Experience Points

Flamerule 15, 1369:

We will take Flamerule 15th as a starting point for this running log of experience point history. As of that date, the party experience levels were as follows:

    Character   Old XP  New Points  New XP  New Level?  Next Level
    =========   ======  ==========  ======  ==========  ==========
    Buffy       11667   798         12465   NO          20000
    Darius      11629   798         12427   NO          20000
    Dexter      12881   660         13541   NO          9000/13000
    Henkles     10821   1238        12059   NO          16000
    Devlin      7206    625         7831    NO          13000
    Maanamere   6220    625         6845    NO          9000
    Hahrvee     6270    625         6895    NO          10000
    Steve       11649   725         12374   NO          20000
    Stewart     14747   798         15545   NO          13000/10000

Eleasias 1, 1369:

On the first day of Eleasias the party woke up in the Lingering Song, and collected experience points. As a group, they collected 32,039 experience points, or 4005 each. The following individual awards were given:

This brings the party to the following state:
    Character   Old XP  New Points  New XP  New Level?  Next Level
    =========   ======  ==========  ======  ==========  ==========
    Darius      12427   4515        16942   NO          20000
    Dexter      13541   4900        18441   YES         18000/13000
    Devlin      7831    4455        12286   NO          13000
    Henkles     12059   4955        17014   YES         32000
    Iain's Next 10900   220         11120   NO          18000
    Maanamere   6845    4955        11800   YES         18000
    Hahrvee     6895    4005        10900   YES         20000
    Steve       12374   4255        16629   NO          20000
    Stewart     15545   4515        20060   YES         13000/20000

Eleasias 17, 1369:

On the 17th day of Eleasias the party woke up in the Lingering Song, and collected experience points. As a group, they collected 14,500 experience points, or 1611 each. The following individual awards were given:

This brings the party to the following state:
    Character    Old XP  New Points  New XP  New Level?  Next Level
    =========    ======  ==========  ======  ==========  ==========
    Cassie       15502                                   20000
    Darius       16924   2640        19564   NO          20000
    Dexter       18441   1827        20268   NO          18000/13000
    Devlin       12286   1611        13897   YES         27500
    Henkles      17014   2145        19159   NO          32000
    Misery Jones 11120   2420        13540   NO          18000
    Maanamere    11800   2950        14750   NO          18000
    Narthan      13451     89        13540   NO          27500
    Hahrvee      10900   1611        12511   NO          20000
    Steve        16629   2600        19229   NO          20000
    Stewart      20060   1898        21958   NO          13000/20000

Eleasias 26, 1369:

On the 26th day of Eleasias the party woke up in the Lingering Song, and collected experience points. The following awards were given:

This brings the party to the following state:
    Character    Old XP  New Points  New XP  New Level?  Next Level
    =========    ======  ==========  ======  ==========  ==========
    Cassie       15502   1197        16699   NO          20000
    Darius       19564   2475        22039   YES         40000
    Dexter       20268   2475        22518   NO          18000/13000
    Henkles      19159   2882        22041   NO          32000
    Misery Jones 13540   2475        16015   NO          18000
    Maanamere    14750   2750        17500   NO          18000
    Narthan      13540   2300        15840   NO          27500
    Steve        19229   2250        21479   YES         40000
    Stewart      21958   2675        24633   NO          13000/20000

Eleint 17, 1369:

On the 17th day of Eleint the party arrived in the fascinating and rustic city of Nesme after a long raft ride, and collected a few experience points. The following awards were given:

This brought the party to the following state:
Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Cassie 16699 88 - 16787 NO 20000
Darius 22039 88 10% 22136 NO 40000
Dexter 22518 127 10% 22658 NO 18000/13000
Henkles 22041 88 10% 22138 NO 32000
Misery Jones 16015 88 10% 16112 NO 18000
Maanamere 17500 88 - 17588 NO 18000
Narthan 15840 88 - 15928 NO 27500
Steve 21479 198 - 21677 NO 40000
Stewart 24633 88 10% 24730 NO 13000/20000

