes, 5'9", 192 lbs.
Notes: From "lotsa places, mostly da woods". Claims to be a Ranger with some lockpicking and trap-detecting skills he picked up in his "misspent youth". Dexter reports that he does know at least the basics of woodsmanship and tracking. Henkles reports him to be competent with two weapons at once, but perhaps too quick with his longsword. No references.

Looking for long-term arrangement, willing to try one-time with an option to join. Confused by the party name. Not wanted by the law so far as he knows.

"Well, one time some friends and I explored a haunted farm in what they're now calling Luruar. Real messed up - looked like the whole farm got turned to animated skeletons that couldn't be turned during the Time o' Troubles. I picked up some club training after that. Ya can always find a club."

"A month ago I tracked down an ogre that was demanding tribute from this village near Baldur's Gate, 'cept it turned out he wasn't an ogre. See he kept showing up for his take whenever their defenses were down and then vanishing into the woods before the militia could chase him. So I followed his tracks and it turned out it was just some wizard changing shape."

Stalker has joined the party (on Nightal 4, 1369) for a full share of treasure and a ¼-share of the reward for killing the minotaur chieftain.

Stalker chose to stay at the orc village on Ches 17, 1370.

Stalker Jarvis

Theophrastus "Theo" Philippus Aureolus Bombast von Hohenheim (David) Human Male Spellcaster, Halruaan Lawful Neutral
Equipment: Bracers, Magic Ring
Characteristics: 51 year-old male human, somewhat overweight. Pallid complexion, has a small moustache, balding, with his hair combed over. Scented (wearing perfume), and with some makeup. Takes snuff from time to time. Wears robes that once were fine, now going a bit frayed and shabby. Talks in a somewhat high-pitched, musical voice.
Notes: Joined the party on Nightal 26, 1369. Theo began teaching on Hammer 20, 1370. Although he's left the party to teach full time, Theo is still staying at Fair Winds, and may be willing to help with obscure bits of forgotten lore.

Important NPCs we are likely to meet again

Arcturagana lieutenant of Dread William Moon Elf Female Vampire/Ranger Chaotic Evil
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten.
Notes: First encountered on Nightal 8, 1369. Also on Nightal 11, 1369. She visited Fair Winds on Nightal 20, 1369. We attacked her in one of her lairs on Nightal 21, 1369. She made another attack on Hammer 8, 1370. We got gifts from her on Ches 20, 1370.

Dusty Donnybrook None Human? Male? Thief Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten.
Notes: Interviewed on Nightal 4, 1369. But he did so badly in the interview that he left out of embarassment. We hired him on Nightal 5, 1369 to look into the burglary of Fair Winds. He reported on Nightal 12, 1369 with the location of the warehouse that the thief was working out of, most likely for Rabairnil. On Nightal 17, 1369 we hired him to watch for the return of the Endurance. On Nightal 23, 1369 he reported that it had. On Hammer 8, 1370 we hired him to find out anything about the Star Chaser.

Ethraren Gulphogar Skundelrunskuntunrun & Gulphogar - Independant Brokers Human male Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Conservative dress
Characteristics: Short, graying, dark hair and brown eyes.
Notes: Encountered on Ches 21, 1370, when we discussed selling the Windchimes of Dusk back to their co-creator.
We sold the windchimes to him on Ches 23, 1370, and discussed setting up a magic item auction at a future date.

"five fingered" Randybuck None ?? Female Thief Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten.
Notes: Interviewed on Nightal 4, 1369. But we declined to have her join the party. We discussed the possibility of hiring her for some security work in the future, and she went out for drinks with Narthan.

Linlenasni "Lin" Rineireirael The Blue Dolphin bar Gold Elf Male Bartender/Undead hunter Unknown
Equipment: White clothing.
Characteristics: Handsome, 5x10y with a ruddy complexion, shoulder length silver hair, and a piercing violet eyes.
Notes: First encountered on Nightal 13, 1369. Encountered on Nightal 19, 1369, where he told me he had found one of Acturagana's lairs, and on Nightal 21, 1369, when we dealt with another lair. Encountered on Ches 25, 1370, where he told us about his research into Acturagana.

Marthraren Urmbrusk Waterdeep Watch/Government Human? Male Magistrate Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten by now.
Notes: He also talked to Henkles on Uktar 25, 1369 about Waterdeep's noise ordinance. Henkles talked to him on Uktar 25, 1369 about Rabairnil's attack on Fair Winds. We may encounter him again when we deal with the Silent Travelers attempts at arson.

Mika Marros Unknown Human Female Spy? Unknown
Equipment: Somewhat revealing clothing.
Characteristics: Forgotten.
Notes: Maanamere's GF. First encountered on Marpenoth 6, 1369. Also mentioned on Marpenoth 8, 1369, Nightal 6th through 11th, 1369,

Morgath the Stable Miresk's school of Thaumaturgy Human Female Enchanter? Unknown
Equipment: Unknown.
Characteristics: Unknown.
Notes: Henkles visited his office on Alturiak 6, 1370 to return Silver Strike to him. On Ches 26, 1370 he sent a package to Henkles containing the fully enchanted Silver Strike with a note asking for reports on how it performs under field conditions.

Ormos Whitestorm The Star Chaser Zombie Male 2nd mate Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Undead.
Notes: First encountered on Ches 21, 1370.

Staros Ramaduask member of the Council of Four ? Male Vampire Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten.
Notes: First encountered on Nightal 12, 1369, when he talked to us about A. and gave us a +1 dagger and a +1 arrow. Dropped by on Hammer 1, 1370 to talk about the alarm spell that went off the previous night.

Xylianthaxarlin Potion seller ? Male Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten.
Notes: He sells potions and spices and such in Undermountain on a set schedule. First encountered on Marpenoth 12, 1369, and again on Nightal 12, 1369.

Mimon Iceblight associate of Linn ? Male Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten.
Notes: First encountered on Nightal 19, 1369, when we attacked a vampire lair. We attacked another lair with him on Nightal 21, 1369.
Rhaunnar of Helm Associate of Linn ? Male? Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten.
Notes: First encountered on Nightal 19, 1369, when we attacked a vampire lair. We attacked another lair with him on Nightal 21, 1369.

Dagar Jhansczil Shining Sons Human Male Party leader Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten.
Notes: First encountered on Uktar 12, 1369, when we rescued him from the minotaurs.
Ramach Rareth Shining Sons Human Male Torch Bearer Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten.
Notes: First encountered on Uktar 12, 1369, when we rescued him from the minotaurs.
Staric Ammakyl Shining Sons Human Male ??? Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten.
Notes: First encountered on Uktar 12, 1369, when we rescued him from the minotaurs.
Yanrask Silmerhelve Shining Sons Human Male ??? Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten.
Notes: First encountered on Uktar 12, 1369, when we rescued him from the minotaurs.
Yanrivar Silmerhelve Shining Sons Human Male Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten.
Notes: First encountered on Uktar 12, 1369, when we rescued him from the minotaurs.