Eleint 19, 1369:

In the predawn ours of the 19th day of Eleint the party had an exciting trek through Undermountain to get to nicer hotel rooms. The following awards were given:

This brought the party to the following state:
Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Cassie 16787 978 - 17765 NO 20000
Darius 22136 978 10% 23212 NO 40000
Dexter 22658 978 10% 23734 NO 18000/13000
Henkles 22138 978 10% 23214 NO 32000
Misery Jones 16112 978 10% 17188 NO 18000
Maanamere 17588 978 - 18566 YES 36000
Narthan 15928 978 - 16906 NO 27500
Steve 21677 978 - 22655 NO 40000
Stewart 24730 978 10% 25806 NO 13000/20000

Eleint 30, 1369:

On or before the last day of Eleint the party accumulated the following awards. Technically, each award was collected at the end of the day it was earned, since the party went home to nice warm beds each night.

This brings the party to the following state:
Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Cassie 17765 262 - 18027 NO 20000
Darius 23212 182 10% 23412 NO 40000
Dexter 23734 182 10% 23934 NO 18000/13000
Henkles 23214 537 10% 23805 NO 32000
Misery Jones 17188 262 10% 17476 NOT QUITE 18000
Maanamere 18566 200 - 18766 NO 36000
Narthan 16906 262 - 17168 NO 27500
Steve 22655 182 - 22837 NO 40000
Stewart 25806 287 10% 26122 YES, Priest 27500/20000

Higharvestide, 1369:

Higharvestide in the Year of the Gauntlet was an exciting day for Waterdeep, and the party collected their fair share of experience points during what came to be known as "Halaster's Higharvestide".

Marpenoth 1, 1369:

The next day was also packed with excitement for the party. They returned to exploring the sewers under Waterdeep and discovered a forgotten temple to Myrkul. Half way through their exploration of the temple, Henkles was drained by a wight, so all the experience he gained on the first advanced him from his new baseline of 12000.

This brings the party to the following state:
Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Cassie 18027 3407 - 21434 YES 40000
Darius 23412 3407 10% 27160 NO 40000
Dexter 23934 3657 10% 27958 YES, Cleric 18000/27500
Henkles 12000 2368 10% 14604 NO 16000
Misery Jones 17476 3407 10% 21223 YES 36000
Maanamere 18766 3507 - 22273 NO 36000
Narthan 17168 3457 - 20625 NO 27500
Steve 22837 3407 - 26224 NO 40000
Stewart 26122 3407 10% 29868 NO 27500/20000

Marpenoth 12, 1369:

The party spent the morning in Undermountain on Marpenoth 12th. This is all they accomplished.

This brings the party to the following state:
Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Cassie 21434 1351 - 22785 NO 40000
Darius 27160 1201 10% 28481 NO 40000
Dexter 27958 1201 10% 29279 NO 18000/27500
Henkles 14604 1501 10% 16255 YES 32000
Misery Jones 21223 1201 10% 22544 NO 36000
Maanamere 22273 1601 - 23874 NO 36000
Narthan 20625 1601 - 22226 NO 27500
Steve 26224 1201 - 27425 NO 40000
Stewart 29868 1201 10% 31189 NO 27500/20000

Marpenoth 23, 1369:

The party spent the morning in Undermountain on Marpenoth 23rd. This is all they accomplished.

This brings the party to the following state:
Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Cassie 22785 2890 - 25675 NO 40000
Darius 28481 2890 10% 31660 NO 40000
Dexter 29279 2890 10% 32485 NO 18000/27500
Henkles 16255 3065 10% 19627 NO 32000
Misery Jones 22544 2890 10% 25723 NO 36000
Maanamere 23874 2890 - 26764 NO 36000
Narthan 22226 2890 - 25116 NO 27500
Steve 27425 2890 - 30315 NO 40000
Stewart 31189 3190 10% 34698 NO 27500/20000

Marpenoth 26, 1369:

The party (except for Maanamere) spent the morning in Undermountain on Marpenoth 25th and 26th.

This brings the party to the following state:
Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Cassie 25675 653 - 26328 NO 40000
Darius 31660 653 10% 32378 NO 40000
Dexter 32485 653 10% 33203 NO 18000/27500
Henkles 19627 653 10% 20345 NO 32000
Misery Jones 25723 653 10% 26441 NO 36000
Maanamere 26764 0 - 26764 NO 36000
Narthan 25116 703 - 25819 NO 27500
Steve 30315 803 - 31118 NO 40000
Stewart 34698 653 10% 35416 NO 27500/20000

Uktar 11, 1369:

Between Marpenoth 28, 1369 and Uktar 11, 1369, the party made several exciting visits to Undermountain. They accumulated experience as follows:

This brings the party to the following state:
Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Cassie 26328 3644 - 29972 NO 40000
Darius 32378 5398 10% 37776 NO 40000
Dexter 33203 5673 10% 38876 YES, Ranger 18000/27500
Henkles 20345 5398 10% 25743 NO 32000
Misery Jones 26441 5398 10% 31839 NO 36000
Maanamere 26764 3146 - 29910 NO 36000
Narthan 25819 5056 - 30875 YES 27500
Steve 31118 4908 - 36026 NO 40000
Stewart 35416 6019 10% 41435 YES, Thief 27500/20000
Ursula 25000 4008 10% 29008 NO 35000

Uktar 13, 1369:

On Uktar 13, the party arrived in Nesme from Undermountain and parts of Myth Drannor. They immediately rented some beds and got some sleep and the experience from the previous day's excitement as follows:

This brings the party to the following state:
Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Cassie 29972 3947 - 33919 NO 40000
Dagar 47821 2709 10% 50801 NO 64000
Darius 37776 5570 10% 43903 YES 60000
Dexter 38876 5318 10% 44726 YES, Ranger 36000/27500
Gulthraask 9112 1267 10% 10506 NO 16000
Henkles 25743 6540 10% 32937 YES 64000
Misery Jones 31839 5582 10% 37979 YES 75000
Maanamere 29910 3473 - 33383 NO 36000
Narthan 30875 4692 - 35567 YES 55000
Staric 4657 2709 10% 7637 YES 10000
Steve 36026 5304 - 41330 YES 70000
Stewart 41435 5920 10% 47947 YES, Thief 27500/40000
Ursula 29008 4006 10% 33415 NO 35000
Yanrask 9112 2709 10% 12092 NO 16000
Yanrivar 9112 2709 10% 12092 YES 20000

Uktar 14, 1369:

On Uktar 14, the party returned The Shining Sons to their parents and Eyae Reldescap to her uncle and recieved a 6300xp story award.

Uktar 25 - Nightal 1, 1369:

On Uktar 25, the party began hanging out in the cemetary and picking fights with dead people:

On Uktar 29 and Nightal 1, the party made two forrays into the labrynth in Undermountain as attempts to collect a comission on the minotaur chieftain. Both failed, but they killed other stuff:
This brings the party to the following state:
Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Cassie 33919 5625 - 39544 NO 40000
Darius 43903 5480 10% 49931 NO 60000
Denyae 11391 4850 10% 15999 YES 16000
Dexter 44726 3398 10% 48464 NO 36000/27500
Henkles 32937 5480 10% 38965 NO 64000
Misery Jones 37979 2370 10% 40586 NO 75000
Maanamere 33383 1903 - 35286 NO 36000
Narthan 35567 5625 - 41192 NO 55000
Steve 41330 5680 - 47010 NO 70000
Stewart 47947 4490 10% 52886 DEAD 27500/40000
Ursula 33415 2225 10% 35863 YES 70000

Nightal 3, 1369:

On the evening of Nightal 3, while Ursula was out studying for her guild entrance exams, the party was attacked in their home by two enhanced minotoxen skeletons and a Wight with Priest abilities. They killed all three, netting 7000xp.