Gurugh Brightfire Silent Travelers half orc male Fighter Unknown
Equipment: Varies, depending on what we've looted off him. Initially full plate armor, magic bastard sword, short bow (I think)
Characteristics: Forgotten by now.
Notes: First met on Uktar 12, 1369 as the party was attempting to leave Undermountain with the Shining Sons. Encountered in the graveyard on Uktar 30, 1369 by Narthan. Encountered in a tavern on Nightal 10, 1369 by Henkles and Jan. Encountered at Fair Winds on Nightal 21, 1369 by the entire party. They traded the location of a vampire lair for one of the Daggers of Hurting. Encounterd at an auction on Hammer 6, 1370. Last seen (dead) on Hammer 20, 1370 being cooked by a giant. Possibly visited Fair Winds on Ches 24, 1370 in an attempt at urban renewal.
Marraba Minarmas Silent Travelers half-elf female Mage/Thief Unknown
Equipment: Varies, depending on what we've looted off her. Initially robes, longsword, short bow, rod
Characteristics: Forgotten by now.
Notes: First met on Uktar 12, 1369 as the party was attempting to leave Undermountain with the Shining Sons. Encountered in the graveyard on Uktar 30, 1369 by Narthan. Encountered in a tavern on Nightal 10, 1369 by Henkles and Jan. Encountered at Fair Winds on Nightal 21, 1369 by the entire party. They traded the location of a vampire lair for one of the Daggers of Hurting. Encounterd at an auction on Hammer 6, 1370. Last seen (dead) on Hammer 20, 1370 being cooked by a giant. Possibly visited Fair Winds on Ches 24, 1370 in an attempt at urban renewal.
Marrin Rhaunrenardon Silent Travelers human male Fighter? Unknown
Equipment: Varies, depending on what we've looted off him. Initially full plate armor, morning star, magic dagger, short bow (I think)
Characteristics: Forgotten by now.
Notes: First met on Uktar 12, 1369 as the party was attempting to leave Undermountain with the Shining Sons. Encountered in the graveyard on Uktar 30, 1369 by Narthan. Encountered in a tavern on Nightal 10, 1369 by Henkles and Jan. Encountered at Fair Winds on Nightal 21, 1369 by the entire party. They traded the location of a vampire lair for one of the Daggers of Hurting. Encounterd at an auction on Hammer 6, 1370. Last seen (dead) on Hammer 20, 1370 being cooked by a giant. Possibly visited Fair Winds on Ches 24, 1370 in an attempt at urban renewal.
Mirima Thadodarin Silent Travelers human female Cleric (Pain of Loviatar) Unknown
Equipment: Varies, depending on what we've looted off her. Initially +2 scale mail, +1 shield, morning star, whip, sling
Characteristics: Forgotten by now.
Notes: First met on Uktar 12, 1369 as the party was attempting to leave Undermountain with the Shining Sons. Encountered in the graveyard on Uktar 30, 1369 by Narthan. Encountered in a tavern on Nightal 10, 1369 by Henkles and Jan. Encountered at Fair Winds on Nightal 21, 1369 by the entire party. They traded the location of a vampire lair for one of the Daggers of Hurting. Encounterd at an auction on Hammer 6, 1370. Last seen (dead) on Hammer 20, 1370 being cooked by a giant. Possibly visited Fair Winds on Ches 24, 1370 in an attempt at urban renewal.
Relask Radon Silent Travelers human male Thief Unknown
Equipment: Varies, depending on what we've looted off him. Initially +2 leather armor, longsword, magic dagger, short bow
Characteristics: Forgotten by now.
Notes: First met on Uktar 12, 1369 as the party was attempting to leave Undermountain with the Shining Sons. Encountered in the graveyard on Uktar 30, 1369 by Narthan. Encountered in a tavern on Nightal 10, 1369 by Henkles and Jan. Encountered at Fair Winds on Nightal 21, 1369 by the entire party. They traded the location of a vampire lair for one of the Daggers of Hurting. Encounterd at an auction on Hammer 6, 1370. After AFAL captured him on Hammer 20, 1370 he escaped/was released from captivity when when he, Jan, Kades, and Alril returned to Waterdeep sometime after Alturiak 6, 1370. Possibly visited Fair Winds on Ches 24, 1370 in an attempt at urban renewal. Encountered at The Yawning Portal on Ches 25, 1370 but we were mostly civil to him and we managed to plant the fact that we have a boat.
Thadidon Ramnardaphorask Silent Travelers human male Fighter? Unknown
Equipment: Varies, depending on what we've looted off him. Initially plate mail, longsword, magic dagger, short bow
Characteristics: Forgotten by now.
Notes: First met on Uktar 12, 1369 as the party was attempting to leave Undermountain with the Shining Sons. Encountered in the graveyard on Uktar 30, 1369 by Narthan. Encountered in a tavern on Nightal 10, 1369 by Henkles and Jan. Encountered at Fair Winds on Nightal 21, 1369 by the entire party. They traded the location of a vampire lair for one of the Daggers of Hurting. Encounterd at an auction on Hammer 6, 1370. Last seen (dead) on Hammer 20, 1370 being cooked by a giant. Possibly visited Fair Winds on Ches 24, 1370 in an attempt at urban renewal.

Important NPCs we are unlikely to meet again

Arrikes Jhansczil House Jhansczil Human Male Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten by now.
Notes: Met on Uktar 11, 1369. Also Uktar 20, 1370. Met (and killed) on Ches 19, 1370. Somehow he probably didn't stay dead long.

Bambi of Moogh Moogh Human? Female Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten by now.
Notes: Married to Moogh on Mirtul 15, 1369. Last referenced on Eleint 5, 1369.

Bruce The Ruby Star trading alliance Human? male Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten by now.
Notes: First encountered on Kythorn 29, 1369. Last referenced on Eleint 2, 1369.

Dario the Heralds Human? male Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Grey monks robes
Characteristics: Forgotten by now.
Notes: First encountered on Kythorn 28, 1369. Last referenced on Flamerule 14, 1369.