This brings the party to the following state:

Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Cassie 39544 778 - 40322 YES 60000
Darius 49931 778 10% 50787 NO 60000
Denyae 15999 778 10% 15999 YES 16000
Dexter 48464 778 10% 49320 NO 36000/27500
Henkles 38965 778 10% 39821 NO 64000
Misery Jones 40586 778 10% 41442 NO 75000
Maanamere 35286 778 - 36064 YES 75000
Narthan 41192 778 - 41970 NO 55000
Steve 47010 778 - 47788 NO 70000
Ursula 35863 0 10% 35863 YES 70000

Nightal 4, 1369:

On the 3rd and 4th of Nightal, the party hired some persons-at-arms and recruited some new members. This earned them some experience for roleplaying:

On Nightal 5, 1369:, the party entered the labrynth between levels one and two of Undermountain and finished wiping out the minotaurs there. They then delivered the cheif's horns to the Brewmaster and completed their comission. In the process, the following experience was earned:

This brings the party to the following state:

Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Altilitac 6017 2681 - 8698 YES 16000
Cassie 40322 3324 - 43646 YES 60000
Darius 50787 2954 10% 54036 NO 60000
Denyae 15999 2681 10% 15999 YES 16000
Dexter 49320 3054 10% 52679 NO 36000/27500
Etiste 6541 2681 10% 9490 YES 8000
Henkles 39821 3304 10% 43455 NO 64000
Holmain 7963 2681 - 10644 YES 16000
Misery Jones 41442 3204 10% 44966 NO 75000
Maanamere 36064 1770 - 37834 YES 75000
Marcae 35863 3604 15% 40008 YES 60000
Narthan 41970 3454 - 45424 NO 55000
Son of Moogh 11084 2635 10% 13983 NO 16000
Stalker 35863 2954 10% 39112 NO 32000/20000
Steve 47788 2954 - 50742 NO 70000
Ursula 35863 2742 10% 38879 YES 70000

Training Week: Nightal 6-15, 1369:

While a good chunk of the party was occupied with training. The rest of the group proved unable to stay out of trouble and picked up the following experience:

...and Beyond: Nightal 16-18, 1369:

With everyone out of training, the party continued their pattern of small groups on small unconnected jaunts for a while. This earned them some experience as follows:

This brings the party to the following state:

Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Cassie 43646 640 - 44286 NO 60000
Darius 54036 1573 10% 55766 NO 60000
Denyae 15999 640 10% 16703 YES 32000
Dexter 52679 1623 10% 54464 NO 36000/27500
Henkles 43455 1189 10% 44763 NO 64000
Jan (Misery Jones) 44966 1673 10% 46806 NO 75000
Maanamere 37834 100 - 37934 NO 75000
Narthan 45424 1340 - 46764 NO 55000
Son of Moogh 13983 150 10% 14148 NO 16000
Stalker 39112 2273 10% 41612 YES, Thief 32000/40000
Steve 50742 1573 - 52315 NO 70000

Not yet awarded: The party has earned the following experience, but the math hasn't been done yet.

On Nightal 19 the party (minus Denyae, Ursula and Stalker) destroyed a vampire for 8000xp (/9).

On Nightal 20 the entire party lured Elsibet the Pseudo-Vampire into Fair Winds and defeated her and her rat for 480xp (/12).

On Nightal 21 everyone but Denyae, Ursula and Stalker destroyed another of Arcturagana's minions for 8000xp (/9). Later that same night the entire party earned 500xp (/12) for creatively fending off Arcturagana and Moogh earned 500xp for creative use of mushrooms.

On Nightal 22 Steve earned 250xp for judicious trap detection and Jan, Henkles, Dexter, Moogh, Steve & Darius divided 600xp (/6) for solving the Cooking Room maze.

On Nightal 23 Dexter earned 100xp for Diplomacy and the party sans Narthan, Cassie, Denyae, Ursula or Stalker wiped out Rabairnl and his forces for 4920xp (/7).

On Nightal 24 Henkles earned 400xp for sundry discoveries and Dexter, Henkles, Maanamere, Jan, Moogh, Darius, and Steve earned 4900xp (/7) for killing the monsters Rabairnil left behind.

On Nightal 25 Maanamere earned 250xp for roleplaying.

Between Nightal 24 and Nightal 26, Steve earned 600xp plus an undetermined roleplay bonus for his work as a chronicler.

On Nightal 26 Jan, Moogh and Theo each earned 100xp for roleplaying while Theo and the party were introduced.

This brings the party to the following state:

Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Cassie 44286 1860 - 46146 NO 60000
Darius 55766 3363 10% 59465 NO 60000
Denyae 16703 82 10% 16793 NO 32000
Dexter 54464 3463 10% 58273 YES, Priest 36000/55000
Henkles 44763 3763 10% 48902 NO 64000
Jan (Misery Jones) 46806 3463 10% 50615 NO 75000
Maanamere 37934 3513 - 41447 NO 75000
Narthan 46764 1860 - 48624 NO 55000
Son of Moogh 14148 3963 10% 18507 YES 32000
Stalker 41612 82 10% 41702 NO 32000/40000
Steve 52315 4213 - 56528 NO 70000
Theo 22476 100 10% 22586 NO 40000
Ursula 38879 82 10% 38969 NO 70000

Nightal 28: Most of the party (Henkles, Steve, Denyae, Theo, Stalker, Darius, and Jan) made a short trip into Undermountain and earned the following experience:

In addition, 250xp were belatedly awarded to Steve for roleplay on the 24th through 26th and Henkles was awarded 200xp for chronicling and 400xp for roleplaying for the 26th through 28th.

This brings the party to the following state:

Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Darius 59465 771 10% 60314 YES 90000
Denyae 16793 771 10% 17642 NO 32000
Dexter 58273 --- 10% 58273 NO 36000/55000
Henkles 48902 1371 10% 50411 NO 64000
Jan (Misery Jones) 50615 771 10% 51464 NO 75000
Maanamere 41447 --- - 41447 NO 75000
Son of Moogh 18507 --- 10% 18507 NO 32000
Stalker 41702 771 10% 42551 NO 32000/40000
Steve 56528 1021 - 57549 NO 70000
Theo 22586 771 10% 23434 NO 40000
Ursula 38969 --- 10% 38969 NO 70000

On Alturiak 4th, the party arrived in Silverymoon, the Jewel of the North. (Technically, this does not include Alril, Jan, Kades or Relask, who presumably arrived in Waterdeep some days later, but we're handling them all together for simplicity.) They were awarded a lot of accumulated experience points:

This brings the party to the following state:

Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Alril 5464 3060 10% 8830 YES 16000
Darius 60314 7459 10% 68519 NO 90000
Denyae 17642 7399 10% 25781 NO 32000
Deringa 15554 4997 10% 21051 YES*2 20000/20000
Dexter 58273 7900 10% 66963 NO 36000/55000
Henkles 50411 8349 10% 59595 NO 64000
Jan (Misery Jones) 51464 3013 10% 54778 NO 75000
Kades 4425 3060 - 7485 NO 8000
Maanamere 41447 674 - 42121 NO 75000
Son of Moogh 18507 4330 10% 23270 NO 32000
Oguch 72050 1711 10% 73932 NO 80000
Relask 27427 769 10% 28273 NO 40000
Stalker 42551 7664 10% 50981 NO 32000/40000
Staric 8020 4997 10% 13517 YES 20000
Steve 57549 10039 - 67588 NO 70000
Stuart 52886 400 10% 53326 dead ---
Theo 23434 1988 10% 25621 NO 40000
Ursula 38969 995 10% 40064 NO 70000