Elsibet Herself Human(?) Female Vampire Wannabe Unknown
Equipment: Black clothing, a black cloak with a hood lined in black fur, black leather gloves that went up to her elbows, platinum necklace with a fanged skull pendant, some custom-fitted fake fangs, 6 darts, a knife, a potion of Gaseous Form, Eyedrops of the Enchantress, a pet rat
Characteristics: Sriking, with pale skin and very long black hair and glowing red eyes.
Notes: First encountered on Nightal 19, 1369. Also on Nightal 20, 1369. She left for Balder's Gate on Nightal 26, 1369 with Narthan and Cassie, although nobody realized they were on the same ship until after it had sailed.

Eyae Reldescap None Human Female Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten by now.
Notes: Rescued from Minotaurs on Uktar 13, 1369. We turned her over to her aunt and uncle on Uktar 14, 1369.

Har-Gar Unknown Gnoll Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten except that he does not speak common.
Notes: Encountered on Uktar 12, 1369, when we rescued him from the minotaurs. He gave Henkles a woven hair necklace to commemorate his bravery in battle.
Yark-Huf Unknown Gnoll Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten, except that he speaks common.
Notes: Encountered on Uktar 12, 1369, when we rescued him from the minotaurs.

Harkas Jhansczil House Jhansczil Human Male Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten by now.
Notes: Met on Uktar 11, 1369. Also Ches 19, 1370.

Kyle the Hawk Unknown ? male Ranger? Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten by now.
Notes: First encountered on Kythorn 5, 1369. Met again on Kythorn 9, 1369, and worked together until Kythorn 14, 1369.

Laerlos Silmerhelve House Silmerhelve Human Male Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten by now.
Notes: Met on Uktar 11, 1369.

Luth Ammakyl House Ammakyl Human Male Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten by now.
Notes: Met on Uktar 11, 1369. Also Hammer 17, 1370, and Ches 19, 1370.

Marraba Jhansczil House Jhansczil Human Female Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Robe with expensive jewelry, Wand case, Dagger of Hurting
Characteristics: Haughty, self-assured, in her 30s, short dark blonde hair
Notes: Met on Uktar 12, 1369. Also Uktar 20, 1370.

Miss Mireria Unknown Human? Female Unknown Very Chaotic Evil
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Unknown
Notes: Met on Alturiak 6, 1370. and again on Alturiak 17, 1370 when we raided her house looking for missing puppies.

Ornma Melaenarlir Dexter's sister Human? Half-elf? Female Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Unknown
Notes: Met on Alturiak 5, 1370. Has a boyfriend, Fred, who has a younger brother George.

Razaar Slissin Guildmaster of Vintners, Distillers and Brewers guild Human Male Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten.
Notes: First met on Uktar 14, 1369, when we returned his niece who had been kidnapped by minotaurs. We delivered minotaur horns to him on Nightal 5, 1369, and he delivered a reward to us the next day.

Rabairnil Unknown human? male Mage (Necromancer) Unknown
Equipment: (when killed) magic Bracers, magic Bastard Sword, Necklace of Darkness
Characteristics: Forgotten by now.
Notes: Rabairnil was a mage we first encountered in Everlund on Mirtul 8, 1369 after we saw one of his couriers attacked by a group of rogues. We did some business with him and he sounded us out about possibly doing some work for him.
On Mirtul 26, 1369 the party recovered the Windchimes of Dusk from a group of ghouls who were using them to rob the Everlund cemetary. Rabairnil's makers mark was found on them. On Uktar 24, 1369 the party's rented home (Fair Winds) was attacked by an exploding skeleton holding a note demanding the Wind Chimes of Dusk. We had several encounters with his creations over the next few days. On Nightal 3, 1369 his minions made another attack on Fair Winds.
He was killed by the party on Nightal 23 1369. His body was given to the city watch for questioning.

Salierna Longtresses Guildmadam of the Elegant Order Human Female Houri? Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten.
Notes: Talked to Ursula on Uktar 20, 1369.

Silian Sinirion None Unknown Male Thief Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten.
Notes: Interviewed on Nightal 4, 1369, but we did not offer him a position in the party.

Tamna Rhaundurask None Human Female Unknown Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Characteristics: Forgotten by now.
Notes: Rescued from Minotaurs on Uktar 13, 1369 and turned her over to the temple of Chaunteau the same day.

The good character art on this page is Copyright © Sue Krueger, and is used with her kind permission. All rights are reserved, you may not copy it without her permission. The crappy stuff was made with the demo version of The Hero Machine available at UGO.com, (and the GIMP) so why not make your own?

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