On Ches 7th, the party arrived in the Orc village of G'Skorgogh Hur-Bahgtru, where they made a favorable enough impression that they were welcome to stay long enough to train if need be, so the experience from the following events accrued:

This brings the party to the following state:

Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Ag 42755 3832 - 46970 NO 40000/32000
Darius 68519 5816 10% 74917 NO 90000
Denyae 25781 4771 10% 31029 NO 32000
Deringa 21051 4747 10% 26273 NO 20000/20000
Dexter 66963 5379 10% 72880 YES (Ranger) 75000/55000
Henkles 59595 6390 10% 66624 YES 64000
Maanamere 42121 4227 - 46348 NO 75000
Oguch 73932 4780 10% 79190 NO 80000
Stalker 50981 6983 10% 58662 NO 32000/40000
Staric 13517 5914 10% 20022 YES 40000
Steve 67588 4569 - 72157 YES 110000
Tristan 40064 6687 10% 47420 NO 27500/40000
Ursula 40064 1672 10% 41903 NO 70000

On Ches 22nd, the party returned home from a day in Undermountainand the following experience was awarded (some was technically awarded before that, but defered until then).

This brings the party to the following state:

Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Darius 74917 4311 10% 79659 NO 90000
Denyae 31029 4311 10% 35771 YES 64000
Deringa 26273 4311 10% 31015 NO 20000/20000
Dexter 72880 2636 10% 75780 NO 75000/55000
Henkles 66624 4311 10% 71366 NO 125000
Maanamere 46348 4311 - 50659 NO 75000
Staric 20022 4311 10% 24764 NO 40000
Steve 72157 4311 - 76468 NO 110000

Experience for all of the following things was awarded on the evening of Tarsakh 7th (some was technically awarded before that, but defered until then).

This brings the party to the following state:

Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Ag 47975 5214 - 53710 NO 40000/32000
Alril 8830 2605 10% 11696 NO 16000
Brogan 55172 2439 10% Priest 28805/31685 NO 32000/55000
Darius 80664 5544 10% 86762 NO 90000
Denyae 35771 5544 10% 41869 NO 64000
Deringa 31015 2637 10% 34921 NO 20000/20000
Dexter 75780 5544 10% 82883 NO 75000/55000
Henkles 71366 7899 10% 81060 NO 125000
Jan (Misery Jones) 54778 1050 10% 55933 NO 75000
Kades 7485 2605 - 10090 YES 16000
Maanamere 50659 5519 - 57092 NO 75000
Stalker 58662 1000 10% 59762 NO 32000/40000
Staric 24764 2637 10% 28670 NO 40000
Steve 76468 5544 - 82926 NO 110000
Theo 25621 1050 10% 26776 NO 40000
Tristan 47420 6044 10% 55073 YES, Priest 55000/40000
Ursula 41903 1000 10% 43003 NO 70000

Experience for all of the following things was awarded on the evening of Tarsakh 20th (some was technically awarded before that, but defered until then).

This brings the party to the following state:

Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Ag 53710 1645 - 55520 NO 40000/32000
Brogan 28805/31685 2875 10% Priest 30243/33267 NO 32000/55000
Darius 86762 3298 10% 90390 YES 135000
Denyae 41869 2763 10% 44908 NO 64000
Deringa 34921 3298 10% 38549 NO 20000/20000
Dexter 82883 3298 10% 86511 NO 75000/55000
Henkles 81060 3298 10% 84688 NO 125000
Maanamere 57092 3798 - 60890 NO 75000
Staric 28670 3298 10% 32298 NO 40000
Steve 82926 2375 - 85301 NO 110000
Tristan 55073 2375 10% 57686 NO 55000/40000

On Tarsakh 22nd the party killed Arcturagana Neverweal, ranger, swanmay, and feared agent of Dread Willam of the South Moors for over 200 years by stabbing her in her sleep while she was a guest in their house. Ag, Denyae, Dexter, Henkles, Maanamere, Staric, Steve, and Tristan were awarded 15,000xp for the vile deed, which brough them to here:

Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Ag 55520 1875 - 57582 NO 40000/32000
Denyae 44908 1875 10% 46971 NO 64000
Dexter 86511 1875 10% 88573 NO 75000/55000
Henkles 84688 1875 10% 86750 NO 125000
Maanamere 60890 1875 - 62765 NO 75000
Staric 32298 1875 10% 34360 NO 40000
Steve 85301 1875 - 87176 NO 110000
Tristan 57686 1875 10% 59746 NO 55000/40000

Experience for most of the following things caught up with the party belatedly on Mirtul 2nd, but some took a little longer:

Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Ag 57582 3496 - 61078 NO 70000
Brogan 30243/33267 7873 10% Priest 34180/37597 YES 64000/55000
Darius 90390 2979 10% 93667 NO 135000
Denyae 46971 6197 10% 53788 NO 64000
Dexter 88573 7350 10% 96658 NO 75000/55000
Henkles 86750 10500 10% 98300 NO 125000
Maanamere 62765 3648 - 66413 NO 75000
Staric 34360 8705 10% 43936 YES 70000
Steve 87176 7587 - 94763 NO 110000
Tristan 59746 8587 10% 69194 NO 55000/40000

The following things usually ended with experience technically awarded on the Star Chaser at the end of the day, but the totals mattered enough to post them on Mirtul 16th:

That brought the party to the following state:

Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Ag 61078 1796 - 62874 NO 70000
Brogan 34180/37597 6025 10% Priest 37192/40911 NO 64000/55000
Darius 93667 12273 10% 107167 NO 135000
Denyae 53788 12338 10% 67360 YES 125000
Dexter 96658 12228 10% 110109 YES, Priest 75000/110000
Henkles 98300 12273 10% 111800 NO 125000
Maanamere 66413 12273 - 78686 YES 150000
Staric 43936 8234 10% 52993 NO 70000
Steve 94763 11189 - 105952 NO 110000
Tristan 69194 12273 10% 105952 YES, Wizard 55000/60000

Trolls, the Prawn Shredder and Guard Duty:

That brought the party to the following state:

Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Ag 62874 10383 - 73257 YES 110000
Brogan 37192/40911 7825 10% Priest 41105/45215 NO 64000/55000
Darius 107167 10663 10% 118896 NO 135000
Denyae 67360 10608 10% 79029 NO 125000
Dexter 110109 6544 10% 117307 NO 75000/110000
Henkles 111800 10153 10% 122968 NO 125000
Maanamere 78686 9871 - 88557 NO 150000
Staric 52993 2150 10% 55358 NO 70000
Steve 105952 9978 - 115930 YES 160000
Tristan 105952 6382 10% 89714 NO 55000/60000

Mining in the Ice Peak: On the morning of Kythorn 8th 1370, the party was both on the ship and out of sight of any enemies, so the following experience was awarded:

That brought the party to the following state:

Character Old XP New Points Bonus New XP New Lvl? Next Level
Ag 73257 1902 - 75159 NO 110000
Brogan 41105/45215 4883 10% Priest 43546/47901 NO 64000/55000
Darius 118896 5750 10% 125221 NO 135000
Denyae 79029 2978 10% 82305 NO 125000
Dexter 117307 5100 10% 122917 NO 75000/110000
Henkles 122968 2091 10% 125268 YES 250000
Maanamere 88557 3535 - 92092 NO 150000
Staric 55358 791 10% 56228 NO 70000
Steve 115930 2769 - 118699 NO 160000
Tristan 89714 5100 10% 95324 NO 55000/60000

Not yet awarded:The following things have happened, and technically some may have been awarded, but they haven't been totaled up yet.

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